New sex offences act - an infringement on our rights and a sop to certain groups
disgusted | 10.04.2003 12:47
The disgraceful new bill on sex offences, removing age-old rights to a fair trial in rape cases and opening the floodgates for perverts.
The feminists, homosexuals and the unjust politicisation of the New Sexual Offences Bill
A concerned member explains the disgraceful new Sexual Offences Bill, which makes unprecedented concessions to homosexuals and has been meddled with by feminists.
The government began publicising its new Sexual Offences Bill shortly before the war overshadowed the news coverage. The new bill, which promises to "equalise" (sic) the law for hetrosexuals and homosexuals and introduce dangerous new rules covering rape, has been predictably welcomed by all the usual suspects. However, certain elements of this new bill, aimed to "bring our Victorian-era sexual offences legislation into the 21st century", have riled even some of the old-gang politicians, and there have been dissenting voices.
The positive parts of the new bill are:
- Children under 13 should be deemed incapable of consenting to any sexual activity, and sexual intercourse with a child under 13 will now be deemed as rape, carrying a maximum life sentence.
- A new offence of adult sexual activity with a child - which will include behaviour such as inducing youngsters to take their clothes off.
- New offence of sexual "grooming" designed to catch adults who meet a child with the intention of committing a sex offence before any activity takes place.
- It will be possible for a civil order to be made by the courts in respect of an adult deemed to be acting in a way that presents a risk of sexual harm to the child.
- A new offence of commercial sexual exploitation of a child, which includes child prostitution and pimping the child for prostitution or pornography.
- Three new offences to give extra protection to those with a learning disability or mental disorder from sexual abuse.
- Causing or encouraging men or women to enter into prostitution and controlling their activities.
- A new offence of trafficking people for commercial sexual exploitation.
- A new order to make convicted sex offenders from overseas register when they come to the UK, whether or not they have committed a crime here.
- Sex offenders on the register to confirm their details in person each year and to provide National Insurance details.
- Sex offenders to notify the police of name or address change in three days, rather than 14.
- Sex Offender Orders and Sex Offender Restraining Orders to be available for anyone convicted of a violent offence where there is evidence they present a risk of causing serious sexual harm.
- Flashing, or indecent exposure, with intent to shock will be a new offence, carrying a maximum penalty of two years jail. (already illegal)
- Voyeurism - a new offence capturing those who watch others without their knowledge for sexual gratification.
- Bestiality - a new offence will criminalise those who perform sex acts on animals. (already illegal)
- New offence covering sexual interference with human remains. (already illegal)
Feminist Onslaught
However, with any piece of government legislation, the devil is in the detail. Far from the new bill being some sort of "moral rebirth", under the cover of all these new and obviously positive laws (many of which existed in various forms anyway) is hidden several less moral and some rather dangerous relaxations of the laws, or indeed extentions of laws which do not need extending:
- The law on rape will be changed, so rather than rape being forced sexual intercourse, either through physical force, drugging and other blatently illegal acts, it will simply become "non consensual sex". On first reading this may seem fair enough, however, what is actually being proposed is the trivialising of the offence of rape to include sex where the woman didn't expressly request it. The majority of people across the world would define rape as forced sexual intercourse, not drunk sexual intercourse and the woman waking up the next day and thinking "I shouldn't have done that". Rape should be viewed as a serious offence not a "catch-all" offence for anyone who's slept with someone they regret or if they didn't expressly say they wanted to.
- Men innocent of the crime of rape, have, for many decades, been able to use the defence that they genuinely believed that the woman wanted to have sexual intercourse. After all, most people's natural defence would be this. This is now going to be removed, and instead they must prove that the woman had expressly consented. Essentially, this shifts the burden of proof from the accuser to the accused, something which is completely contrary to the principles of English Law (which is used in the majority of Anglo-Saxon countries). Fancy having to proove consent? The idea of consent forms in condom packets has been banded around, and no, it wasn't a joke.
Essentially, the changes to the law on rape constitute a feminist onslaught. I do not say this lightly, the law runs completely contrary to all principles of justice and redefines the serious crime of rape into something that most Britons would not identify. The feminists have long defined rape as "any sex that wasn't wanted, either before, during or after the event". They have suggested that any sexual intercourse which the woman herself did not initiate is rape and even if she decides the morning after that she did not want to have it, it is rape. The new bill enshrines this alien concept in law for the first time in this country, trivialises rape and represents a dangerous weapon against all heterosexual men.
One of the reasons behind the change in the rape law, the redefinition of rape, was an unholy alliance of feminists and liberals who suggested that the reduction in the rates of conviction for rape from 25% in 1985 to 7% in 2000. While on the face of it these figures seem disappointing, the only just way to increase conviction rates is for the police to improve their procedures for handling DNA evidence, not changing the law so drastically as to remove the traditional rights of defendants. The reason why rape is difficult to proove is because it is a complex and serious offence, and society views it with abhorrance. Innocent men should not be imprisoned for failing to get a signature on a consent form. One reason for the reduction in conviction rates is down to the fact that many more women make malicious rape claims as it is as easy as a trip to Tescos and works wonders at destroying the life of a man they may feel bitter towards for all number of reasons unrelated to any actual criminal offence. It is worth noting that many genuine rape victims are too scared to ever come forward. Essentially, rape is rape not drunken sexual intercourse and morning-after regrets!
I am completely in favour of toughening the penalties for rapists, genuine rapists, to far harsher sentences than at present. However, the new law will propose that the new definition of rape extend to a new crime of "date rape" which carries a lesser sentence, trivialising rape. I'm of the view that our existing laws are perfectly adequate, and the Law Society also has reservations about some of the implications of the new laws.
