wake up reawakened
dh | 12.04.2003 23:20

by voxfux
You're being LIED to...
They expect us to believe that there just happened to be this convergence of a smattering of listless Iraqis at the juncture of this symbolic US inroad to Baghdad's liberation square and that sudenly this big rope comes literally out of thin air (I guess they always keep spools of giant rope at the base of Saddam statues just in case) and next thing thing you know, the Iraqis are pulling down Saddam's statue. Well almost. you see they couldn't do it without our help. So a marine mechanized vehicle actually pulled the statue down. And then suddenly someone there just happened to have the American flag that was flying at the Pentagon on sept 11th (wow that's a coincidence) they decided to give Saddam a goodbuy scarfing with the American Flag. They fuckin' literally wrapped the American flag around the Saddam statue's head.
Reminiscent of the staged mock pro war rallies here in the United States, the CIA with their public relations giants staged a patently mock liberation rally. This rally was FAKE from start to finish and everything in-between. If it wasn’t so phony it would be laughable, but it was disgusting - It’s a lie. It is the supremely perfect example of what these New World Order Nazi motherfuckers have in store for the entire world. Bad deceptions and even worse deceptions to cover up the original bad deceptions.
Absolutely positively, the CIA organized this mornings take down of the Saddam statue in Baghdad’s Liberation Square as another FAKE OUT. In this city of over 5 million people the CIA brought in about seventy of what appeared to be poor Shiite kids, various and sundry Iraqi dregs and a few delinquents but mostly news paparazzi with Betacam crews, for a photo-op which CNN quickly trumpeted it as the most, "indelible," moment of the "great liberation." Too bad this precious MOCK IWO JIMA moment was FAKE from top to bottom.
This, "massive," crowd of about sixty or seventy Iraquis was actually a group of Iraqi National Congress dissidents flownn in specifically for the Kodak moment. A column of US marine tanks came in to secure photo opertunity, their orders were as one of the marines accidently told one of the reporters there was to, "Secure the perimeter and let the press do their thing."
What thing was he referring to? Why of course the STAGED MOCK FAKE LIBERATION RALLY, what else?
The marines, the bogus press, and the mock Iraqi citizens descended on Liberation Square that morning for another in a long line of lies, and psy-ops and disinformation, designed to fake us all out. CNN kept the camera angle close up on their web coverage because if they pulled too far out you noticed that there weren’t a whole lot of people there for this fake out, “liberation.”
About four hours before the statue was actually pulled down by a group of listless Iraqis, one of those plastic CNN news lizzards with hairdos with some general in tow, said that so far, the images were of US tanks tearing the Saddam statues down and that it would be nice for the world to see some arabic looking people tearing down some statues so that CNN (CIA) (Bush Administration) could say, “I told you so”.
Central Command then got on the horn and said we need a liberation rally now. There is a lot of evidence that this sloppy liberation was quickly concieved and executed. For sure the concept of a mock liberation rally psy-op was a part of the war plan from the start but it was this particular execution of that plan which was especially bad.
And so they brought in a heavily defended column of tanks and moved in for the big publicity stunt. Not even coming close to a real occupation of the city, instead they took this little corner and pulled out the cameras. There were more news crews in Liberation Square then Iraqi people. But hey who would even notice, right? After all, aren’t American’s brains so numbed after being so systematically lied to year after year by lie after lie that in the LieWorld, such publicity stunts really take on a sense of really being there, especially with all that triumphant militaristic theme music, right?
Wrong. Only dumb believe CNN - all smart people know that everything said on that channel is lies everything - including the part where some DUMB FUCKIN REPTILIAN BIMBO WITH A HAIRDO AND WAY TOO MUCH SELF TANNING CREAM says good morning - that is a lie too - it is a fucked up morning in CNN land.
Every CNN morning is a bad morning.
Every CNN morning is a morning full of lies.
