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Space Cadet- British troops under the influence

undercurrents | 18.04.2003 09:46

Evolving Minds will be premiered at BRIGHTON CINEMATEQUE, 9-12 Middle Street at 7pm Saturday April 26th

Press release
April 2003

Melissa Gunasena 01273 819291

Space Cadet- British troops under the influence

British army troops under the influence of mind altering drugs is just one of the highlights of a new video documentary to be premiered in Brighton later this month.

Evolving Minds will be released in response to the lack of easily available information on the relationship between psychosis and spirituality. The ground-breaking video explores the growing alternatives to psychiatric treatment of mental health.

Produced by Undercurrents , an award winning media group, Its Director Melissa Gunasena from Brighton stated,

‘Throughout history humans have always sought to explore, alter and make sense of reality. I decided to make Evolving Minds following my own experiences as an involuntary psychiatric patient. After suffering the trauma of inhumane treatment whilst in hospital and the unwelcome effects of strong medication, I firmly believe that psychiatric treatment does not solve the problem, it merely suppresses and postpones it.”

Evolving Minds broadens the cultural barriers to reveal that schizophrenia, mania and psychosis have been accepted by many cultures and traditions as gateways to the spirit world. People with these experiences have been valued as contributing positively to the society's well being.

Evolving Minds also explains how chemical imbalances in the brain can be successfully
readjusted by eating a combination of everyday foods.

Director, Melissa Gunasena continued to say,
“In making the film I was able to not only research methods of coping with psychosis that could work for me, but to also share that information with others. I have been extremely empowered through the production of this video. Instead of feeling like a victim of the psychiatric services I feel that I have created something positive to offer the world.”

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Undercurrents producer, Paul O’ Connor concluded,
“ By screening images of the British army experimenting with LSD, we can reveal that all cultures have an intention of exploring other realities. Evolving Minds presents a platform for the people who have received the harshest treatment in Britain’s mental health system and offers a better way forward.”

Notes to Editors-
Evolving Minds will be premiered at BRIGHTON CINEMATEQUE, 9-12 Middle Street at 7pm Saturday April 26th

Evolving Minds will then tour Britain, including a screening at Glastonbury music festival.

Undercurrents can be contacted on 01865 203661 or 07973 298359



Hide the following 7 comments

Cheap propaganda?

18.04.2003 11:20

Look here.

This is the second time you have posted this here.

The way you are promoting a 'cause' as your website leads me to believe (the cause being 'activist video empowerment...') and the way you advertise a screening do not tally in my opinion.

This is war time.
Soldiers are in the spotlight.
You come across as exploiting this focus on war by going on about Space cadets.

IS the screening about 'broadening the cutural barriers ....and the spirit world' or another fundraising among dirty money scam because you cannot get a job and value a job so badly.

This is very worrying if you are actively building up links among all those 'Alternative Media' networks with this kind of cheap tactics.

Fuck the army and space cadets!

IF I confuse you please read my earlier comment here...



18.04.2003 16:31

Can evolving minds,give some information about whether this is a profit making company, or is this a video similiar to one I saw about epilepsy a few years ago. I was invited by a frind, only to find the place had T.V. people there, the video I found disappointing as it was nothing new a very stereotypical outlook, regardless of the fact this was made by someone with epilepsy. I came out with thw feeling people involved with the video were looking for some T.V. work, they were congratulated on there techniques in filming, some good effects(new), but I came out with a bad taste in my mouth.


Undercurrents is non profit

19.04.2003 10:11

In response to RAM- The reason this was published twice is that the indymedia site is not working properly(8081 fault). And a screening of news not seen on the news is news in our opinion

Undercurrents is a registered non profit organisation and always has been.

no idea on the epilpsy video..nothing to do with us


free media

19.04.2003 20:16

Space Cadet- British troops on LSD
by undercurrents 8:45am Thu Apr 17 '03


Space Cadet- British troops under the influence
by undercurrents 7:46am Fri Apr 18 '03

seem to be more than 24 hours apart.

