Race relations
ram | 13.04.2003 11:29
IMC-UK censor! Why do you keep censoring important news?
I noticed that there were two posts which looked like publicity for the BNP middle of last night.
Totally independently I posted an article....
I noticed that there were two posts which looked like publicity for the BNP middle of last night.
Totally independently I posted an article....
....on racism being the primary cause of the current pathetic global situation trying to highlight the fact UK is one of the two most racist countries in the world, now.
Your censorship in hiding my post (for the first time I am able to understand this IMC policy of 'hiding' -- what on earth is this?) and the posts quite representative of the BNP's view is despicable.
My original post is here
First I do not think my post as above is the extreme opposite of the BNPs stance athough I did comment on the BNP posts seperately.
My view is what was endorsed by 148 countries on the 8th of Sept 2001 three days before the demoliton of the World Trade Center. (I was wrong in saying that this historic decision was two days prior to 9/11 -- it si three days!).
Further my views were put forward forcefully as it is important we in the west realise the brainnumbness developed amongst most of us towards the real reason behind UK's and USA's current aggression. Only forceful words help to break this lethargy in waking up to the truth in my opinion.
I can see one comment to the effect that white protestors are out there protesting. But this only reinforces my point that the white protestors are largely ineffective and only giving the sense of false democracy to their nations' disgusting racist policies.
They have to overthrow their regimes or look for help in non white nations.
For one suggestion why not follow up and support the WCAR as linked above?
The Arab Israeli conflict is racist as was recognised at the largest global consensus ever as at
My point is that Israel is not the main racist entity here instead it is the west. Primarily the UK and the USA.
As this is IMC-UK it is important that you do not censor such global views.
For your information here are some statistics.
In the USA the pro-war percentage amongnst the whites is 85%!
Among the blacks and hispanics is 35%
Source: Mainstream media polls (SkyNews for one)
In the UK eyewitness accounts indicate that the march that exceed a million in numbers was largely white and the yesterdays' march in London was clearly was largely a nonwhite affair. Also almost every view voiced by whites does not confront the racist nature of their nation and people which is the real reason behind the current atrocities.
Further the anti movements' largely originating in the USA and UK and being run on their terms is disgusting at a time when it is clear that they are only being used for propaganda purposes by their own governments.
UK is an instituionally racist country -- not just the police and the armed forces but the whole nation ie, made of people!. If you do not like it try imigrating or confront it head on.
Racism is not what is defined by our racist curriculum or the racist government appointed race relations PR excercises.
And stop censoring posts on racism as this is really unhealthy for the freedom of the media. You cannot 'hush things under the carpet' when it comes to the inalienable rights of the majority of this planet who are non whites and have historically been oppressesed.
If BNP is taking a upperhand in the UK and you do not like it hard luck, mate! Truth should be faced and publicised far and wide. If the other main political parties are as bad as the BNP then the truth can be told with comparisions much eaily for advantage in not censoring BNP propaganda.
The current situation in Iraq is a mere continuation of atleast a five hundred year old tradition in the UK.
Try and understand the cause before you try to tackle the symptoms. In this case it si clear that selfish interest within the western peace movements are generally at best generating publicity for their causes on the back of untld suffering of humanity. The SWP, the anrchist movements, LibDems, Churches and Mosques that are looking for western followers, why even most eco friedly causes are examples of such misaimed actions.
Racism should be tackled first.
For this to happen we need to understand what is wrong with *global* race relations.
I believe that IMC-UK with a rich multicultural mix in the UK can be good point to discuss these issues without the usual pigmedia restrictions.
So stop being a PIG and stop censoring views on racism.
Your censorship in hiding my post (for the first time I am able to understand this IMC policy of 'hiding' -- what on earth is this?) and the posts quite representative of the BNP's view is despicable.
My original post is here

First I do not think my post as above is the extreme opposite of the BNPs stance athough I did comment on the BNP posts seperately.
My view is what was endorsed by 148 countries on the 8th of Sept 2001 three days before the demoliton of the World Trade Center. (I was wrong in saying that this historic decision was two days prior to 9/11 -- it si three days!).
Further my views were put forward forcefully as it is important we in the west realise the brainnumbness developed amongst most of us towards the real reason behind UK's and USA's current aggression. Only forceful words help to break this lethargy in waking up to the truth in my opinion.
I can see one comment to the effect that white protestors are out there protesting. But this only reinforces my point that the white protestors are largely ineffective and only giving the sense of false democracy to their nations' disgusting racist policies.
They have to overthrow their regimes or look for help in non white nations.
For one suggestion why not follow up and support the WCAR as linked above?
The Arab Israeli conflict is racist as was recognised at the largest global consensus ever as at

My point is that Israel is not the main racist entity here instead it is the west. Primarily the UK and the USA.
As this is IMC-UK it is important that you do not censor such global views.
For your information here are some statistics.
In the USA the pro-war percentage amongnst the whites is 85%!
Among the blacks and hispanics is 35%
Source: Mainstream media polls (SkyNews for one)
In the UK eyewitness accounts indicate that the march that exceed a million in numbers was largely white and the yesterdays' march in London was clearly was largely a nonwhite affair. Also almost every view voiced by whites does not confront the racist nature of their nation and people which is the real reason behind the current atrocities.
Further the anti movements' largely originating in the USA and UK and being run on their terms is disgusting at a time when it is clear that they are only being used for propaganda purposes by their own governments.
UK is an instituionally racist country -- not just the police and the armed forces but the whole nation ie, made of people!. If you do not like it try imigrating or confront it head on.
Racism is not what is defined by our racist curriculum or the racist government appointed race relations PR excercises.
And stop censoring posts on racism as this is really unhealthy for the freedom of the media. You cannot 'hush things under the carpet' when it comes to the inalienable rights of the majority of this planet who are non whites and have historically been oppressesed.
If BNP is taking a upperhand in the UK and you do not like it hard luck, mate! Truth should be faced and publicised far and wide. If the other main political parties are as bad as the BNP then the truth can be told with comparisions much eaily for advantage in not censoring BNP propaganda.
The current situation in Iraq is a mere continuation of atleast a five hundred year old tradition in the UK.
Try and understand the cause before you try to tackle the symptoms. In this case it si clear that selfish interest within the western peace movements are generally at best generating publicity for their causes on the back of untld suffering of humanity. The SWP, the anrchist movements, LibDems, Churches and Mosques that are looking for western followers, why even most eco friedly causes are examples of such misaimed actions.
Racism should be tackled first.
For this to happen we need to understand what is wrong with *global* race relations.
I believe that IMC-UK with a rich multicultural mix in the UK can be good point to discuss these issues without the usual pigmedia restrictions.
So stop being a PIG and stop censoring views on racism.