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Want to stop future wars? We can ride away from this mess together!

ciclistas | 12.04.2003 08:46

This war more than any other highlights the fact that our consumption of oil causes not only steady environmental and human damage but also immediate trauma. Please examine and commit to the effect "Peace Pledge" at the URL below, and try to remove the prime motive behind this war: profit obtained from control of a scarce commodity. Stop the demand by starting to bicycle.

Yes, this sounds like another hippy-dippy appeal to sign an "internet pledge" (and we all know how useful those are), but it's really an incitement to make a difference every day, an invitation to personal freedom and an attack on the war machine from within. Stop the war by starting to cycle.

Also check out the free propaganda to help spread the message that we can "ride away from this mess"!

Reproduction and dissemination of the stickers is encouraged. Comments and pledges at the URL and at gratefully received.

Vive la Velorution!

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