Yea, but what about all those Shiites? They seemed pretty jubilant during their little, "Liberation Looting Spree," in East Baghdad? They appear to be having such joy as they tear up Saddam’s Posters? Doesn’t it feel like liberation? See! We told you so... right?
First of all let’s be clear about one thing here. If Iraqi tanks rolled down Pennsylvania avenue in Washington and killed Bush, there would be nearly 100 million people in the streets of America celebrating - Let’s make that perfectly clear. Secondly those same people who are tearing up Saddam’s posters and throwing flowers are the same people who are going to be throwing grenades and molotave cocktails, every chance they get at their new liberators. Don’t think so? Then you are living in a dreamy dreamy lie land.
Remember this, there is only one person in this world more hated than Saddam Hussein and that is George W. Bush.
Do the math - Bush is the most despised man on earth, ever. Meaning, that more human beings now despise George Bush than ever despised and hated any one man in the history of hated men. Hitler was never as hated by so many as Bush currently is. And that hatred of this one man, Bush and his gang of war profiteers and war criminals, will translate into direct attacks on American citizens and not on Bush. Bush knows that there will always be a hardened bunker for himself and his family but for the rest of us - we will face the fire that Bush has ignited.
The Bush criminal gang think they can fool the world with all these lies. They have transformed the US government now into a government by lies. Our foreign policy is a foreign policy of lies, payoffs, and coercion. The US Senate are like lying sheep. The Democrats are looking like dying and lying lambs. Our domestic policy is about lies. Our social agenda is based on lies. The New World Order liars think they can conquer the world with lies and fake outs and mock rallies and fake polls, and fake news, stolen elections, a totally complicit major media and now staged bogus rallies where those we vanquish are proped up for the camera handing us video flowers. Soon it will be 3D vanquished digital third world people handing us completely digitized 100%synthetic threats. Simulated and ultra lifelike humaniod 3D staged threats. Fantastic exciting new threats. Adreanaline rushes of fear. Soothing comforting velvety lies.
It's not the America I remenber. It’s a fucking lie from start to finish.
No doubt Saddam Hussein was a major scumbag, but he was our scumbag. We created him in an extreme version of our own image. He was our brutal lever in that vital oil rich region. No doubt it would be nice if we cleaned up our mess and removed him from power - After all, WE PUT HIM THERE and eagerly kept him there to brutalize those people. We sold him chemicals and Bushes father sold him weaponry and gave him hundreds of millions of dollars of US taxpayer dollars to keep him alive and healthy - and to keep those bio weapons we got him hooked on, in good working order.
For absolute certainty there will be genuine outpourings of joy - this is a certainty - but not that sorry assed F-minus piece of shit STAGED LIBERATION SQARE EVENT that the CIA and thier not so clever public relations group blurted out. There was a couple of kids who could barely lift the sledge hammer to strike the base. It was America at it's most disgusting. It was America at it's most lying. It was Bushes America in that square that morning.
Saddam was OUR boy, through and through. Will there be jubilation when we kill our own agent? You better believe it, the Iraqis hate this former CIA asset, but no where in the world would there be a bigger celebration and jubilation then if it were Bush on the receiving end of the Tomahawk cruise missile or smart bomb. The entire planet Earth would breath a sigh of relief when filth like Bush have departed or been sent to prison for war crimes and war profiteering.
Don't believe me? Ask anyone in China or Russia or Africa or Latin America or the Islamic world or any Arab (Even Arab princes who usually lick boot but who are themselves acutely aware that they are on borrowed time), or New York, or the big cities in America, or the fuckin' Coast of Labrador or even remote Baffin Island for that matter if they would rather see George Bush choke to death on a pretzel then see Saddam brought to justice. I promise you the overwhelming majority would root for the pretzel. If you, "Believe," otherwise, well, congratulations, you are living in a dreamworld and are in serious need of TURNING OFF THE FUCKING CNN (CIA) and WAKING THE FUCK UP.
Bush sucks!
I hate his fucking guts.
Don’t ever forget that.
