Rootless cosmopolitan | 10.04.2003 13:40
san-francisco-bay-Indy "collective" has been infiltrated by the nazi scum masquerating as a "libertarian anarchists"
that's why they delete all my post
because- the truth hurts.
Notice, that all racist demonizating posts are still visible
some fine example ::
""" Zionists wanted this war, Zionists got this war, and we have to confront them as the authors of this war. """
Compare with the neo-nazis websites :
""Zionists wanted this war, Zionists get this war..."
DO You see ANY difference ?
""Zionism is a disease ..."
Neo-nazis (just check their websites ) :
"Zionism is a disease..."
DO You see any difference ?
sf.indy nazi bullshit :
Why sf-indy staff DELETED all post they're disagree with ?
Why they are so scared of the truth?<<
They answered :
<<We’re not “scared of the truth. First of all, most of what we delete and (or)hide is not true<<
Where is the evidence, that only Indy's "truth" is the last truth ??
Prove it or shut up.
That's what Indymedia calling "free publishing" ??
Fucking losers !
Yes, Indy-nazi-scum hate to be exposed..
Rootless cosmopolitan
Hide the following 9 comments
10.04.2003 14:46
Simple really...
10.04.2003 14:57
Utopian centrist
I commend anyone who ...
10.04.2003 15:31
Unfortunately, due to the seeds of confusion having been scattered far and wide, it is sometimes diffficult to distinguish who they are.
For example, on this IMC site a few weeks ago I started to read what I thought an interesting article on mecury poisening, it was only towards the end that I began to feel a little uneasy about the direction the piece was taking. By the time I had reached the end I experienced no suprise that the author was attempting to draw me into a link for a well known brand of facists. However, the point illustrated by this, is that nazies like to adopt differnt disguises - you shall know them from their deeds.
Now I'd like to ask the author of this thread, if they know of a culture that, like the nazies of 1930's germany, believes in the manifest destiny of a 'blood' tied people linked through divine power to a land promised them for all time?
If you are having trouble with this question, let me give you a hint;
Soon after the third reich collapsed, and long after many of its more hidden originators had fled, this country was born.
Having the most sophisticated and wideranging intelligence operatives, who incidently strategically directed much of the slaughter of jewish communities around europe in WW2, the third riechs secret police dissappeared effectivly within a few weeks of allied success.
Now dispite the hush hush of it, we know that a good part of it went west following operation paperclip, which incidently brought Von Braun's rocket technology to the heart of the amerikan military machine, we also know that another good part of it went east to be absorbed and slowly squeezed of its usefulness by the new east german stasi.
What we don't know is where the rest of it went.
Meanwhile back in the newly formed state that bares more than a passing resembalance to nazi germany, and which shall remain nameless to allow the good nazi hunter from above to guess for their self, we see the emergence of a powerful and well directed secret police force, with a number of efficent operatives recently returned from the 'camps', and with no living relatives to boot.
This secret police force goes on to instigate, along side the stern and irgun gangs, a campaign of brutalising and terrorising an indiginous population to flee for their lives - many failing even in this - in order that 'their' people gain living space ...
Begining to add up?
Any pennies dropping?
Are all nazies identifiable from their name tags, or do we have to look at what they do to identify them?
I suspect that I will now be slandered, so let me spell it out ...
The state of israel is a facist state, its policies of blood and land are based on myths, policed by nazies and benefited from by the same super rich gang of hoodlums that always profit from stirring up conflict and division.
No justice no peace.
e-mail: jackslucid'
10.04.2003 15:58
Anti-Zionism is not anti-semitism. Zionism is not Nazism.
Zionism is, basically, Jewish nationalism. Many people have been oppressed and killed in its name. But not millions, systematically, in gas chambers. So to call Zionists 'Nazis' is grossly unfair.
Also, not all Jews are Zionists, by a long chalk! And not even all Zionists agree with the occupation of Palestine or the policies of Sharon's Likud government.
