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Hackney and Manchester IMC page hyperlinks not clear enough!

Billy | 16.04.2003 12:19

Hyperlinks not clear enough!

The "visited" dark red hyperlinks to the Hackney and Manchester IMC pages, on the main UK IMC page, are difficult to read. Could they be made brighter? Once you have clicked on these links, they change to a dark colour that makes them difficult to read or notice.



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the sighted

16.04.2003 15:09

On a couple of occasions I have written to progressive sites about colours, and my not being able to read them. There is one particular site, those line I like but whose content I can't read. I have written to them to no effect. IMC with their light on dark are difficult to read. However most of these sites are maintained by young people and in fact they don't give a shit about forming alliances with people who can't see as well as themselves. I'm past being polemical. So I give them the benefit of the doubt. Disabled people get in the way and won't survive the Revolution any way so fuck them. They just slow progress down. If I had any honour at all I would go for a walk with the bears.

ignored and waiting for death.

Ol' Red


16.04.2003 16:10

the site is being re-designed at present... It's been taking a helluva long time cos all the (volunteer) IMCistas are very overworked.

It should be finished soon though, and should be easier to read.

In the meantime though you can change the size of the fonts you view on IMC by clicking "View, Text size" and then choosing a larger size.

Also selecting text or pressing "Ctrl" and "A" simultaneously may make certain bits easier to read.

Sorry again - IMC doesn't ignore input, it just takes a long time to react.

George's Bush