Moral Decay and attacks on the family
As if things weren't bad enough already for the institution of the family, the building block of civilised societies, the government has yet again weakened our safeguards against homosexual indecency.
Many readers will be aware that Britain has, for centuries, had legislation against the activities of the small minority of rather sad individuals who practice homosexuality. Some of it was repealed in the 1960s, to allow homosexuals to practice sodomy in private if both homosexuals were consenting. The rest of the law was retained, and covers homosexual cottaging (hanging around in public toilets and committing acts of indecency there), soliciting homosexual intercourse, homosexual group sex, various laws against homosexual pornography and homosexual acts in public. The government now terms these spartan and often unenforced safeguards, which failed to prevent homosexual activity being aired on TV shortly after the watershead, homosexual programmes on ITV, Channel 4 and Channel 5, some of which would make even Ron Davies blush, and disgusting displays of indecency at "gay" Mardi Gras events in London and Brighton, "discriminatory". It appears that the current spin doctors of the liberal intelligentsia see the remaining laws to protect children, the family and ensure decent behaviour in public are "bigotted". As a result, these laws will now be repealed by the new sexual offences bill.
Homosexuality and deviancy have been with man for centuries, and since the very first beginnings of law and civilisation, there have been laws and penalties for these offences. Even early man could understand that homosexual and deviant practices were harmful to the development of the civilisation. The majority of people, even today, feel a quite justified level of disgust when they have homosexuality rammed down their throats on the TV, in the newspapers and magazines or even in public. When the few laws we have left are repealed, homosexuals will have the right to
hang around in public toilets, bugger eachother in these facilities ("provided the cubicle door is
closed" - Hillary Benn, Home Office), solicit sex in public, kiss and grope in public and film videos of homosexual orgies and make these available for sale in shops. If anyone dares complain then they will be branded "homophobic". How would you like to be forced to run a gaunlet of dodgy characters next time you want to use the toilet at your local park? And reporting it to the police would probably earn you a conviction for "hate crime".
It wasn't so long ago that the police employed vice squads to deal with blatent homosexual indecency, and homosexuals were prosecuted and put on the sex offenders register for these acts. The laws on cottaging were enforced and homosexuals feared the law would catch-up with their dirty activities. How things have changed in the past 10 years! Nowadays homosexuals regularly get away with intimidating people in toilets, parks, woodlands, anywhere where they congregate, and don't seem to care who sees them or their activities. "Gay" websites openly declare which areas homosexuals should go to, without any fear of prosecution or reaction from the local residents. Recently, when police were passing a homosexual cottaging area, rather than arresting those involved, one of the policeman present was disciplined after making a joke about the homosexuals. It appears that those who want to protect morality and the family against those who have an utter hatred of it are the ones that are punished, and those who despise the family and want to propagate and force others to watch their abhorrent activities are given a pat on the back and a "liason officer".
Look forward to a future where your children come home with booklets instructing them to experiment with homosexuality, containing graphic illustrations and descriptions, and being branded "homophobic" for daring to oppose this brainwashing. Section 28 looks as though it will be abolished in England and Wales soon, despite the valiant and dedicated opposition organised in the last bastion of British tradition and sensibility - The House of Lords.
In conclusion, the government has yet again proven that it is in bed with the homosexuals and feminists rather than standing up for the concerns of ordinary Britons. While the toughing of the laws on some offences is welcome, the reality is the feminists have been granted a knife with which to emasculate heterosexual males, while the homosexuals have been let loose to indulge in any disgusting behaviour they wish, while undermining and attacking the family at every turn. So much for protecting children, when a group that is 23 times (The Sexual Dead-End, Stephen Green, Broadview 1992) more likely to be child molestors is given free reign!
Some interesting quotes
"I have never come across anyone with 'innate homosexuality.' That notion has been a long-proclaimed gay-activist political position, intended to promote the acceptance of homosexuality as a healthy, fully equal, alternative expression of human sexuality. It has zero scientific foundation though its promoters latch on to even the flimsiest shreds of atrocious research in their attempts to justify the notion."
Toronto Professor of Psychiatry, Joseph Berger (Letter, Globe and Mail, Feb 26, 1992).
"Several of my friends - homosexual and straight, male and female - had sex with adults from the ages of nine to 13. None feel they were abused. All say it was a conscious choice and gave them great joy. While it may be impossible to condone paedophilia, it is time society acknowledged the truth that not all sex involving children is unwanted, abusive and harmful."
Peter Tatchell, homosexual "rights" activist.
"There is no place, however, for homosexuals or lesbians in our armed forces. This country has become inflicted with the prominence of the foul and disgusting sexual orientation of so-called 'Gay Rights' groups. Physical homosexuality is sodomy and those who practise such acts are sodomites, and should be called as such. Those serving in the armed forces must be set apart from those in civilian employment. Homosexuals in the forces arouse the violent hostility of their comrades in arms and undermine authority. The situation becomes intolerable when homosexuals are given authority over the objects of their attentions."
General Sir Walter Walker, KCB, CBE, DSO**, PMN, PSNB (Former NATO Commander-in-Chief), Right Now, October - December 1999, p8.
"The new '90's homosexual does not confine him/herself to silence in the shadows, they are no longer quiet, tolerated, 'consenting adults in private' but loud, vociferous 'alternative' adult, very much revelling-in and demanding the public limelight. An old saying springs to mind: "Give them an inch and they'll take a mile"."
Tina Wingfield in "Pink Politics"
"Calder... notes that men in prison for sex offences often complain bitterly of [homosexual molestation] in youth and say that is what perverted them."