And if you love your family and if you love freedom you better keep that feeling of this evil man at the forefront, and don't be fooled. It is easy to be suckered by the slick 3D graphics and clever camera angles and dumb smiling newsreaders, and MOCK, STAGED events that fool the eye and boggle the mind. Trust me the Iraqis hate Bush as much as they hate Saddam Hussein no matter how many impoverished Iraqis they throw in front of the camera with flowers shouting I love Bush.
Like I said, if Bush choked to death on a pretzel MILLIONS OF AMERICANS WOULD BE ECSTATIC. So fake rallies with Iraqis throwing flowers proves nothing. They will be throwing insults bombs and bullets and grenades at our troops the first chance they get.
So, wake up and take your world back -
Right now the most critical action item I believe is the next presidential election. For it is being set up right now to be the most naked power grab the world has ever seen. The overwhelming majority are going to vote Bush out of office. However, fraudulent push polling will appear out of thin air showing staggering support for Bush. The push polling and other techniques will not work this time. And that is why the focus in the Rove inner circle is almost assuredly, "How are we going to steal this 2004 election?" The Republicans with their CIA counterparts already have their plan in place by now. Absolutely - Positively, Rove has a theft plan because he knows that it is a STATISTICAL IMPOSSIBILITY at this point that Bush could be re-elected. We all hate bush. He is un-electable in 2004. With this economy and this bullshit war that very few support all statistical data points to a shift to the Democrats in 2004. (almost 80% are going to vote for whatever shmuck that the Democrats throw up) But do know something? Deals are being cut now and the end run for the election theft of 2004 is a completed deal. The what ballot boxes that are left will be sequestered (The why Homeland security came around - you'll see the interesting role Homeland security will play at the polling places come next election. The media is going to go along for the ride and report ZERO voting irregularities yet nearly every single independent news entity will be receiving tidal waves of evidence of massive election fraud. The major media (CIA) will then conduct a poll which says that Americans are tired of all these unpatriotic people contesting elections all the time and that these unpatriotic people who can't take losing a fair election should go to another country or something. I mean after all Bush is our protector.
Welcome to the New World Order
Know your enemy
Don’t believe his lies
P.S Martin Savidge is to Action Reporting as Pierce Brosnan is to James Bond (eg. Not the real thing) Vox nicknames Martin Savidge, "Action Lite" As for Bill Hemmer he is a yuppie climber. Arron Brown is mentally retarded and needs to wipe that stupid half smirk off his face. Ditto for yuppy boy, wipe the smirks off guys, thousands of dead young iraqi kids is nothing to smirk about. As for the two sun tanned lizzards with hairdos, well that's about it. CNN has about 60 people on staff just to keep these lizzards tounges from recoiling and smashing the teleprompters. The lizzard opposite yuppie boy seriously reminds me of a moray eel. Don't tell her this or circulate it around the office faxes because she'e kind of self conscious about it. She asks herself is she sexy or morayish. Don't let her know the truth. And while speaking about the truth it brings us to Wolf (the LIE) Blitzer. If there is ever a truth in his Blitz of lies, trust me it is only what's called a "control truth." Basically they throw some banal truth in order to sync up with viewers pre-known banal truths and then they piggyback a whole heap of lies on the credibility of the link they formed by reinforcing one of your preconcieved prejudices establishing the linkage with the viewer of a known truth, however banal and useless the chosen control truth may be. The control truths allow the controler to calibrate his Lie Transmitter and sync up with his target lie consumer.
Why do I dislike all of these people? Because they are liars. And as willing instruments of the big lie they are fair game. Why the many lizzard references? Simply put, they are the living manifestation of the purest of cold bloded reptillian attributes and so it is better we consider them to be actual lizzards rather than humans so we know and remember what our struggle is and what we are fighting against. The enemy is the lie. The enemy is within us and among us. The enemy is people like George W. Bush, Rupert Murdoch, Donald Rumsfelf, the many newsreaders who bring us the lies each day. I simply despise them.
by voxfux
You're being LIED to...