I am not policing this website but want to point out that it is worth you check that what you have posted has appeared.

Anyhow I personally think this is not newsworthy (especially at the current shit time) since you voice your opinion on newsworthiness.

My point was and is the accusation/question of 'Cheap propaganda?'

By resorting to these tactics you are insulting 'cultures' that seek to expand their conciousness. Also you might be undermining free media corner which should be independent of the pig swill tactics normally used by the media.

As for non profit status let me point out that pigmedia like BBC are on the lookout for alternative news sources...there is BBC 3 specifically for this! Your structure of your company is independent of them approaching you.
*If* they do please do me a favour...spit on their pig faces!

Best Wishes


Where did the footage come from

20.04.2003 00:57

Several times I have seen footage of soldiers being used to try out acid, on TV, few years ago, did your footage come from this source. I hope to catch it, I don't believe these experiments showed any value connected to spiritualism, because of the subjects. It reminded me of Shogin?? book phikal, where he's spent most of his life studying mind altering drugs, he made himself in his lab at his house, I believe he stumbled on sisters of the drug now commonly known as E. His voluntary subjects were friends, but they all seemed to come from the same class as himself, call it jealousy on my behalf, but why he didn't meet people from not so wealthy backgrouds was detrimental to his experiments, as again it showed a certain kind of people, people who very much relied on money, status etc, and who also found it very hard to let go.
RAM/ You may feel this is not an important enough issue or has no connection with issues you wished published.
Many people in hospital are there because they cannot adjust to what society regards as normal, a lot of these people, are people who can be freed from humanright abuse
freed from there largactil confused state, and maybe teach people like you who cannot see the connection between the horrific things happening today and people who have been put away because of paranoia etc. People who have not been educated in a way they have the words to declare this paranoia real. And who knows ram maybe you'll reply to an issue they've printed, and sum them up whitepig, if there conciousness could be freed, it will expand and they will come back as the strong individuals they were. Injustices must be fought, you seem to have taken on whats the most, least cause. for fuck sake connect.


Ram- indymedia trainspotter

20.04.2003 11:00

Ram- undercurrents was set up to enable people to make and dstribute their own news just as indymedia has. So why not support groups like us rather than spend your time ranting about double postings? you sound more like a train spotter than a media liberator.

Granted , we used footage of Brit army on LSD as a hook fr Evolvingn minds. How else would you suggest we get people to listen to stories about mental health?

Most of us are closed to experencing alternative realites. Sp if people watch Evolving minds coz they want to see the army giggling, then great! coz they will also hear how people are medicated and locked up against their will for merely hearing voices.They will also hear how to stop it.

so RAM, get off your platform and organise a screening of the video and DO something.




trainspotting full fo shit kensington kid!

21.04.2003 20:13

Yes ...that is what I am now as barnded by few people on IMC-Uk newswire who seem to read it keenly.

Amusing that you want advise from me. Do not know whether you are pulling my leg or for real but I will nevertheless give it a go.

To goto antijen's question about the source of this video clip of pigs on Acid what do you think is going through antijen's mind?
I think antijen is misled to think that you might have a secret source within the pigs to supply you another uncut video of these top secret experiments!

Using wrong hooks (my accusation is a bit more harsh than that -- cheap propaganda?) will not get anyone anywhere.
I welcome the attitue of spreading the news to the ones who do not know anything about the existence of other cultures and and thier quest for other realities.

Why is proganda using the army is wrong?
Becuase that is the exact game the media played to sway the UK and USA population behind brutalisation of Iraq.

Free media has to stand outside this mass brain-washed hooks?
Put it another way ...why not have some pornstar syaign I took acid as your poster?

Do you get it? I am suggesting a complete boycott of the braindead fucks and their methods of deceipt (also their mental health system).
People should be educated not to go to their shrinks more than help them reform once more to stop the tide towrds a complete change.
I am sure you have heard this before. But I am saying it once more as I was astonished to see your 'hook' while doing everything I can to get away from such media.

Why the MoD released the video of soldiers testing LSD is to mislead.
Do nto continue this.