J. West, "Homosexuality" (Chicago Aldine, 1968)
"[One] case involved a 27-year-old, HIV-positive convicted sodomite named Troy Rivara. Rivara had frequently loitered in the school-yard at Intermediate School 44 on West 77th Street, regaling male students with comments like, 'Can I have your butt?' The police had been called at least twice because neighbours were concerned about his many young male visitors. Then last July he was arrested for the abduction and rape of an 11-year-old boy who attended IS 44"
James MacGuire, "No Sex, No Violence," June 21, 1993.
"The first sexual experience of the vast majority of homosexual men... was with a much OLDER homosexual. Even liberal Denmark has steadfastly refused homosexual adoption rights for this reason."
William Gairdner, "Speaking Out," Vol. 1, Issue 5.
It's time to speak-up and shove these degenerate scumbags back into the closet!
Excellent source of articles.
Nationalist political party that has vowed to "shove homosexuals back into the closet".
Information on which MP's voted in favour and against Section 28 recently.
A concerned member explains the disgraceful new Sexual Offences Bill, which makes unprecedented concessions to homosexuals and has been meddled with by feminists.
The government began publicising its new Sexual Offences Bill shortly before the war overshadowed the news coverage. The new bill, which promises to "equalise" (sic) the law for hetrosexuals and homosexuals and introduce dangerous new rules covering rape, has been predictably welcomed by all the usual suspects. However, certain elements of this new bill, aimed to "bring our Victorian-era sexual offences legislation into the 21st century", have riled even some of the old-gang politicians, and there have been dissenting voices.
The positive parts of the new bill are:
- Children under 13 should be deemed incapable of consenting to any sexual activity, and sexual intercourse with a child under 13 will now be deemed as rape, carrying a maximum life sentence.
- A new offence of adult sexual activity with a child - which will include behaviour such as inducing youngsters to take their clothes off.
- New offence of sexual "grooming" designed to catch adults who meet a child with the intention of committing a sex offence before any activity takes place.
- It will be possible for a civil order to be made by the courts in respect of an adult deemed to be acting in a way that presents a risk of sexual harm to the child.
- A new offence of commercial sexual exploitation of a child, which includes child prostitution and pimping the child for prostitution or pornography.
- Three new offences to give extra protection to those with a learning disability or mental disorder from sexual abuse.
- Causing or encouraging men or women to enter into prostitution and controlling their activities.
- A new offence of trafficking people for commercial sexual exploitation.
- A new order to make convicted sex offenders from overseas register when they come to the UK, whether or not they have committed a crime here.
- Sex offenders on the register to confirm their details in person each year and to provide National Insurance details.
- Sex offenders to notify the police of name or address change in three days, rather than 14.
- Sex Offender Orders and Sex Offender Restraining Orders to be available for anyone convicted of a violent offence where there is evidence they present a risk of causing serious sexual harm.
- Flashing, or indecent exposure, with intent to shock will be a new offence, carrying a maximum penalty of two years jail. (already illegal)
- Voyeurism - a new offence capturing those who watch others without their knowledge for sexual gratification.
- Bestiality - a new offence will criminalise those who perform sex acts on animals. (already illegal)
- New offence covering sexual interference with human remains. (already illegal)
Feminist Onslaught
However, with any piece of government legislation, the devil is in the detail. Far from the new bill being some sort of "moral rebirth", under the cover of all these new and obviously positive laws (many of which existed in various forms anyway) is hidden several less moral and some rather dangerous relaxations of the laws, or indeed extentions of laws which do not need extending:
- The law on rape will be changed, so rather than rape being forced sexual intercourse, either through physical force, drugging and other blatently illegal acts, it will simply become "non consensual sex". On first reading this may seem fair enough, however, what is actually being proposed is the trivialising of the offence of rape to include sex where the woman didn't expressly request it. The majority of people across the world would define rape as forced sexual intercourse, not drunk sexual intercourse and the woman waking up the next day and thinking "I shouldn't have done that". Rape should be viewed as a serious offence not a "catch-all" offence for anyone who's slept with someone they regret or if they didn't expressly say they wanted to.
- Men innocent of the crime of rape, have, for many decades, been able to use the defence that they genuinely believed that the woman wanted to have sexual intercourse. After all, most people's natural defence would be this. This is now going to be removed, and instead they must prove that the woman had expressly consented. Essentially, this shifts the burden of proof from the accuser to the accused, something which is completely contrary to the principles of English Law (which is used in the majority of Anglo-Saxon countries). Fancy having to proove consent? The idea of consent forms in condom packets has been banded around, and no, it wasn't a joke.
Essentially, the changes to the law on rape constitute a feminist onslaught. I do not say this lightly, the law runs completely contrary to all principles of justice and redefines the serious crime of rape into something that most Britons would not identify. The feminists have long defined rape as "any sex that wasn't wanted, either before, during or after the event". They have suggested that any sexual intercourse which the woman herself did not initiate is rape and even if she decides the morning after that she did not want to have it, it is rape. The new bill enshrines this alien concept in law for the first time in this country, trivialises rape and represents a dangerous weapon against all heterosexual men.
One of the reasons behind the change in the rape law, the redefinition of rape, was an unholy alliance of feminists and liberals who suggested that the reduction in the rates of conviction for rape from 25% in 1985 to 7% in 2000. While on the face of it these figures seem disappointing, the only just way to increase conviction rates is for the police to improve their procedures for handling DNA evidence, not changing the law so drastically as to remove the traditional rights of defendants. The reason why rape is difficult to proove is because it is a complex and serious offence, and society views it with abhorrance. Innocent men should not be imprisoned for failing to get a signature on a consent form. One reason for the reduction in conviction rates is down to the fact that many more women make malicious rape claims as it is as easy as a trip to Tescos and works wonders at destroying the life of a man they may feel bitter towards for all number of reasons unrelated to any actual criminal offence. It is worth noting that many genuine rape victims are too scared to ever come forward. Essentially, rape is rape not drunken sexual intercourse and morning-after regrets!