They expect us to believe that there just happened to be this convergence of a smattering of listless Iraqis at the juncture of this symbolic US inroad to Baghdad's liberation square and that sudenly this big rope comes literally out of thin air (I guess they always keep spools of giant rope at the base of Saddam statues just in case) and next thing thing you know, the Iraqis are pulling down Saddam's statue. Well almost. you see they couldn't do it without our help. So a marine mechanized vehicle actually pulled the statue down. And then suddenly someone there just happened to have the American flag that was flying at the Pentagon on sept 11th (wow that's a coincidence) they decided to give Saddam a goodbuy scarfing with the American Flag. They fuckin' literally wrapped the American flag around the Saddam statue's head.
Reminiscent of the staged mock pro war rallies here in the United States, the CIA with their public relations giants staged a patently mock liberation rally. This rally was FAKE from start to finish and everything in-between. If it wasn’t so phony it would be laughable, but it was disgusting - It’s a lie. It is the supremely perfect example of what these New World Order Nazi motherfuckers have in store for the entire world. Bad deceptions and even worse deceptions to cover up the original bad deceptions.
Absolutely positively, the CIA organized this mornings take down of the Saddam statue in Baghdad’s Liberation Square as another FAKE OUT. In this city of over 5 million people the CIA brought in about seventy of what appeared to be poor Shiite kids, various and sundry Iraqi dregs and a few delinquents but mostly news paparazzi with Betacam crews, for a photo-op which CNN quickly trumpeted it as the most, "indelible," moment of the "great liberation." Too bad this precious MOCK IWO JIMA moment was FAKE from top to bottom.
This, "massive," crowd of about sixty or seventy Iraquis was actually a group of Iraqi National Congress dissidents flownn in specifically for the Kodak moment. A column of US marine tanks came in to secure photo opertunity, their orders were as one of the marines accidently told one of the reporters there was to, "Secure the perimeter and let the press do their thing."
What thing was he referring to? Why of course the STAGED MOCK FAKE LIBERATION RALLY, what else?
The marines, the bogus press, and the mock Iraqi citizens descended on Liberation Square that morning for another in a long line of lies, and psy-ops and disinformation, designed to fake us all out. CNN kept the camera angle close up on their web coverage because if they pulled too far out you noticed that there weren’t a whole lot of people there for this fake out, “liberation.”
About four hours before the statue was actually pulled down by a group of listless Iraqis, one of those plastic CNN news lizzards with hairdos with some general in tow, said that so far, the images were of US tanks tearing the Saddam statues down and that it would be nice for the world to see some arabic looking people tearing down some statues so that CNN (CIA) (Bush Administration) could say, “I told you so”.
Central Command then got on the horn and said we need a liberation rally now. There is a lot of evidence that this sloppy liberation was quickly concieved and executed. For sure the concept of a mock liberation rally psy-op was a part of the war plan from the start but it was this particular execution of that plan which was especially bad.
And so they brought in a heavily defended column of tanks and moved in for the big publicity stunt. Not even coming close to a real occupation of the city, instead they took this little corner and pulled out the cameras. There were more news crews in Liberation Square then Iraqi people. But hey who would even notice, right? After all, aren’t American’s brains so numbed after being so systematically lied to year after year by lie after lie that in the LieWorld, such publicity stunts really take on a sense of really being there, especially with all that triumphant militaristic theme music, right?
Wrong. Only dumb believe CNN - all smart people know that everything said on that channel is lies everything - including the part where some DUMB FUCKIN REPTILIAN BIMBO WITH A HAIRDO AND WAY TOO MUCH SELF TANNING CREAM says good morning - that is a lie too - it is a fucked up morning in CNN land.
Every CNN morning is a bad morning.
Every CNN morning is a morning full of lies.
