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Liverpool - Smash the BNP

sb. | 15.04.2003 17:45 | Liverpool

The fascist BNP are holding a public meeting in Liverpool tomorrow, Wednesday 16th April at Anfield Community Comprehensive School, Priory Road, Liverpool 4. A protest has been organised at the school for 5.30 pm.


The fascist BNP are holding a public meeting in Liverpool tomorrow, Wednesday 16th April at Anfield Community Comprehensive School ( see link below for map ). A protest has been organised at the school for 5.30 pm.

Present at the meeting will be their tinpot fuhrer Nick Griffin, and their Anfield candidate Joey Owens. Typical of the fascists, Owens is a convicted racist who mailed razorblades to local Jewish families, was jailed for carrying CS gas and knuckle dusters, and only escaped a life sentence for a gangland murder in 1998 because the key witness suddenly decided to no longer present evidence.

Demands for the meeting to be stopped are growing, but it's likely it will go ahead.

It's time to make the fascists aware that they're not welcome in our communities.

Get along to the protest at 5.30 pm and show the BNP what they can do with meetings and their fascist politics.

Map of school:,&addr2=Priory+Road&addr3=Liverpool&pc=L4++2SL&client=public&gride=336647&gridn=393463&scale=10000



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Ask the local councillors...

15.04.2003 18:25

Ask the local councillors what they intend to do to stop this meeting of the fascists:

Councillor Kiron Read
Telephone: 0151 227 1858

Councillor Jeremy Chowings
Telephone: 0151 733 0579


Read is on side

15.04.2003 20:39

Kiron Read is at least saying he's doing something about it. He spoke last Friday to an anti-BNP meeting at the Guild of Students saying how he'd been invited to their public meeting but was encouraging the picket of it - he may even turn up.

Remember, however much we might not like it, the Lib Dems have to be the ones we're trying to get elected in Anfield (and most of the other wards) and it's in their own interests to work with us - no point in pissing them off.

Ben S

Ben S
mail e-mail:

Missing the point

15.04.2003 21:48


Read may turn up, and if he does it will be to publicise himself.

Reading between the lines the fascists will be allowed to try to hold a public meeting in a local school. What kind of message does this send out to the local community? By allowing this meeting of fascists to go ahead within the grounds of a community focal point like Anfield Comp the local councillors, and the Council as a whole, are letting down the community. That's no surprise to many of us who have seen local councillors come and go. The only way to smash the BNP is to meet them head on, and teach them a lesson they wont forget in a hurry. There's no welcome for these fascists in our communities.


Contact details for Anfield School

15.04.2003 22:25

For more specific areas the following staff have key responsibilities:

Curriculum Mr. K. Tudor (Deputy Headteacher)
Pastoral (Student Welfare) Mrs. H. McGibbon (Deputy Headteacher)
Examination Entries Mr. A. Shufflebotham (Senior Teacher)
Careers Guidance, Work Experience and Compact Mr. A Mullock
Special Educational Needs Mrs. R. Owen
Primary Liaison Miss R. Babb
Community Issues Mrs. G. Snape
Publicity Mr. T. Smith

In all cases you can contact the staff member concerned by phoning the school on (0151) 260 4044. Please bear in mind that many of these staff members have teaching responsibilities and may not be able to take your call immediately.


Bring back transportation for Nazis?

16.04.2003 00:28

Personally, I think we should bring back the old punishment of transportation for incorrible racists and fascists. Put them all on a slow boat to some distant, uninhabited island somewhere where hopefully they will scapegoat each other and kill themselves off--thus ridding the world of a thoroughly unpleasant menace to society.

Then we would have more room for for asylum seekers--not that we need it. We have thousands of square miles of barely inhabited territory in places like Scotland (only 5 million people living there), rural Wales and the English sticks. I am not suggesting that immigrants or asylum seekers should be made to live in these places. I mention it only to show that we are not an overcrowded island. 150 years ago, Karl Marx highlighted the absurdity of cramming people into overcrowded cities. He talked about the need to rethink the population balance between town and country long before the modern environmentalists even thought about it.

Did you know that more people leave the UK each year than come in?

Imagine what would happen if every British Asian person were to leave the UK tomorrow. There would be millions of white, anglo-saxon, women and men crying into their beer because the superb Indian cuisine, that we all currently take for granted, would disappear overnight. I like traditional English food, like fish and chips, as much as anyone else. And we all know that the finest fish and chips come from Yorkshire. Yyou can't beat Harry Ramsdens--they have even set up a shop in Manchester (Yorkshire imperialism?). But no one wants to eat fish and chips every day. The immigrant population of Britain enrich our lives, our cuisine and our culture. Long live diversity.

If the British Asian and Afro-Caribbean population left the UK tomorrow, the NHS would collapse through lack of highly trained doctors, pharmacists and nurses.

Ravi Shankar and other and black musicians, like Jerry Lee Lewis, inspired some of our most popular musicians like the late, great George Harrison and John Lennon. All of that rich cultural influence would be lost if the BNP had its way. George Harrison showed his gratitude to Asian people by launching the huge concert for Bangladesh in New York City which then led on to Live Aid and Comic Relief.

The BNP is a bunch of small-minded, parochial little Englanders who are out to cause trouble for the decent, hard working, Asian population of Britain. They pick on the Asians because they are peaceable group of people who mind their own business. It is time for all fair-mided British people to give the BNP the bums rush.


No borders.

16.04.2003 00:35

The BNP are racist scum. BNP don't moan about all the south africans, canadians and australians coming here to work because they are white. BNP scapegoat the most vunerable people who have been through tough works. BNP is ignorant to think that its a few foreigners coming here wrecking the social, its organized rich white bastards screwing the working class brits.
The BNP and all those pissy right-wing groups are nothing but tools of capital, bully boys of the bosses, spreading division and hate.



16.04.2003 04:28

The BNP are just a bunch of small-minded racists who are good at vandalising mosques and attacking women who wear headscarves. Why dont they ask themselves what causes immigration to the UK? Perhaps Britain and the US waging endless wars on the entire middle east has something to do causing refugees? Perhaps its due to Britains horrific colonialist history that has brought people from the West Indies to Britain? Another thing about the BNP are their double standards concerning immigration is they dont mind if the immigrants are white! If Britain is getting flooded with these immigrants, why has the population been the same for the last 10 years? Why dont they mention the fact that Britain takes less refugess then most of the neighbouring European countries?



16.04.2003 12:02


Translate all the BNP to British or UK in every post above.

Bloody racists. Atleast the BNP are straight about it although I would never want to know them too.


But anyway...

16.04.2003 14:34

A little confused here. Is the lovely Ram saying that ALL British people are racists? If so what does that make him?

Reverse racism is still racism. Obvious I know, but you'd be surprised at the number of people who just don't get it.

But anyway, that's not why I'm here. I just wanted everyone to know that the Liverpool Council have responded to anti-racist campaigning and have CANCELLED the BNP meeting! Huzah!

Well done everyone who joined the protest - the rally's still taking place tonight, but my spies at Merseyside TUC tell me it is to be a victory rally instead!

Smash the Fash!


Mad Monk

Since we were there...

16.04.2003 20:03

Yep we turned up, UNISON, NUT, Students Union, SWP, the Lib Dem candidate...

But there was no meeting! Hurray! So instead we went around the ward and delivered 2000 copies of Searchlight...

Ben F