I am completely in favour of toughening the penalties for rapists, genuine rapists, to far harsher sentences than at present. However, the new law will propose that the new definition of rape extend to a new crime of "date rape" which carries a lesser sentence, trivialising rape. I'm of the view that our existing laws are perfectly adequate, and the Law Society also has reservations about some of the implications of the new laws.
Moral Decay and attacks on the family
As if things weren't bad enough already for the institution of the family, the building block of civilised societies, the government has yet again weakened our safeguards against homosexual indecency.
Many readers will be aware that Britain has, for centuries, had legislation against the activities of the small minority of rather sad individuals who practice homosexuality. Some of it was repealed in the 1960s, to allow homosexuals to practice sodomy in private if both homosexuals were consenting. The rest of the law was retained, and covers homosexual cottaging (hanging around in public toilets and committing acts of indecency there), soliciting homosexual intercourse, homosexual group sex, various laws against homosexual pornography and homosexual acts in public. The government now terms these spartan and often unenforced safeguards, which failed to prevent homosexual activity being aired on TV shortly after the watershead, homosexual programmes on ITV, Channel 4 and Channel 5, some of which would make even Ron Davies blush, and disgusting displays of indecency at "gay" Mardi Gras events in London and Brighton, "discriminatory". It appears that the current spin doctors of the liberal intelligentsia see the remaining laws to protect children, the family and ensure decent behaviour in public are "bigotted". As a result, these laws will now be repealed by the new sexual offences bill.
Homosexuality and deviancy have been with man for centuries, and since the very first beginnings of law and civilisation, there have been laws and penalties for these offences. Even early man could understand that homosexual and deviant practices were harmful to the development of the civilisation. The majority of people, even today, feel a quite justified level of disgust when they have homosexuality rammed down their throats on the TV, in the newspapers and magazines or even in public. When the few laws we have left are repealed, homosexuals will have the right to
hang around in public toilets, bugger eachother in these facilities ("provided the cubicle door is
closed" - Hillary Benn, Home Office), solicit sex in public, kiss and grope in public and film videos of homosexual orgies and make these available for sale in shops. If anyone dares complain then they will be branded "homophobic". How would you like to be forced to run a gaunlet of dodgy characters next time you want to use the toilet at your local park? And reporting it to the police would probably earn you a conviction for "hate crime".
It wasn't so long ago that the police employed vice squads to deal with blatent homosexual indecency, and homosexuals were prosecuted and put on the sex offenders register for these acts. The laws on cottaging were enforced and homosexuals feared the law would catch-up with their dirty activities. How things have changed in the past 10 years! Nowadays homosexuals regularly get away with intimidating people in toilets, parks, woodlands, anywhere where they congregate, and don't seem to care who sees them or their activities. "Gay" websites openly declare which areas homosexuals should go to, without any fear of prosecution or reaction from the local residents. Recently, when police were passing a homosexual cottaging area, rather than arresting those involved, one of the policeman present was disciplined after making a joke about the homosexuals. It appears that those who want to protect morality and the family against those who have an utter hatred of it are the ones that are punished, and those who despise the family and want to propagate and force others to watch their abhorrent activities are given a pat on the back and a "liason officer".
Look forward to a future where your children come home with booklets instructing them to experiment with homosexuality, containing graphic illustrations and descriptions, and being branded "homophobic" for daring to oppose this brainwashing. Section 28 looks as though it will be abolished in England and Wales soon, despite the valiant and dedicated opposition organised in the last bastion of British tradition and sensibility - The House of Lords.
In conclusion, the government has yet again proven that it is in bed with the homosexuals and feminists rather than standing up for the concerns of ordinary Britons. While the toughing of the laws on some offences is welcome, the reality is the feminists have been granted a knife with which to emasculate heterosexual males, while the homosexuals have been let loose to indulge in any disgusting behaviour they wish, while undermining and attacking the family at every turn. So much for protecting children, when a group that is 23 times (The Sexual Dead-End, Stephen Green, Broadview 1992) more likely to be child molestors is given free reign!
Some interesting quotes
"I have never come across anyone with 'innate homosexuality.' That notion has been a long-proclaimed gay-activist political position, intended to promote the acceptance of homosexuality as a healthy, fully equal, alternative expression of human sexuality. It has zero scientific foundation though its promoters latch on to even the flimsiest shreds of atrocious research in their attempts to justify the notion."
Toronto Professor of Psychiatry, Joseph Berger (Letter, Globe and Mail, Feb 26, 1992).
"Several of my friends - homosexual and straight, male and female - had sex with adults from the ages of nine to 13. None feel they were abused. All say it was a conscious choice and gave them great joy. While it may be impossible to condone paedophilia, it is time society acknowledged the truth that not all sex involving children is unwanted, abusive and harmful."
Peter Tatchell, homosexual "rights" activist.
"There is no place, however, for homosexuals or lesbians in our armed forces. This country has become inflicted with the prominence of the foul and disgusting sexual orientation of so-called 'Gay Rights' groups. Physical homosexuality is sodomy and those who practise such acts are sodomites, and should be called as such. Those serving in the armed forces must be set apart from those in civilian employment. Homosexuals in the forces arouse the violent hostility of their comrades in arms and undermine authority. The situation becomes intolerable when homosexuals are given authority over the objects of their attentions."
General Sir Walter Walker, KCB, CBE, DSO**, PMN, PSNB (Former NATO Commander-in-Chief), Right Now, October - December 1999, p8.
"The new '90's homosexual does not confine him/herself to silence in the shadows, they are no longer quiet, tolerated, 'consenting adults in private' but loud, vociferous 'alternative' adult, very much revelling-in and demanding the public limelight. An old saying springs to mind: "Give them an inch and they'll take a mile"."
