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Thefts in the National Museum in Baghdad were planned.

Werner | 18.04.2003 17:37

The big thefts in the National Museum in Baghdad were planned. Decent people of the world are shocked.

According to many reports in foreign medias - the (big) thefts in the National museum in Baghdad were planned.

Some of these unique objects should already be offered in Europe and USA for purchase.
The decent world is shocked. The soldiers of Mr Bush indeed protected all objects which have to do with oil but did not protect an object which appertains to the world cultural heritage.

Now, the United Nations wants to limit the damage and the UN wants to request all countries of the world (the US too) that the purchase of these stolen cultural assets in every country is forbidden.



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waste of time on pointless babble

19.04.2003 10:05

What I would like to know, is why people are so sentimental over what ammounts to a load of old crap on display in mueseums... seriously, when compared to humanitarian issues in iraq, this is a pointless story. Who seriously gives a damn if someone steals some old trash to sell it to someone else who is so anally retentive they want to hoard and collect pointles crap.
What should be the concern of the coalition forces and of those that support iraq, is the looting of hospitals, infrastructure, and of peoples homes.

'NEW' world order

The Importance of History

19.04.2003 17:28

The Importance Of History

By Junious Ricardo Stanton

"People who are a-historical, who have little knowledge of history, are people who are more gullible, more easily manipulated and people who can be more easily adapted to the capitalistic machine than people who are historically knowledgeable. History can become a basis for self-criticism, a basis for self- understanding and more importantly, the basis for the understanding of the motives and the psychology of others." Dr. Amos Wilson.

We should not relegate our interest in our history, which in its fullest sense is world history, to only one month of the year. Since most evidence points to the fact that the first humans were Africans, we are the people with the longest, most storied chronicle of existence on this planet.

Studying history provides us with countless examples, lessons, insights and blueprints for self-discovery, self-development and self-actualization. When I advocate studying our history, I am not encouraging the Western pedagogical paradigm where we study isolated dates, facts and happening as if they occurred in a total vacuum unaffected by anything happening elsewhere in the world.

World history is the history of the people of the world. When we study world history we get a better perspective of ourselves our brothers and sisters and our fellow man/woman. Studying the world in a panoramic fashion allows us to compare, analyze what was going on simultaneously within any given time frame. For example using a global paradigm we will see that when human settlements and high culture were being built in Africa, Mesopotamia, India, China and the Pacific Islands, Caucasoid Cro-Magnons had not yet made their appearance in Southern Europe. When black humans in Kemet (ancient Egypt) Canaan and the Indus Valley were flourishing and were well established centers of high culture, Eurasians (Caucasians and Mongoloids) living in the Steppes were struggling just to eke out a meager existence.

I could go on and on but the idea is to look at our existence/experiences, from whom and whence we've come, glean insights, inspiration and use the information as a foundation for our continued development as a people.

Black history is world history given the fact that the first humans were black and brown. African history is wold history given most serious anthropologists and historians readily acknowledge human life emerged and developed in Africa. We have nothing to be ashamed of. We come from profound, proficiently productive people. Our challenge is to replicate and surpass their achievements and forge a better world.

How can we learn about our glorious past given our enemies have chosen to withhold it distort, obfuscate it and take credit for African/black accomplishments? With access to the latest technology, libraries and the works of dedicated scholars and researchers there is a wealth of data, information and material at our disposal. We have to realize that an informed, self-loving conscious and aware people are the last things our enemies want to deal with. That is why they have stepped up their counter assaults on the African centered/consciousness movement. Their claim the Afrocentric movement is merely an exercise in unscholarly "feel good" pablum is comical.

What is white supremacy then? Even if research by scholars like George G.M. James, Dr. Chancellor Williams, Dr John Henrik Clark, Dr. Cheikh Anta Diop, John S. Mbiti, Ivan Van Sertima or Harold Cruse to name a few, wasn't valid or truthful, and it is, our psyches have been so brutalized and damaged by the lies of white supremacist Eurocentric propaganda we need something of our own to help us feel good about ourselves. History best serves to help us engage in self-criticism, assess our situation and enable us to formulate ways to deal with it. Moreover by studying history we learn, as Dr. Wilson said, how to understand and discern the motives, psychology and methodology of others. Our adversaries have their own agendas. They have seen fit to lie about our history and theirs.

We alone must control ourstory. This is crucial if we are to effectively pass what we've learned from our history/experiences to future generations. History is much more than isolated dates and facts. History allows us to see trends, proclivities, patterns, habits, causes and effects. Once we discern these trends/patterns it is easier to predict future behavior. History helps us appreciate the experiences, struggles and accomplishments of our ancestors.

Studying history is the one endeavor that will prevent us from repeating the same mistakes generation after generation. History is a confidence builder, a dependable teacher and guide if we use it aright. George Santayana once said succinctly, "those who fail to learn the lessons of history are doomed to repeat them." (Posted 2-7-00)

(Originally published in Black World Today)


What is white supremacy then?

20.04.2003 14:02

> What is white supremacy then?

and the answer for it is so muted in the artciel.

White supremacy is not just maniulating historical facts and feelign superior it is much more than that.

When someone says 'white pigs!' and it hurts you or even pisses you off you are a white supremacist inside.

White pigs is just two words.
Why should you think that you are supeiror to pigs?
(hence imply that pigs are inferior too! )
Why should not someone point out that you are white?
(and that most of the global problems are white creations and sustained by their collective thuggery)

White superiority is a very planned out movement originating in the 1500s A.D and is a big success in the thinking of the plotters. Their ideas overtook even their greatest expectations as they were living among a very ignorant white mass. It is existent among mostly among about 500 million humans in a brain-washed form. The active propagators (mostly desendents of the original plotters and few conscripts along the way) cannot sometimes believe their luck of luxury and will do anything to protect it.



20.04.2003 18:28

The World stood by and let the illegal war start. There was no Oil blockade, and no anti coalition boycotts to stop them in their tracks.

So when the well organised professionals with trucks and guns the coalition blind eyes had taken their chosen pieces, we wrecked the Worlds' heritage.