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letter from carlos mum to sub marcos

Riq Quintano | 13.04.2003 12:14

A letter from Carlo Giuliani mum to Sub Marcos....

Letter From Heidi Giuliani

Dear Subcomandante Marcos:

I have had the honor of reading your message for peace in a huge plaza,and in front of thousands of eyes.
I asked those eyes to close for a moment, and to imagine that they were taking someone's hand, anyone's, who was, somewhere in the world,demonstrating, as we were, for peace.
I took your hand and began to read.
Even though it was already quite late, the plaza was very silent and attentive.
Trembling, from the wound which I have been carrying inside for a year and a half, from my age, from the cold, from emotion. But your hand was warm,and so I was able to read everything, even though they interrupted me in order to applaud your words.
I would like to write you about many things.
I would like to tell you about my son, then I think that it is notnecessary, because you live in a country where there are many like Carlo,so many children like mine.
I would like to tell you that in our house there is a large, old (at least 35 year old) poster of Emiliano Zapata and his black mustache against a red background, peeling now.
I would like to explain to you that I, also, have always gathered apple seeds in order to plant them in the earth.
I would like to explain to you that I am very small, and I have always been on the side of the small.
I beg you to give a hug to the sisters and brothers of the Zapatista Army of National Liberation for me.
May the culture of life flourish and win against violence, arrogance,ignorance.

Carlo's mama.

Genoa, February 16, 2003.

Riq Quintano
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