Tina Wingfield in "Pink Politics"
"Calder... notes that men in prison for sex offences often complain bitterly of [homosexual molestation] in youth and say that is what perverted them."
J. West, "Homosexuality" (Chicago Aldine, 1968)
"[One] case involved a 27-year-old, HIV-positive convicted sodomite named Troy Rivara. Rivara had frequently loitered in the school-yard at Intermediate School 44 on West 77th Street, regaling male students with comments like, 'Can I have your butt?' The police had been called at least twice because neighbours were concerned about his many young male visitors. Then last July he was arrested for the abduction and rape of an 11-year-old boy who attended IS 44"
James MacGuire, "No Sex, No Violence," June 21, 1993.
"The first sexual experience of the vast majority of homosexual men... was with a much OLDER homosexual. Even liberal Denmark has steadfastly refused homosexual adoption rights for this reason."
William Gairdner, "Speaking Out," Vol. 1, Issue 5.
It's time to speak-up and shove these degenerate scumbags back into the closet!
Excellent source of articles.
Nationalist political party that has vowed to "shove homosexuals back into the closet".
Information on which MP's voted in favour and against Section 28 recently.
Hide the following 12 comments
10.04.2003 13:08
a little uptight, are we?
10.04.2003 13:12
Or met any living, breathing human beings who have.
My dear, save your ranting for the therapy sessions you so desperately need. Meanwhile, we'll all get on with reporting and debating the news.
10.04.2003 13:17
isnt scientific???
10.04.2003 13:19
Toronto Professor of Psychiatry, Joseph Berger (Letter, Globe and Mail, Feb 26, 1992).
Homosexuality is a MENTAL ILLNESS
"The gay world is anything but gay; it is inhabited by an inordinate number of the neurotic, the self-absorbed, the lonely, the alcoholic, the sexually compulsive, and the suicidal. And all of it is shrouded by the spectre of deadly communicable disease."[6]
"I've just got to get this homosexual monkey off my back. I just frankly can't live with it. I must either extinguish it, if I can, or maybe by religion extinguish all sex. And the other thing is to be dead. To have anonymous sex with other sick men, I can't make a life out of that..."[75]
Intimidating the APA
"homosexuals have gone beyond the plane of defensiveness and now argue that their deviancy is a 'desirable, noble, preferable way of life.'"[69]
"[I]n a deliberately planned campaign of intimidation and disruption, the U.S. National Gay and Lesbian Task Force (NGLTF), declaring that 'psychiatry is the enemy incarnate,'[25] actually managed to force a 1973 convention of the American Psychiatric Association (APA) to declare homosexuality, theretofore defined as deviant, 'a normal condition.'"[G374] It should be noted that only half of the APA members voted, and of these, only 58 percent agreed with the change.[G375] It should also be noted, that the study by the NIMH task-force which recommended the change did not include psychoanalytic clinicians.[R143]
"Only three psychiatrists were participants [in the NIMH study]. One of them, Dr. Judd Marmor, had for years espoused the view that homosexuality is normal. The chairman, a psychologist, Evelyn Hooker, Ph.D., was of the same long-time conviction. The Kinsey-Hopkins faction was represented by Paul Gebhard, Ph.D., Director of the Institute for Sex, Indiana University, and John Money, Ph.D., from Johns Hopkins, a prime mover among the proponents for transsexual surgery."[s86]
"The consequences of this action are of a formidable nature. Not only will the homosexual be victimised, but the entire area of research in the development of gender identity will be damaged. Young men and women with relatively minor sexual fears of the opposite sex will be led with equanimity by psychiatrists and other members of the medical profession who buy this bill of boods into a self-despising pattern and lifestyle. Homosexuality will henceforth be touted as simply an acceptable variation on the norm. Adolescents, nearly all of whom suffer some sort of uncertainty as to identity, will be discouraged from assuming that one form of gender identity (one's own birth-right) is preferable to another.[74] And those persons who already have a homosexual problem will be discouraged from fighting their way out of a self-destructive fantasy, discouraged from learning to accept themselves as male or female, discouraged from all of those often painful but necessary courses that allow us all to function as reasonable and participating individuals in a co-operating society." [s89]
"Even four years later, a survey of 2500 psychiatrists found that 69 percent believed homosexuality was 'a pathological adaptation.' About 18 percent disagreed; 13 percent were uncertain."[G375] The decision was the result of political pressure, not expert consensus.
"And homosexuals tended to feel the same way about themselves. About 25 percent believed their behaviour was an emotional disorder, and 37 percent answered they they were 'emotionally disturbed.' Young male homosexuals (14-21) commit suicide at two to three times the rate of heterosexuals (Paediatrics, June 1991). For all ages, their rate is six times that of heterosexuals."[G375]
"many members of our profession still privately express the opinion that homosexual development is not normal. The 1973 ruling did not resolve the issue --it simply silenced 80 years of psychoanalytic observation."[13]
Politically Correct Research
And what has followed the ruling? Pseudo-scientific garbage written by homosexuals, citing their own work or that of other homosexuals, trying to justify their behaviour which, instead of being based on scientific tradition, is based on political dictate. Post-1973 research is a vast sterile wasteland peppered only by abortive attempts, for how can 22 years of research, stemming from political dictate, even begin to compare with over 80 years of impartial scientific inquiry? It can't, and it shows.
To give one example, I mention the Lavey experiment: a gay physician compared the brains of heterosexual and homosexual men. Never mind the fact that there are large differences in brains between individuals and he used a relatively small sample size, he also has to contend with the fact that many of his "gay" subjects died of AIDS --which frequently causes brain deterioration and that brains literally can change according to use.
