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12,500 policemen in Athens for the European P.M meeting

Maria | 15.04.2003 13:01

More than 12,500 policemen from all over Greece will surround the centre of Athens in order to secure Blair and Aznar...

After a last minute and superficial "lifting" Athens is ready to welcome all the european prime ministers in order to celebrate the new E.U member-states.
The capital of Greece has been under last minute's construction works at all the areas that the P.M's will attend (new tar in streets,flowers planted,walls painted,et.c).
So, after securing a civilised and descent image of the city (The ugliest city in Europe)the police announced that all demos will be prohibited.(sounds pretty democratic..). 12,500 policemen will make sure that nobody gets near the the main buildings where the feast will take place.
However,demos will take place at the main square "Syntagma",since greek people desperately want to "boo" on Blair,Aznar and the Portoguese PM.who supported the war.
We'll have to wait and see whether the demos will have any impact.



Display the following 5 comments

  1. The most beautiful city in Europe — an Athenian...
  2. Clashes Mar EU Summit — Akisalgos
  3. Athens IS the ugliest city in Europe — Maria
  4. pros filo Athenian — dust
  5. file dust... — an athenian...