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African Anarchism - The History of a Movement

stinkbomb | 18.04.2003 15:46

A little something for those who think anarchism is a purely white european movement. Eat your words and enjoy.

African Anarchism: The History of a Movement
by Sam Mbah & I.E. Igariwey
Preface by Chaz Bufe. -- Tucson, Ariz. : See Sharp Press, 2001.

1. What Is Anarchism?

definitions; attitudes toward capitalism, the state, religion, and other hierarchical institutions; positive aspects—voluntary cooperation, mutual aid, decentralization, horizontal organization, individual autonomy; what anarchism is not (chaos, terrorism); origins of anarchosyndicalism

2. Anarchism in History

Marx and Bakunin; the First International; disagreement over the role of the state; relationship to syndicalism and guild socialism

3. Anarchistic Precedents in Africa

anarchic elements in African traditional societies; African communalism; political organization under communalism; administration of justice; traditional religions; age grades; secret societies; eonomic aspects; work specialization, trade, and the breakdown of communalism; stateless societies in Africa; the Igbo; the Niger Delta peoples; the Tallensi; colonialism and the incorporation of Africa into the world capitalist economy; economic aspects of colonialism; the colonial educational system; class formation in post-colonial Africa; function of different classes in post-colonial economies; African socialism; is there an African anarchism?; anarchistic elements in African socialism—Julius Nyerere and Ujamaa; anarchist groups in South Africa and Nigeria

4. The Development of Socialism in Africa

class formation under colonialism; cooptation of local leaders; the trade union movement and the liberation struggle in Africa; the Nigerian labor union movement; lack of revolutionary perspective in Nigerian labor unions; the South African labor movement; foundation of Communist Party in South Africa; the revolution” in Guinea; Sekou Toure and the Democratic Party of Guinea; the Awareness League in Nigeria

5. The Failure of Socialism in Africa

ideology and economic development; failure of Guinean “revolution”; lessons from Guinean failure; Tanzania, Julius Nyerere and Ujamaa socialism; reasons for failure of Ujamaa socialism; additional failures of “African socialism”— Ethiopia, Burkina Faso; state capitalism and instability; one-party ideologies and depoliticization; military interventions and their effects; political corruption and social instability—case studies of Ghana and Nigeria; the IMF’s structural adjustment programs (SAPs), electoralism, and Africa’s future; economic and social effects of SAPs; constitutional conventions; the human rights question; repression in Nigeria, Libya, Ghana, and Zimbabwe.

6. Obstacles to the Development of Anarchism in Africa

colonial education and its aftermath; the Western-style legal system; the military; ethnic versus class consciousness; religious and cultural factors; the need for international solidarity

7. Anarchism’s Future in Africa

anarchism in a world context; the crises of capitalism and marxist “socialism”; Africa’s dire economic situation; anarchism and the national question; anarchism—the only way out for Africa.

The full text is available online here:



Hide the following 11 comments

This link works

18.04.2003 15:56

oops - this is the correct link for the full text of: African Anarchism - The History of a Movement

Also check out the Anarchist People of Colour website:


- Homepage:

Eating words

18.04.2003 16:47

The preface opens like this...

"This first-of-its-kind book should be of use to everyone with an interest in either Africa or anarchism"

The forward gives it away like this
"This first-of-its-kind book should be of use to everyone with an interest in either Africa or anarchism"

Chapter 01 opens like this
"Anarchism as a social philosophy, theory of social organization, and social movement is remote to Africa—indeed, almost unknown. It is underdeveloped in Africa as a systematic body of thought, and largely unknown as a revolutionary movement."

Get it? Almost unknown!!!

But it does immediately afterwards proclaims
" Be that as it may, anarchism as a way of life is not at all new to Africa, as we shall see. The continent’s earliest contact with European anarchist thought probably did not take place before the second half of the 20th century, with the single exception of South Africa. It is, therefore, to Western thinkers that we must turn for an elucidation of anarchism."

I will read it and eat my words if it prooves to me that anarchism is not a white (in the authors' view 'western'!) phenomenon.
Soory I cannot read any faster. Teh FAQ has nothing concrete.
The question is is anarchy practicable for poorer parts of the planet (OK I am changing a but here...without change/reform as it has been for so long in the white domain)

Even if it is not convincing still africa is not the world so I could write books for Middle East, South Asia, South East Asia, Far east, Oceania, Native americas... and make some money here..



18.04.2003 16:56

The preface opens like this not like that
"Though not abundant anywhere, anarchist literature is especially scarce in Africa. This fact, in part, explains why anarchist ideas are not spreading as fast as they should in Africa and elsewhere, in spite of the crisis of state socialism."

Again note the words...anarchist *ideas* are not spreading as fast as they should!

Are they being experienced as ways of life? No.
Looting will come in the middle.