This author has worked in the medical community, and knows that there is no medically-acceptable way of "normalising" and comparing brains, let alone functional "parts" of brains. This pathetic and morbid image --the image of a lone homosexual slicing up the brains of his formerly diseased and now dead friends in an effort to justify his behaviour, makes a more vivid statement about post-1973 research than all the words I could ever write in a lifetime.
And how do you identify "pro-homosexual" research? Through the use of politically mandated phrases like "sexual orientation" --which implicitly assume that there is more than one kind of sexuality. Such phrases, when used in an argument about homosexuality, beg the question in favour of the mandated outcome. Likewise, the word "gay": It is a sad attempt to pretend that the homosexual condition is a somehow happier existence than that of common man.
"In 1973 a movement first spearheaded by Vice President Marmor of the A.P.A. and other psychiatrists in league with the Gay Activists Alliance, the Mattachine Society, and the Daughters of Bilitis (the women's arm of the Mattachine Society), undertook to influence the Nomenclature Committee of the association to delete 'homosexuality' from the diagnostic nomenclature."[s88] More recently, homosexuals have been attempting to ADD the word "Homophobia" to the nomenclature --in an attempt to suggest that those who OPPOSE homosexuals are mentally ill.
Another recent study (not worth referencing), is one in which "homophobic" males were subjected to "gay" pornography while a "peter-meter" read their level of arousal. Typically, this study is summarised by saying that it "found that homophobic men became aroused when viewing gay pornography."
Yeah, right... Since the study was intended to prove the existence of homophobia, it is plain question-begging --assuming what you wish to prove-- to categorise certain males as "homophobic" and to then subject them to a test for arousal. The screening method (for "homophobes") could easily be tailored to eliminate problematic individuals.
Also, there is the question of believability: What real homo-hater would consent to have a device attached to his penis, and to be subjected to homosexual pornography? --especially when you consider that the study was probably administered by homosexuals.
In addition to this, we might ask what exactly is meant by "gay" pornography --how we are certain that these images are what gay men prefer --as opposed to homosexual images tailored to arouse normal men; And we might ask what are their comparative reactions to viewing normal pornography.
It is conceivable that the average person might very well become aroused (not noticeably to themselves) by any graphic images, and people who hate homosexuals may very well have a greater overall arousal rate in general. But Homosexuals PREFER sex with other men, and any man whose reaction to homosexual pornography is less than that to normal pornography can not be a homosexual (in the closet or otherwise).
On top of this, the researchers themselves admit: "anxiety has been shown to enhance arousal and erection," and so it is also possible that "a response to homosexual stimuli [in these men] is a function of the threat condition rather than sexual arousal per se. These competing notions can and should be evaluated by future research." And then there's the sample size: 35 "homophobic" men, and 29 "nonhomophobic" men.
Another question which could be asked is just what sort of reputable institution would facilitate a study involving "gay" pornography, penis-meters, and such shoddy, politically-inspired science? (Hint: The University of Georgia.) It probably isn't any place you'd want to send your kids.
The use of terms like "sexual orientation", "gay", and "homophobia", is a form of political pandering to "gay approval". Any so-called "scientist" who resorts to such linguistic trickery or pandering should be recognised as having compromised his scientific objectivity. The correct psychoanalytic term for these people is "homosexual" and what they do is have "intercourse" (although a more accurate term for their practices would be "mutual masturbation") --NOT "sex". All of this linguistic nonsense results from homosexual anxiety about their own behaviour --trying to make the unpalatable more palatable by renaming it.
The Suppressed Truth About Homosexuality
Homosexuality results from environmental factors: molestation, bad parenting, or lack of heterosexual outlet. This is why activists charged that psychiatry was waging "a war of extermination" against homosexuals: By improving these conditions, homosexuality can be eliminated forever... and homosexuals have no intention of letting you do that, even with your own children.
We have dealt with disproportional molestation of children in another section, and it should be obvious by now that the molestation of a child at a particular stage of sexual development, an environmental factor, leads to a perverse sexuality which corresponds to that particular stage. Molestation of youth leads to an acting out of this brutalization, as the youth grows older, on younger youths --and a certain portion of these will not make the adaptation due to impact (at least, not with psychoanalytic help).
Instead, in this chapter, we will concentrate on showing how the environmental factor of bad parenting has been proven by over 80 years research to incline individuals to homosexual development, and we will also detail the chilling story of how this model (including molestation) has been used by homosexuals themselves to promote their behaviour in our society --even as they decry it as "homophobic."
The Freudian Model of Sexual Development
The Freudian model recognises that pleasure is used to ensure healthy development of the individual, and that this pleasurable attention is focussed on various parts of the body to encourage their use at a proper time in the individual's development. The infant, for example, partakes of the maternal breast, and the Freudian model asserts that this experience is rendered pleasurable --encouraging the infant to obtain nourishment (which he would not know how to do otherwise). Likewise, children, at another stage, must learn how to dispose of their waste, and the libidinal attention revolves around the anus at this stage, encouraging regular emptying of the bowels.
Later stages involve attention being applied to one's own genitalia (the Phallic Stage), and this eventually gives way to attention being focussed on some part of the opposite gender --passing briefly (and possibly unconsciously) through a stage where one's attention is focussed on others, but not yet of the opposite gender.
As a mentally-healthy adult, the male youth's awareness of sexual capacity will be located in her, his sexual experiences will be with her, he will think of more than himself and his urges, and he will perform a socially-useful function in exchange for sexual gratification. The transition is a learning experience, hindered or helped by the environment, towards making social contact with women.
Some homosexuals remain in the adolescent transition stage, and are typified by narcissistic and impulsive behaviour, but many are stuck in the earlier stages, including the anal and the oral (where the penis becomes a substitute for the maternal breast). These latter stages are characterised by childish tendencies: selfishness, tantrums, sado-masochism, brutality, etc. Many of these childish tendencies are readily observable on any modern talk-show with such guests.
