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AOL, the Axis Of Likud

Red Ted | 18.04.2003 17:53

Why I left the corporate muthafuckas AOL, this being a true story for the benefit of all humankind...

On Wednesday afternoon, I left America Online – better known to me now as the Axis Of Likud – after about 18 months of fully unfaithful service. Their homepage, news facilities, additional features and crappy chat-rooms had always been a pile of cack, the tabloid construction and phraseology of it all upsetting my acquired delicate bourgeois sensibilities; and of course like all good little radicals I know full well that big business = bad stuff. The immensity of the AOL-Time-Warner conglomerate has been irritating the back of my brain for quite some time now, but what really got me going for the final time was their rabid pro-war stance and their rather crass level of anti-arab prejudice and hysteria-building.

Before I go into this further, however, I suppose I ought to explain how I came to be there in the first place. My initial excuse is that at the time, I happened to have an AOL CD and no other, and that – having no credit card as such – hardly anybody else would accept my kind of a low-rent debit card. After that, as Thelma says, I just let it slide. A couple of months before I cashed in my chips with them, I happened upon a supposed ‘readers-own-true-story’ type article, which supposedly written by an ex-copper from the English north, and detailed his own mainstream-media fed experiences of the great (coal) strike of 1984/5. After listing the usual Express/Mail/Telegraph propaganda about restraint under provocation, drunken hooliganism and Arthur Scargill getting himself beaten up by overworked and overstressed policemen just to get a bit of media attention, he ended with the classic rejoinder: “but of course, we face a much greater danger today…” Meaning of course, anthrax factories in the old carpet storeroom rented out to an asylum-seeking Pakistani family above the pub on the corner in Crouch End.

The crunch came when I clicked on a link just before the outbreak of the assault on Iraq, asking me “were you on the demo?” Foolishly expecting enthusiastic teenage reminiscences from February 15th, I was somehow put through to a message board exhorting me to “send a message of support to our boys in the Gulf”. Suddenly imbued with a new-found sense of patriotism that had come out of the ether and taken me over, I entitled my message “good luck boys…” and went on, “good luck with Gulf War 2 syndrome and radiation sickness and leukaemia and countless other cancers from DU munitions, bogus inoculations, and probably much worse besides”; or something like that, anyway. Oh yeah, and just for good measure, “you muppets”. A little childish you may think - as I probably do by now – but they really got me mad there. I say maaaad, brother. The next time that I managed to get online (this always takes 8 or 10 attempts with AOL) a couple of hours later, I found that I failed to gain access at the point at which my password was checked. I did start to worry at this point, but I had no choice but to phone customer services – to discover that my password had indeed been scrambled, and that - for expressing a different opinion from the herd - I had been suddenly, and without so much as a warning, excommunicated! Garn. Apologising profusely and expressing some surprise that Jim Henson’s cute felt marionette/puppets were now considered by the general public to be profoundly expletive in character, I was warned by a call centre employee that if this ever happened again I would most certainly be barred from AOL membership for life, before she gave me a new password and then enthusiastically attempted top sell me a year’s subscription to AOL Broadband.

Further light research on the Palestine Solidarity Campaign’s website – – informed me further of AOL’s interests in the land of the chosen few. Apparently, “America On Line (AOL)- Purchased 100% of Ubique Ltd. in Rehovot in 1993 for $14.5m. Purchased Mirabilis for $287m (5/98)”; and it’s by now well-known that Intel Pentium 4 chips are almost exclusively manufactured in either Israel itself, or else in factories that are situated in illegal settlements which are innocuously termed as Israeli “development towns”. So that’s how I came to leave AOL – I now pay for Internet usage with my phone bill, mentioning no names. Clearly you can’t boycott everything unless you want to live under a tree and eat berries, but I can’t think of a better place to start than with AOL.

Red Ted
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Hide the following 4 comments

So AOL is a Zionist plot

18.04.2003 19:26

WHat is Microsoft then?


Wheels within wheels

20.04.2003 19:46

You see, it works like this: if you're a Zionist and powerful, that's evidence that Zionists control the world. And if you're powerful but not a Zionist, that's evidence that Zionists control the world. And if you're a Zionist and not powerful, that's evidence that Zionists are conspired against. And if you're not a Zionist, and not powerful, who cares what you think, cuz you're a bag of dirt. Or some variation on the above.


Nobody said

21.04.2003 12:15

... that zionists control the world.

And neither did this piece suggest that. What it did was outline one persons particular experience with a MAJOR conduit for info. flow and their attempt at censorship.

Now what is so controversial about that?

The issue is the cencorship. Does it really only count as worthy or significant if the offending party isn't in someway supporting israel?

The point is, and my experience of censorship has simialarities holds true to this, that the debate within the world communinity is largely mediated through mediums that are not necessarirly as democratic as their promotional lit. might suggest - not only that but also they are beholden to finacial interests that have no visability in the public mind. When these two overseers decide that particular freedoms are too much, they curtail them. The fact that they do them in favour of israeli facists is no reason to ignore them or belittle the people conveying the infomation to you. Unless there is some evidence pertaining to this issue that has been omitted, to level the same old shit of anti-semitism at the poster is crude, stupid and craven.

mail e-mail:

Our holy dad Abraham!!

21.04.2003 19:40

Please..... do not jump to conclusions so fat.

My post
So AOL is a Zionist plot
by ram 5:26pm Fri Apr 18 '03

WHat is Microsoft then?

Does not have any 'anti-semite !' accusation towards the poster. If it was seen that way sorry.

The point is Microsoft is the biggest fuck by far.
I do not wish to waste time unless you ask for it explaining this and I hope you are knowledgeable about the sorry state of personal computing.

I also implied that Microsoft is a clear white pig plot (to keep it simple for those who might be aquainted with my definition of the 'pig')
and point out that blaminng the Zioinist for the Pentuium processor or AOL (if true?) is misdirected actions at best.
