Peacewatch at Fairford and Welford
brenda | 14.04.2003 09:00
The UK's part of this cruel war against some of the poorest people on earth is being prosecuted from USAF Fairford in Gloucestershire and the military base in Welford, Berkshire, just north of Newbury.
People are urgently needed to come and visit the both Peacewatches, for a few hours or to stay overnight. Peacewatchers are completely peaceful and do not climb fences or enter bases nor do they damage property, although under these extreme circumstances, we understand why people might feel that they are obliged to do so.
The G10 Peacewatch at Fairford was established on 2nd March, before this illegal invasion began. Since then Peacewatchers have witnessed B52s take off from not more than 20 yards away more than 90 times, often loaded with JDAMs and cluster bombs.
Fairford Peacewatch is at Gate 10 of USAF Fairford, just yards from the centre of the two mile runway. There is a small camp, with residents including children, one of whom is at a local village school, and a grandmother. It's here, at approx where #83 on the map, the top of the Dunfield Loop.

Gloucestershire and Wiltshire are subject to restrictions under the Terrorism Act, so you can expect to be searched. Please stay respectful and confident to the duty police officers, and complain to your MP at and enter information into the Peacewatch log if you feel you have been treated unfairly.
The Welford Peacewatch is NEW, started in the early hours of 12th April, and URGENTLY needs visitors, helpers, and local peace groups from the area to lend support. It is here, just next to the bridleway past the bridge over the M4, marked in red on the map:

Please bring banners and flags, supplies and more to keep you self sufficient, water in containers, spare tarps, binoculars, camping gas, offers to cook supper, chocolate :o)
We desperately need phone top-up cards for Vodaphone and Tmobile phones. If you can supply these (they come in as little as £5 units from most newsagents) as many of our longer stay Peacewatchers have had to give up jobs to do this or are part time students. If you can't be there yourself, please help people who can. We also need stamps and very much welcome mail.
Contact brenda 07932 628 269 or Nick 07736964653 for more information.
Please send messages of support, phonecards etc to:
Brenda Raine
G10 Peacewatch
Near Dunfield
USAF Fairford
Our website including the Peacewatch log coming as soon as someone wonderful offers to host our domain. If you want to register with me for updates, please mail

shalom, salaam, pace
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Be moved by these Bomb Witnesses
14.04.2003 12:33
The few nights I have done staying awake watching have been cold (loads of sox and jumpers needed) but (in the modern vernacular) so o o o o worth it.
By visiting the camp you can get a real insight into the good cop bad cop, the fury and futility of the bombs and planes, and especially the commitment, courage and friendliness, of the Peace Campers/Bomb Watchers. Available too is the insight you can get into your own personal thoughts and feelings on this complex/clear issue.
At the 12th London March I sold peace ribbons for the Fairford Camp and the best wishes sent to Gate Ten from former Greenham Women and other newer, dare I say younger, genuine well-wishers was overwhelming.
Gate Ten and the new Welford - collect these big bags of best wishes and respect for what you are doing for us.
To other readers of this, I guess it's implicit - go to a Camp if you can.
in peace
Tony Hillier
Visit Faslane Peace Camp
14.04.2003 21:38
tel: 01436 820 901
Also, attend the 'Really Big Blockade' at Faslane on april 22nd. See