"Above all, the homosexual must be recognised as an individual who suffers from a psychiatric problem."[s96]
"Homosexuality is indeed an illness. The homosexual is an emotionally-disturbed individual who has not acquired the normal capacity to develop satisfying heterosexual relationships."[69]
Homosexuals, along with every other kind of deviant, are those which have failed to make the transition to becoming a fully-functioning, mentally-healthy adult." It is not within everyone's power to develop completely, and a small minority of both sexes remain in a state of homosexuality."[26]
"[According to Freud] perversion in adulthood denotes the continuation into adult life of infantile sexual behaviour and inclinations, and represents a possible outcome of a failure of social conditioning to suppress perverse sexuality."[68:57]
"homosexual adaptation occurs when heterosexual adaptation proves too difficult.... such factors as inability to cope with the rivalry of more successful brother, or intense jealousy of father, may play a decisive role [27,28,29,30]"[W202]
"The one common factor in all these situations is some hindrance to relations with the opposite sex. It may be through Oedipal guilt, it may be through maladroitness or 'sissiness', but whatever the most appropriate interpretation in a particular case it amounts to this: homosexual adaptation occurs when heterosexual adaptation proves too difficult."[W202]
The psychosexual growth of some homosexuals is retarded and they remain in a state positioned between masturbation and appreciation of the opposite sex --where the sexual attention has focussed on other people, but not yet of the opposite gender. One might argue that some deviations, like voyeurism LEAD in the direction of healthy development, but one cannot say that about homosexuality, as it is a dead end in sexual development --in a cul-de-sac all its own. It shares this distinction with paedophilia.
Environmental Factors
How can normal sexual development be retarded? By application of positive or negative reinforcement before, during, or immediately after puberty. Many people who turn to pornography are socially shy. Homosexuals are typically the products of homosexual molestation or particularly bad upbringings. Considering that the "distance" of the transition from onanism to heterosexuality is greater, in stages, than that between onanism and homosexuality, we see that it is technically "easier" to force homosexual development with environmental factors. From a social standpoint we see the same thing: It is harder socially to meet and date women, than it is to associate with men.
"The life stories of many homosexuals bear witness to the peculiar upbringing to which they have been subjected [31]"[W187]
"The investigators concluded that nearly all homosexual patients had had highly abnormal upbringings, worse than the heterosexual group, and that as children they had acted as scapegoats who brought out the worst in their unhappy parents."[W193]
"Laymen, psychiatrists and psycho-analysts alike commonly believe too intense or possessive mothering risks making a boy homosexual[32].... some observers, including Anna Freud[33], have pointed out that a weak, unsatisfactory, or absent father forms an important part of the picture [34],[35],[36],[37]." [W188] In other words, homosexuality results from a matriarchal (female dominant) form of parenting. This is where the homosexual movement's interests dovetail with that of the feminist movement.
" was the standard view that all male homosexuals had domineering, seductive, manipulating mothers... and ineffectual, often absent fathers (weak male role-model). Irving Bieber maintained that in none of the cases he treated or studied had there ever been a normal father-son relationship. A Toronto psychiatrist told me that all the homosexuals he treats have had 'unsatisfactory relations' with their parents. About 40 percent of all lesbians have dead or divorced mothers"[G367]
" can often discern the Freudian themes running through the life histories given by homosexuals. For example, the point about the undue attachment of the male homosexual to his mother is in many cases easily seen without any special investigation."[W180]
"In his classic exposition of psycho-analytic theory[46] Fenichel comments: 'The majority of homosexuals not only present an Oedipus love for their mothers, just as do neurotic individuals, but for the most part the intensity of the mother fixation is even more pronounced.'"[W189]
"Indeed, many psycho-analysts, such as Bergler and Cappon[47], have commented on the emotional immaturity and neurotic disposition of the sexual deviants they see. Edmund Bergler[48] in particular, emphasised they they are SICK PEOPLE, so much so that 'Even if the outer world were to leave them in peace, homosexuals could lead miserable lives.'"[W183]
"...boys who have lost their mothers may become homosexually orientated through trying to win the affections of the remaining parent by playing the role of substitute wife." (Freud suggested that one reason for the prevalence of male homosexuality in ancient Greece was that boys were tended by male slaves [who were unmarried].)"[W201]
Regarding the question of molestation, Freud says that "An unconscious desire to find another 'mother's little boy' explains why some male homosexuals chase after children."[W203]
Some authors have suggested that homosexuality is a regression to the infantile, oral stage: "In some way the penis becomes the symbol for the maternal breast, and hence homosexual behaviour comes about. For instance, in sucking the semen from a penis one is symbolically taking milk from the breast. Alternatively, taking the penis either orally or anally one is taking over the 'masculine' strength of the donor, undoing one's own castration, and fitting oneself to fight the battles of the world again. Of perhaps one might try to deny one's weakness by taking a dominant role sexually with other men."
"The homosexual is engaged in an ego-saving operation to compensate for the defect in his masculinity; he therefore seeks out the masculinity in another man which he then can incorporate. Such compensation via incorporation is fleeting in its fulfilling effect; it requires continuous repetition, as the stolen masculinity is not genuine and is doomed to failure."[s101] (Hence, the homosexual propensity to promiscuity.)
