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Smoking Gun? More Evidence 9/11 was an Inside Job!

STOP NYC Inc. | 19.04.2003 02:03

We've seen the pictures of Donald Rumsfeld shaking the hand of Saddam Hussein!

Now take a look at a 1980 picture of Jimmy Carter's national security advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski shaking the hand of Osama bin Laden!:

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Correct URL

19.04.2003 02:11

Correct URL:

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HMMM-worked from the first site!

19.04.2003 02:29

Link won't work-so, go to link on original article, then to link:"anti-american" and to "Are Americans Stupid?" and scroll(way!) down to"photo(oddly enough never shown in America) of Zbiginiew Brzezinski with none other than Osama bin Laden.



Stupid american NYC

19.04.2003 14:30

Stupid american NYC
Stupid american NYC

Does not know how to spell


the images are at

I might as well upload one here I suppose.


the other image..

19.04.2003 14:33

the other image..
the other image..

is uploaded here...
why does this never appear immediately?


You are Right ram

19.04.2003 16:20

Sorry for the typo, I was in a hurry. Thanks for posting the pics.


really osama?

19.04.2003 17:56

How do you know thats Osama? There are so many now anyway, the one in the video, the real one, the one of the audio tape that was 95% proven fake, etc.

Osama has denied any involvement in the attacks, no conclusive evidence has been given, many of the people supposedly hijackers are still alive/were already dead, and yet the media still all goes on about how it was obviously him.

They were doing this from day one even before they claimed there was evidence. I think they all shouted arab with the Oklahoma bombing as well until they convicted the white supremecist guy.

If you ever say any of this you sound like a conspiracy nut, especially if you say the US themselves did it. There are many things that could've happened, and we still don't really know. It could have been Osama, it could've been an autonomous cell of Islamic terrorists, it could have been anyone. A training exercise to see whether a plane could crash into a building was supposedly sheduled for that day as well, perhaps they thought it was just a practice and totally fucked up, but don't want to admit that. I don't think it really matters that much who did it, its how its being used that really matters.


I see nussing

19.04.2003 18:11

no linky work and no see fuck nuvving !
wot you fink I am an fuckin iriot or sumting ?

wots diz ram geezer want it's not the rutting season yet

sgt schultz