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First we loot their oil, then mobs loot the national heritage

Colonus | 13.04.2003 21:19

A pre-planned chaos?

In the Bush tradition of mob money...

First, US soldiers "secure" Iraqi oil rigs, then Bush installs Phillips Petroleum's CEO to take control of Iraq's oil. Phillips is a Du Pont family holding. Next, mobs are allowed to loot the only comprehensive museum collections of the cradle of civilization, billions of dollars worth of gold artwork, ancient tablets, even lyres--musical instruments from a period dating to 3500 B.C. Five soldiers and a tank could have spared it.

Is this a calculated attempt to erase a people's history and replace it with a second-rate corporate kind of tokenism? With all the edible and necessary goods gone, for now, Iraq has been reduced to chaos. Like the Israeli theft of Palestinian property records, is this a Perle kind of design to colonize another people? Who will pay for it?

As the reader may recall, Bush Jr. was quick to join Skull and Bones at Yale, a club founded on organized crime money: cash given by the Russell Co. family--the first major heroin traffickers, a company that joined the British in the Opium War to sell opium into China. Skull and Bones is a cultish (omerta-like) breeding ground for the sons of second and third rate fortunes who integrate criminal enterprises into intelligence and more.

Bush Sr. has long been a shill of the Du Pont-Dulles CIA faction. (See Colby's book Du Pont Dynasty) Remember Dallas, 1963? See Col. Flectcher Prouty's reports on Du Pont-Dulles protege Gen. Ed Lansdale, whom Prouty, and Prouty's ranking Pentagon colleagues recognize as starring in photos of Dealey Plaza during the assassination. Prouty said Lansdale's specialty was assassinations. Prouty spent years in the same offices with Lansdale, hence he knew the man closely.

And the (given offending) Du Ponts' strategy in Iraq? *Certainly not all Du Ponts, certainly not the majority of Du Pont women... Those in the family who supported Nazism more richly than any other US family, and who, in Guatemala alone, probably did worse than Renaissance Italy's Borghia (let alone DuPont profiting in other genocides, i.e. Idonesian--in which Du Ponts were prime), may have simply done what their forebears have always done. Du Ponts arrived in the US as arch-monarchists fleeing the Revolution, middle class Physiocrats used by Louis XVI to watch over the nobles, then Du Pont co. founder E. I. Du Pont sought (mercenary money) Swiss banker loans to set up here. The Biderman family in Switzerland banked mercenary gains of those who trailed French armies into Italy and elsewhere. Like the mercenary tradition from which the Du Pont fortune largely derives, the Du Pont-Bush combination appears to have looted Iraq's oil, first, then simply winked while Iraqis looted their own country.

"We" get the oil, and they have the blood of their own civilization on their hands.



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it's somehow part of the ritual

13.04.2003 21:59

This is smashing up the womb of humanity, and the cradle of the bloodlines, with the lootings of collected clues to what this is all about. Rather like their self-destruct targetting of the WTC and the Pentagon. Like the flight of the Bin Laden family out of the US after 911, the flight of senior Taliban ministers out of Afganistan under US auspices, or the Russian passenger jet given sole clearance to leave Iraq, most likely carrying the puppet Saddam and his entourage, as reported in the Tehran Tines. It's a change, a further control of the energy grid they're after.
There is a way to fight this -orgone level


looting Iraqi heritage

13.04.2003 22:41

A country like the US, with such a short history, cannot comprehend the history of a country like Iraq (well, the region that Iraq inhabits, seeing that the boundaries of Iraq are less than 100 years old). However, archaeological artifacts are worth lots of money - present-day Iraqi looters may seem to be indescriminate, but some will know what they're doing: squirreling away precious ancient objects that will eventually come onto the market to augment private collections (many in the US) which will pay millions of dollars for the privilege. The US could have placed one tank and two guards at the doors of the National Museum in Baghdad and stopped this robbery, but 'their' oil wells were more important. More important than averting looters at hospitals as well - nowhere is the slogan 'No blood for oil' more apt. Never mind making sure that there should be a secure channel for getting medicines, even water, to wounded and dying Iraqis, never mind a tiny deployment of US personnel to protect a site of world heritage - just secure those oil fields. As a former archaeologist, and a present anti-war activist, this makes me sick.

j brady