Equally, it's not fair to imply that any criticism of the Israeli state is anti-semitic. Most anti-Zionists oppose the Israeli state but also oppose all racism.
And finally. There still are real Nazis around. Not many, but the few there are like to post on IMC. They may call themselves 'anti-Zionist' as a codeword, but so what? They used to call themselves 'socialist' when they thought that was a good wheeze. Always remember, these bastards would kill us all, Jew and Arab alike, given half a chance.
Never again!
kurious oranj
anti-zionism and anti-semetism
10.04.2003 16:04
Shut up and listen!!!
10.04.2003 16:54
But it is a fucked up country.
Jews are people like you and me. Anyone could copulate a Jewsih man/woman and have a child. <-- is this an anti semitic statement? No.
I have so far not fucked a Jew and would love to.<-- Is this antisemitic? No. (If anyone found this offensive let me rephrase it... I would love to be fucked by a Jew. Happy?)
A multicultural world is good. But total respect to individual wishes too.
But it is Israel that is fucked up. It has weapons of mass destruction stockpiled.Israel violates human rights a lot. For fucks sake! they sold the nuclear weapons technology to apartheid South Africa.
This is made clear by this statement
USA is a more fucked up country than Israel.
So is the UK.
In my opinion Israel comes after the USA and the UK for being international tyrants, merchants of death, etc...
Nazism and Zionism are no threats compared to the white supremacy that is the haven for these schools of thoughts.
USA and UK are leading white nations.
Israel as much as Saudi arabia and Kuwait are white creations.
Remember the motion passed against Israel as a 'racist' state in South Africa on 9/9 (2 days before 9/11?)
Who abstained and actually tried to sabotage that overwhelming global consensus?
USA and the UK!
Racism is the real threat.
Tackle it and things will be clear.
Why the fuck cannot 'sf' or the 'UK' IMCs tackle this problem instead find themselves infighting constantly and get trapped in other unwanted and unrealistic issues?
Let me suggest an answer too. Because most of us are inherently racist by thebrainwashing we went through.
more like *permit freepers to go wild*
10.04.2003 22:23
censorship and an editorial policy are not the same thing, and freeper, spammed articles from David (w)Horowitz and on and on isn't news or commentary -- it's spam.
Freepers censor their cite. Rush censors his radio program. All other right-wing folks censor like made. The day they stop censoring, they will have an argument. Otherwise, there's no argument.
You are changing the issue
10.04.2003 23:23
Almost all israeli peace activists, as Uri Avneri, gush shalom, btselem. refuseniks are still zionists.
Israel is israel, sharon is sharon and zionism is zionism.
Yes, also palestinian nationalism is nationalism.
Here is it:
1. All the nazis are zionists (just check their websites)
Do You see ANY difference ?
sf-indymedia posters :
""" Zionists wanted this war, Zionists got this war, and we have to confront them as the authors of this war. """
Compare with the neo-nazi websites :
""Zionists wanted this war, Zionists get this war..."
DO You see ANY difference ?
""Zionism is a disease ..."
Neo-nazis (just check their websites ) :
"Zionism is a disease..."
DO You see any difference ?
sf.indy nazi bullshit :
compare with white-aryan-nation' websites ::
<<Zionists are poisoning our planet....<<< yadda.. yadda
Do You see ANY difference ??
more Indy-nazi propaganda :
<<If you don't dream of dead Zionists, then you have been brainwashed by the Zionst controlled media <<
Compare with Hitler's words.
compare with ANY neo-nazi site.
DO YOU see ANY difference ?
2. Why sf-indy staff DELETED all post they're disagree with ?
Why they are so scared of the truth?
rootless cosmopolitan
anti-zionism is imperialism
11.04.2003 00:47
In the immediate aftermath of the Second World War the Jewish national movement in Palestine was engaged in an underground war against the British Army, which occupied Mandate Palestine at the time. Pressure from within Palestine and outside forced the British out of the region