Yea, but what about all those Shiites? They seemed pretty jubilant during their little, "Liberation Looting Spree," in East Baghdad? They appear to be having such joy as they tear up Saddam’s Posters? Doesn’t it feel like liberation? See! We told you so... right?
First of all let’s be clear about one thing here. If Iraqi tanks rolled down Pennsylvania avenue in Washington and killed Bush, there would be nearly 100 million people in the streets of America celebrating - Let’s make that perfectly clear. Secondly those same people who are tearing up Saddam’s posters and throwing flowers are the same people who are going to be throwing grenades and molotave cocktails, every chance they get at their new liberators. Don’t think so? Then you are living in a dreamy dreamy lie land.
Remember this, there is only one person in this world more hated than Saddam Hussein and that is George W. Bush.
Do the math - Bush is the most despised man on earth, ever. Meaning, that more human beings now despise George Bush than ever despised and hated any one man in the history of hated men. Hitler was never as hated by so many as Bush currently is. And that hatred of this one man, Bush and his gang of war profiteers and war criminals, will translate into direct attacks on American citizens and not on Bush. Bush knows that there will always be a hardened bunker for himself and his family but for the rest of us - we will face the fire that Bush has ignited.
The Bush criminal gang think they can fool the world with all these lies. They have transformed the US government now into a government by lies. Our foreign policy is a foreign policy of lies, payoffs, and coercion. The US Senate are like lying sheep. The Democrats are looking like dying and lying lambs. Our domestic policy is about lies. Our social agenda is based on lies. The New World Order liars think they can conquer the world with lies and fake outs and mock rallies and fake polls, and fake news, stolen elections, a totally complicit major media and now staged bogus rallies where those we vanquish are proped up for the camera handing us video flowers. Soon it will be 3D vanquished digital third world people handing us completely digitized 100%synthetic threats. Simulated and ultra lifelike humaniod 3D staged threats. Fantastic exciting new threats. Adreanaline rushes of fear. Soothing comforting velvety lies.
It's not the America I remenber. It’s a fucking lie from start to finish.
No doubt Saddam Hussein was a major scumbag, but he was our scumbag. We created him in an extreme version of our own image. He was our brutal lever in that vital oil rich region. No doubt it would be nice if we cleaned up our mess and removed him from power - After all, WE PUT HIM THERE and eagerly kept him there to brutalize those people. We sold him chemicals and Bushes father sold him weaponry and gave him hundreds of millions of dollars of US taxpayer dollars to keep him alive and healthy - and to keep those bio weapons we got him hooked on, in good working order.
For absolute certainty there will be genuine outpourings of joy - this is a certainty - but not that sorry assed F-minus piece of shit STAGED LIBERATION SQARE EVENT that the CIA and thier not so clever public relations group blurted out. There was a couple of kids who could barely lift the sledge hammer to strike the base. It was America at it's most disgusting. It was America at it's most lying. It was Bushes America in that square that morning.
Saddam was OUR boy, through and through. Will there be jubilation when we kill our own agent? You better believe it, the Iraqis hate this former CIA asset, but no where in the world would there be a bigger celebration and jubilation then if it were Bush on the receiving end of the Tomahawk cruise missile or smart bomb. The entire planet Earth would breath a sigh of relief when filth like Bush have departed or been sent to prison for war crimes and war profiteering.
Don't believe me? Ask anyone in China or Russia or Africa or Latin America or the Islamic world or any Arab (Even Arab princes who usually lick boot but who are themselves acutely aware that they are on borrowed time), or New York, or the big cities in America, or the fuckin' Coast of Labrador or even remote Baffin Island for that matter if they would rather see George Bush choke to death on a pretzel then see Saddam brought to justice. I promise you the overwhelming majority would root for the pretzel. If you, "Believe," otherwise, well, congratulations, you are living in a dreamworld and are in serious need of TURNING OFF THE FUCKING CNN (CIA) and WAKING THE FUCK UP.
Bush sucks!
I hate his fucking guts.
Don’t ever forget that.
