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Jello Iraqi | 13.04.2003 14:58

With respect to John Yates (he did lots of Dead Kennedys artwork)


Jello Iraqi


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13.04.2003 15:59

As an acting serviceman and fully paid up member of the Conservative Party I think this is NOT FUNNY
My God what are we fighting for. Its one thing to know that we are fighting the good fight with God on our side and another to realize that we are fighting to protect people who act like this. I say put them all up against a wall

Major R Armstrong


13.04.2003 16:42


maybe we should all post these to the site

like it


13.04.2003 17:42

Yes it's a sad sight indeed, and an even sorrier state of affairs. Those who have spoken of vietnam seem to have been discounted now that the active war seems to be coming to a close. But just as in Afghanistan, there now waits a period of months,if not years, with the armed forces acting as police.



13.04.2003 19:47

i think these sorts of posters are very fitting indeed. maybe they will act as a nasty reminder that it isn't only the enemy that dies in war, especially if you are siding with cowboy americans.

Also, to the conservative: lets not forget that the majority of people on this website are against the war, it is people like you that have killed these people by supporting it, not us - if we had managed to stop it in our tracks then these people would still be alive, aswell as thousands in iraq that do not have a choice to go to war. Lets just hope that through direct action we will stop the killing.


no, not funny

14.04.2003 00:11

Of course it is not funny. It is a shame that those who command the armed services send them to kill and die for ?????? Please direct your anger at those who refuse to follow the US constitution which says that only the congress can declare war. Bush and Blair killed this person.

Ruth, american


14.04.2003 00:15

To those who claim that soldiers are killing Iraqis to protect me and my freedom, I say bullshit. No Iraqi has ever threatened my freedom to protest my rotten government. Now Bush and his madmen, they do threaten my freedom in a big way.


to Major Armstrong

14.04.2003 00:36

Major Armstrong

How can you possibly misunderstand us so totally as to imagine that any of us think it is FUNNY ?

Good grief, man, re-examine your opinions about others.


more ironic than funny

14.04.2003 10:22

Yes, lots of ironies - too many to list here. Since UK 'service' people (read: murderers, child-killers, armed vandals) decide to join an organisation devoted to killing, then they deserve to die. The Iraqi army - by and large - did not choose to join a killing club. Net result: UK soldiers choose to die (and deserve to), Iraqi ones (mostly) don't.

If you join the army, you join the enemy of the majority of human kind. There can be no sympathy.


Better a rotten joke than cheers

15.04.2003 07:12

Is'nt a soldier just part of a gun? able to be operated as an unquestioning tool for war. Almost like a machine which requires only fuel and the skill of others for guidance. One day they will be fully automated machines metalmen, doing the killing for us. I'm just ahead of my time, I believe if you give up your right to think then a machine is no longer required and if the machine lays broken and damaged on the battle field then leave it to rot, at least as fertaliser it will do some good.

jon wood

you have just lost........

15.04.2003 12:35

I think your sick, you have taken the freedom that was won on your behalf by the armed forces in ww1 & ww2 and fucked it, your twisted reality of the world, your freedom of speach that was earned in blood by your for-fathers for what? so that you could go on like that? what a waste of time and life, Why don't we just all become Nazis kick out everyone that has a differance of opinon and to hell with it all! we pay people to live here out of our tax money for them to breed hatred and struggle and why? so they can stab us in the back as soon as we are turned!
The world is turning, things are not going to get any better just by leaving everyone alone, they hate us already and they laugh at our freedom of speach, about the views on this web (that are mostly anti-gov, armed forces, everything really) no doubt, everything that makes them united makes us divided, we are weak in their eyes, and we will lose unless things change.
One day some nut will bomb a "peace demo" by some people who would dearly love to see all you "hippie scum" removed from this plannet, further more next time your out on your demo think about how some people may react towards you, if you continue with this kind of attitude the majority will turn against you very fast indeed and then you will be the people in wooden boxs


Your freedom to post your nonsense was protected and still is by British troops

18.07.2004 16:24

Listen hippy who earned your freedom in ww2 the soldiers that's who! You should be ashamed as if it happened again you lot would be conscientious objectors. Oh and remember to have a wash!