What I propose is the people who propagate these white/western ideas to think about the social origins of where they are from and learn from the social experiences of the places where *variations* of such an idea will be successful and make it sustainable globally.



18.04.2003 17:47

ram, I still don't really understand you. Are you saying that things like anarchism are not applicable to Africa etc? Maybe so, but in the sense that they are poor societies etc, not due to a cultural difference. i don't see any reason why Anarchism would not work in China or Japan or South Korea or any of the Tiger states.


Happy reading

18.04.2003 18:01

Happy reading ram. Your contention here
was about an over emphasis on whiteness and anarchism. The authors of the book are black/people of colour and anarchists.

The Anarchist People of Colour site
is something you should visit too.

Hope you find it helpful.



Thanks for a good link

18.04.2003 18:40

The author(s) definitely points out the unique feature of Africa the recently extinct but easily revivable (infact being forced to that due to economic catastophe) "African communalism".

Chapetr 06 is well worth reading for any die hard anarchist who really want to implement ideas into reality


As for hj's question.. Let me share few observations.
I am waking upto the ideas of anarchism.
I hate all these many different catergorisations of various "...isms' and I suspect most other humans also share similar views.

It is good to be straight instead of mincing words.

I clearly see that the *global* poverty divide is along the lines of whites and non whites.

Some call this north and south ...that is mincing.
Some call it industrialised and developing ....bullshit!

As for Africa the authors of the book suggest that Africa is the best candidate for practising what is preached as 'anarchsim'. They are convincing as they give social reasons.

So I do eat some of my words but hey I reguritate new words.

Anarchism is not suitable for the west unless they change their bloody selfish soceity.
Communalism (hey idiots take note...this is not communism!) has to take hold. ie, a lot of changes are needs or we will remain mere talkshops.


Emphasis on truth

18.04.2003 19:14

I just updated the emphasis on whiteness that is badly needed in the above link.



18.04.2003 22:09

ram, I've been talking to you in the anarchy in iraq article. I don't really see what you're trying to say, and you are accusing me of all sorts of things. I'm not really trying to accuse you of anything, I just don't really understand what you're saying as it just seems like rants. I agree that theres a lot of ingrown racism in Western culture, the shock and outrage when something that happens constantly to others happens to use for once, etc. Can you link me some articles or something that maybe explain what you're saying?



18.04.2003 23:42

hj I have been communicating with Stinkbomb too here.

But since you ask for links let me first point this out first.

Most of the planet shares views similar to mine. I have first hand accounts of this.

what you must realise is that most people who voice such views are scared to voice them clearly in the west. Reason: the very racsist nature of the west scares them.
That leaves you with poorer nations where publication mechanisms are very limited. But many Asian, African and Chinese publications are now appearing online. Just look around and you will get there. Another source is newsgroups.
Look under soc.culture.* and alt.culture.* if you want to look for racism related issues. Otherwise you will generally note racism as the defining factore in economical to technological imbalance in many places.

Further I do not for once thingk that Islamic extremism is necessariyl bad (as you voiced somewhere along the line) need to have an open mind to understand what others are saying. Same goes in the case of dog eating North Koreans I suppose.

So in an attempt to keep it neutral and mutually authoratative let me point you to few international links.

114 countries make up the non aligned movement... almost non white...

People are led to think that the UN is a white dominated talkshop ...true when it comes to money related matters. But almost every UN site has a hidden backend to understand International issues. Yes it si crumbling but some things like the UNESCO are treasures.

Then there are the big global consensus like this one

(I have advertised this before only to be removed by the IMC-UK censor I do not understand why?!) that have been shot down by the pigs. Please read the document dated 8 Sept 2001.

Best wishes


Anarchism is a Social Movement

19.04.2003 23:31

The whole point about anarchism is that it is a social movement, which builds on the natural spirit of co-operation and mutual aid that exist in all societies. In Africa just as in other continents society works through the co-operation between people, and in spite of the authoritarian institutions which are imposed by force by the political "gangs" that want to control resources for their own benefit. It doesn't really matter where people who articulate anarchist ideas come from, what matters is reinforcing the exsiting anarchist tendencies in every day life.


Racism Martyn Racism

20.04.2003 16:53

Martyn total respect to what you have written.

But did you stp here from adding on few words that will clarify a lot more.

> and in spite of the authoritarian institutions which are imposed by force by the political "gangs" ...

Really political gangs with no organisation and no beneficiaries?

From the Agno-American mining group to Carlyle group these gangs (that actively spoil existing communal systems elsewhere) are western white organisations.(I hae been using the term white pig to mean the same thing)
The beneficiaries are the whole of the west including the anarchists organisations that exist with minimal *natural* anarchist tendencies.

The point is that there is a clear white and non-white divide that the anarchist or any movement should
* recognise
* bridge sensibly

What is sad is to see the anarchist movements falling down traps like anti-Zionism and amany other 'isms'