And if you love your family and if you love freedom you better keep that feeling of this evil man at the forefront, and don't be fooled. It is easy to be suckered by the slick 3D graphics and clever camera angles and dumb smiling newsreaders, and MOCK, STAGED events that fool the eye and boggle the mind. Trust me the Iraqis hate Bush as much as they hate Saddam Hussein no matter how many impoverished Iraqis they throw in front of the camera with flowers shouting I love Bush.
Like I said, if Bush choked to death on a pretzel MILLIONS OF AMERICANS WOULD BE ECSTATIC. So fake rallies with Iraqis throwing flowers proves nothing. They will be throwing insults bombs and bullets and grenades at our troops the first chance they get.
So, wake up and take your world back -
Right now the most critical action item I believe is the next presidential election. For it is being set up right now to be the most naked power grab the world has ever seen. The overwhelming majority are going to vote Bush out of office. However, fraudulent push polling will appear out of thin air showing staggering support for Bush. The push polling and other techniques will not work this time. And that is why the focus in the Rove inner circle is almost assuredly, "How are we going to steal this 2004 election?" The Republicans with their CIA counterparts already have their plan in place by now. Absolutely - Positively, Rove has a theft plan because he knows that it is a STATISTICAL IMPOSSIBILITY at this point that Bush could be re-elected. We all hate bush. He is un-electable in 2004. With this economy and this bullshit war that very few support all statistical data points to a shift to the Democrats in 2004. (almost 80% are going to vote for whatever shmuck that the Democrats throw up) But do know something? Deals are being cut now and the end run for the election theft of 2004 is a completed deal. The what ballot boxes that are left will be sequestered (The why Homeland security came around - you'll see the interesting role Homeland security will play at the polling places come next election. The media is going to go along for the ride and report ZERO voting irregularities yet nearly every single independent news entity will be receiving tidal waves of evidence of massive election fraud. The major media (CIA) will then conduct a poll which says that Americans are tired of all these unpatriotic people contesting elections all the time and that these unpatriotic people who can't take losing a fair election should go to another country or something. I mean after all Bush is our protector.
Welcome to the New World Order
Know your enemy
Don’t believe his lies
P.S Martin Savidge is to Action Reporting as Pierce Brosnan is to James Bond (eg. Not the real thing) Vox nicknames Martin Savidge, "Action Lite" As for Bill Hemmer he is a yuppie climber. Arron Brown is mentally retarded and needs to wipe that stupid half smirk off his face. Ditto for yuppy boy, wipe the smirks off guys, thousands of dead young iraqi kids is nothing to smirk about. As for the two sun tanned lizzards with hairdos, well that's about it. CNN has about 60 people on staff just to keep these lizzards tounges from recoiling and smashing the teleprompters. The lizzard opposite yuppie boy seriously reminds me of a moray eel. Don't tell her this or circulate it around the office faxes because she'e kind of self conscious about it. She asks herself is she sexy or morayish. Don't let her know the truth. And while speaking about the truth it brings us to Wolf (the LIE) Blitzer. If there is ever a truth in his Blitz of lies, trust me it is only what's called a "control truth." Basically they throw some banal truth in order to sync up with viewers pre-known banal truths and then they piggyback a whole heap of lies on the credibility of the link they formed by reinforcing one of your preconcieved prejudices establishing the linkage with the viewer of a known truth, however banal and useless the chosen control truth may be. The control truths allow the controler to calibrate his Lie Transmitter and sync up with his target lie consumer.
Why do I dislike all of these people? Because they are liars. And as willing instruments of the big lie they are fair game. Why the many lizzard references? Simply put, they are the living manifestation of the purest of cold bloded reptillian attributes and so it is better we consider them to be actual lizzards rather than humans so we know and remember what our struggle is and what we are fighting against. The enemy is the lie. The enemy is within us and among us. The enemy is people like George W. Bush, Rupert Murdoch, Donald Rumsfelf, the many newsreaders who bring us the lies each day. I simply despise them.
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