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Ten Iraqis shot dead while resisting democracy

slowstart | 15.04.2003 14:12

MOSUL: "Hospital staff said US troops had fired on the crowd which was becoming increasingly hostile towards the city's new governor, Mashaan al-Juburi, as he was making a pro-US speech".

10 dead, 100 wounded. No looters among them.

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where's the BBC report?

15.04.2003 15:21

Four hours later and the story has not been picked up by the BBC. I don't see it on Google's own newswire either, despite several individual news stations running it. Let's see what happens next.



15.04.2003 20:40

BBC has just broken the news at 21.30 saying the shootings is unclear!!!!

But,the bbc is implying it is a tribal feud! although the pictures looked anti-US

the news is getting more and more outrageous and the lies just keep piling up



15.04.2003 20:46

Yes, I noticed BBC wasn't carrying this. Unless it turns out not to have happened (though ABC would be unlikely to carry it if it hadn't) this seems to confirm the incredible recent shift in the BBC coverage to be very pro-war, ever since Blair and Alistair Campbell has their spat with the BBC on the weekend. We'll see...


Blair, Bush Corporation aka BBC

15.04.2003 22:34

let's not get too surprised by this. Much better to show pix of little Ali being flown to Kuwait, sans arms, sans famille - don't ya love those western values - than the realite of US marines imposing democracy by shooting on the crowd in Mosul, killing plenty.
