Looting, arson, destruction that is what anarchy is!
Realist | 16.04.2003 17:03
The looting, arson and mindless destruction going on now in Iraq is what real anarchy would be like! Yet idiots who run this site keep promoting anarchy as the ideal society.
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16.04.2003 17:25
But they won't realise that either, they'll call me racist, but to be honest its whether I'm right or not that matters not whether I'm "racist". I know (and some of them know) the BNP would benefit Britain and white British people more than Socialism or Anarchism, so what they say doesn't matter.
BNP Supporter
I disagree
16.04.2003 17:46
Many say that we'd all kill each other if it wasn't for the police - bollcks. We can organize our own lives and live together as long as we co-operate equally.
BNP tactics are simply to divide us by skin colour, when the real divisions are about how much money you have. Rich white people are not my friends, poor refugees are not my enemies. My enemies are the ones on power who have created this situation.
Anarchy/absence of goverment and law, disorde
16.04.2003 19:59
No you don't get it
17.04.2003 01:02
I'm not going to even bother with 'BNP supporter'. I'd rather send village idiots and bigoted morons away to a far away place than send immigrants home. It's claimed this country is over-populated and our system can't cope. It's because our system is crap, the uneven balance of wealth and power is the catalist for the decay of our society, not people of different race, numpty.
17.04.2003 02:08
Oi BNP supporter
17.04.2003 09:28
Immigration is controlled by skin colour in the white countries. They filter through the ones that bring wealth into the white countries.
I agree that refugees are a problem to the white plans.
So it is illegal immigration you should target not 'immigration' (eg: One could buy british visa that should automatically lead to citizenship for a price ...I think the current rate is about GBP 200,000 --one who does this whether they are white, black, yellow, brown or whatever due to their minority status become engulfed by the white nation and become white in my opinion)
The fact is the legal immigration is a crime as it drains poor parts of the planets more.
Illegal immigration is to be praised and encouraged by true humans.
As for anarchism is it not another white idea? (like communism, Maxism, Nazism, .....)
All the anarchists of the previous century were white.
All the modern kids who have to take pain to point out that they are the anarchist tribes are all white.
But in my opinion modern anarchist ideas and ideals are closer to humanity than any other white idea.
Beg to differ...
17.04.2003 19:01
At least that is the most up-to-date definition and practice.
As seen on TV.
What happens is some gungho yank soldiers come and give the signal for the mass lootings and anarchy to begin and bingo there you are - liberation: the whole of Iraq goes on grateful native mode and help themselves to goodies and rioting.
So looting and all the mayhem is liberation and not anarchy.
Dubya School of Dyslexicaficationous Spiel
A view from a Los Angeles Anarchist of Color
17.04.2003 20:11
At first I adopted the *classical/European* anarchism, but then I realized I could find it in my own culture/background that is even more pertinent to my life than any 19th century European anarchist. We must realize that *classical* anarchism is part of the idea that Europeans hold a grip-hold of what anarchism is, and what it comes from, and what it will be. As anarchists we must move to smash euro-centricism, not in an anti-european fashion, but in a way that realizes we are all important. I for one am striving to remove that grip-hold and make *anarchism* something relevant, and viable for the people around me and myself.
I just wanted to give a big hug to all my comrades out in the U.K. struggling and working, and remember that this whole thing is global!
hasta luego,
Here's one I prepared earlier...
17.04.2003 22:06
very subject:
As may be expected, it argues that has happened in
Iraq has little to do with anarchy as the preconditions
for creating anarchy did not exist. Instead of a working
class movement which uses revolution to get rid of the
state and capitalism, the state has been destroyed for
the Iraqi people and so, being used to statism and
capitalism, chaos has resulted.
I was wrong
18.04.2003 15:41
> All the modern kids who have to take pain to point out that they are the anarchist tribes are all white.
Someone protested that he was Mexican. Believing he/she is not a white Mexican I would like to apologise the stress I caused to all non white anarchists.
I would like to modify the offendign sentence like this now...
" All the modern kids who have to take pain to point out that they are the anarchist tribes are predominanlty white with very few misplaced lost nonwhites who by their fate happen to be living in white cities"
Hope everyone is happy except the pigs.