"Democracy" in Blair's Britain 2003
FreeSpeechAdvocate | 19.04.2003 11:07
Merseyside and Guildford have this week been the victims of undemocratic behaviour during the municipal council elections with echoes of Mugabe's own style of "democracy".
BNP branches in Merseyside and Guildford have this week been the victims of undemocratic behaviour during the municipal council elections with echoes of Mugabe's own style of "democracy". Both BNP branches were exercising their legal right to hire, for a fee, council owned property for the purposes of holding an election meeting. That is, a meeting where the candidate standing on behalf of the British National Party would meet the local electorate and discuss issues of local concern and explain why the British National Party deserved the electorate's support on Polling Day. Such a long established rule is being used by the Old Gang parties and the myriad Marxist grouplets who are contending May's elections across the country. However when the only patriotic party which speaks up for the overwhelming majority of people in Britain, requests use of council owned property, it meets numerous obstacles deliberating placed before us, in an attempt to deny our democratic right of assembly and our democratic right of speech.
Both Merseyside and Guildford authorities pulled the plug on BNP election meetings at the last minute as a response to threats by members of the TUC and the so-called Anti-"Nazi" League to carry out violence against members of the public arriving at the meetings.
Regrettably we cannot report too much here because both authorities are now the subject of legal action undertaken by the BNP using Election legislation. In short, the threat of violence and damage to council owned property, carried out by members and supporters of the ANL and local Trades Unions was enough to scare the local councils into canceling their previously established contracts with the BNP. During election campaigns, such action is illegal and the BNP intends to uphold its rights of assembly and free speech and legal action is now underway. Just as the brutal Zimbabwean dictator, Mugabe, denies democratic right of assembly and free campaigning by members of opposition parties, slowly we see the slide into an autocratic abyss of the hard won universal franchise our forefathers made so many sacrifices to bring about.
On May 1st each of us can "make a difference"!
Use your votes wisely!
BNP branches in Merseyside and Guildford have this week been the victims of undemocratic behaviour during the municipal council elections with echoes of Mugabe's own style of "democracy". Both BNP branches were exercising their legal right to hire, for a fee, council owned property for the purposes of holding an election meeting. That is, a meeting where the candidate standing on behalf of the British National Party would meet the local electorate and discuss issues of local concern and explain why the British National Party deserved the electorate's support on Polling Day. Such a long established rule is being used by the Old Gang parties and the myriad Marxist grouplets who are contending May's elections across the country. However when the only patriotic party which speaks up for the overwhelming majority of people in Britain, requests use of council owned property, it meets numerous obstacles deliberating placed before us, in an attempt to deny our democratic right of assembly and our democratic right of speech.
Both Merseyside and Guildford authorities pulled the plug on BNP election meetings at the last minute as a response to threats by members of the TUC and the so-called Anti-"Nazi" League to carry out violence against members of the public arriving at the meetings.
Regrettably we cannot report too much here because both authorities are now the subject of legal action undertaken by the BNP using Election legislation. In short, the threat of violence and damage to council owned property, carried out by members and supporters of the ANL and local Trades Unions was enough to scare the local councils into canceling their previously established contracts with the BNP. During election campaigns, such action is illegal and the BNP intends to uphold its rights of assembly and free speech and legal action is now underway. Just as the brutal Zimbabwean dictator, Mugabe, denies democratic right of assembly and free campaigning by members of opposition parties, slowly we see the slide into an autocratic abyss of the hard won universal franchise our forefathers made so many sacrifices to bring about.
On May 1st each of us can "make a difference"!
Use your votes wisely!
Hide the following 8 comments
I can just about accept
19.04.2003 11:17
Tough shit ... for those who talk shit.
Build your own platform - you will be ridiculed, humiliated in argument and destroyed in character when you attempt to appropriate prebuilt platforms that are not your own.
Go on, make my day - attempt to make political dialogue here ... could do with the sport on a quite sat. morning.
who's platform
19.04.2003 12:28
To/ free speech advocate
19.04.2003 13:01
19.04.2003 13:47
I extend support for your invitation to our BNP brother/sister to start a political dialogue. I am not always available to participate in such a dialogue but nevertheless very interested.
But I want to point out as an extension of another dialogue we might have started elsewhere, that your view in the same post as such
> there is no legal or moral case for such facilities to be made avialable for your lot.
Towards our BNP brother/sister is contradictory to your invitaion for a dialogue as above.
Or am I reading it all wrong?
Anyhow the point I like to make is this...
Among the people of this cursed island there is this tendency of hiding their truthful representatives ie, the ones who boldly speak out the true real feelings either through stupidity or not.
Instead the ones who 'spin' globally marketable views are prevalent and is not representative of the real people.
That is why especially during the time of a racist aggressive war there are special measures being taken to curtail the freedom of speech for BNP members.
To IMC-UK censor: Please do not censor BNP posts. The more of them posting here the true representative feelings of the British identity will be available for humans to argue against or even learn from.
Best Wishes
No contradiction
19.04.2003 16:24
The offer of dialogue I placed was more out of the same hope that you expressed - that by exposing their pathetic arguments to instant & (effectively) universal reply they would be made to realise that they dare not make the attempt again!
Strength of Conviction
20.04.2003 20:49
It is also a forum for discussion where anyone and everyone can add content and participate.
By denying opposition views a place in the discussions how on earth are we supposed to get anywhere? We'll spend our days bickering between ourselves over who is the most anti war or anti gm or whatever.
We must confront the challenges that face the views of the left and tackle them head on. We can not shy away from the challenge of opposing views. By ignoring the issues the bnp and the like use to further there cause we are giving them free reign to continue to grow.
I urge everyone to listen to any bnp posts, confront them, offer an alternative solution and then trash them to your hearts content.
We will never grow by ignoring the opposition.
No platform for facists
21.04.2003 09:00
Idiots. IMC is a newswire- not a forum for facist sympathisers.
Ram- if you think that the BNP are 'posting here the true representative feelings of the British identity' you have your head firmly up your arse.
No Pasaran!
simple facts
21.04.2003 19:21
First no one can stick theri head up their arse!
Please keep all these 'ism' like liberalism out if you can. I do not know what the fuck that is and do not want to know.
Yes I agree that this is a newswire and I was sure the articles that looked like BNP poset were news about some local council pig bickering and was news! unlike many other shit I see getting posted.
Be fair when you make judgements. News , free news is what this newswire should strive for if it is not there yet.
As for me hanging out with the BNP i is for me to decide if they convince me, is it not.?