"There's a coarseness, a deadening coarseness, in the experience of most homosexuals. The experiences are quick, and hard, and brutal, and the pattern of them is practically unchanging. Their act of love is like the jabbing of a hypodermic needle to which they're addicted but which is more and more empty of real interest and surprise."[76]
"Fifteen years of practice, teaching, and supervision of psychiatric residents, with continual refinement at the theoretical level, led me to the conclusions discussed in my book, "The Overt Homosexual"(1968). There is no question that by now we have sufficient evidence as a profession to demonstrate that homosexuality can be reversed in many cases or, at least, its symptoms and suffering greatly alleviated by medical psychoanalysis." --Charles W. Socarides. [s82]
Post 1973 Cover-Up
Recent attempts have been made to literally turn the environmental model on it's head --to suggest that the 'innately gay' child inspires abusive, peculiar behaviour in its parents.
Homosexuals, who never cease citing statistics and surveys which show that aside from their sexual conduct they look and act just like everyone else, that they cannot be distinguished from normal society, honestly expect us to believe that a young child who, moreover, has not engaged in sexual conduct of any kind is somehow 'influencing' his parents to act abusively. How is this influence propagated? --etheric waves?
On the other hand, there is nothing subtle about molestation or bad parenting --especially when this influence is applied to a sensitive, impressionable young mind. The converse is not the case: Parents, as we all known, do not have sensitive, impressionable minds. They also don't throw tantrums or react irrationally to circumstances --or at least GOOD parents don't. The suggestion that parents are somehow influenced by their children is thus shown to be nonsense.
But, more offensive still, is the notion that children have an 'innate sexuality' or that parents think along these lines, and react abusively when the correct 'sexuality' is not manifested. The only people who consider children to be 'sexual beings' are those who want an excuse to molest them. Good parents give their children the benefit of a doubt, and bad parents result in a fair proportion of homosexuals in society.
Homosexuality is a Mental Illness
6 Richard John Neuhaus, "Table for One," Dec 13, 1993. A review of homosexual Bruces Bawer's "A Place at the Table The Gay Individual in American Society." Contains many brilliant arguments.
75 Homosexual writer, in [s100].
69 "The Problem of Homosexuality." N.Y. Academy of Medicine. Bulletin. 40 576-580, 1964.
25 For a description of this entire medical debacle, Dennemeyer refers us to Ronald Bayer, "Homosexuality and American Psychiatry The Politics of Diagnosis" (New York Basic Books, 1981).
G. William Gairdner, "The War Against the Family a parent speaks out" (Toronto Stoddart, 1992). An excellent overview of the liberal agenda and aims by a Stanford professor of philosophy.
R. Judith Reisman, Ph.D. and Edward Eichel, "Kinsey, Sex and Fraud The Indoctrination of a People" (Lafayette, Louisiana Lochinvar-Huntington House, 1990). ISBN 0-910311-20-X. (Can also be obtained for 19.95 (US) from A-albionic Research, P.O. Box 20273, Ferndale, Michegan, 48220.)" [Dedicated] to the several hundred children who suffered inhumanely in the illegal sex experiments that constitute the basis for a significant portion of Dr. Alfred Kinsey's book "Sexual Behavior in the Human Male." Many of these children will still be alive today. It is also dedicated to those children who are being subjected to the kind of Kinseyan sex education curricula described in this book." YOU MUST READ THIS.
s. Charles W. Socarides, M.D., "Beyond Sexual Freedom" (New York Quadrangle, 1975). An overview of modern societal degeneration, including chapters on feminism, group-sex, communal living, pornography, homosexuality, and sex-mutilation surgery.
74 Bloss, P. "On Adolescence". N.Y. Free Press, 1961.
13 Dr. Joseph Nicolosi, "The California Psychologist," February, 1989.
69 "The Problem of Homosexuality." N.Y. Academy of Medicine. Bulletin. 40 576-580, 1964.
26 Soddy, K. (1954) "Homosexuality." Lancet, 267, 541.
68 ed. Mark Cook, Kevin Howells, "Adult Sexual Interest in Children," Academic Press, Toronto, 1981.
27 Lagache, D. (1950) "Homosexuality and Jealousy." International Journal of Psycho-analysis, 31, 24-31.
28 Lewinsky, H. (1952) "Features from a case of homosexuality." Psychoanalytic Quarterly, 21, 344-354.
29 Regardie, F.I. (1949) "Analysis of a homosexual." Psychiatric Quarterly, 23, 548-566.
30 Schwarz, H. (1952) "A case of character disorder." Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic, 16, 20-30.
W. D.J. West, "Homosexuality" (Chicago Aldine, 1968). An excellent summary of pre-1973 research although, even at that time, experts regularly gave in to homosexual pressure on the child-molestation issue.
31 London, L.S. and Caprio, F. S. (1950) "Sexual Deviations." Washington, Linacre Press.
32 Hamilton, D. M. (1939) "Some aspects of homosexuality in relation to total personality development." Psychiatric Quarterly, 13, 229-244.
33 Freeman, T. (1955) "Clinical and theoretical observations on male homosexuality." International Journal of Psycho-analysis, 36, 335-347.
34 Allen, C. (1958) "Homosexuality Its Nature, Causation and Treatment." London, Staples Press.
35 Lorand, S. (1951) "Clinical Studies in Psycho-analysis." New York, International Universities Press.
36 Apfelberg, B., et al. (1944) "A psychiatric study of 250 sex offenders." American Journal of Psychiatry, 100, 762-769.
37 Whitener, R. W. and Nikelly, A. G. (1964). "Sexual deviations in college students." American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 34, 486-492.
47 Cappon, D. (1965) "Towards an Understanding of Homosexuality." Englewood Cliffs, N.J., Prentice-Hall.
48 Bergler, E. (1951) "Neurotic Counterfeit-Sex." New York, Grune & Stratton.
76 Williams, Tennessee. "Confessional. Produced in N.Y. under the title "Small Craft Warnings", N.Y. New Directions, 1970.
Support the ANL
10.04.2003 13:21
Wrong forum, bigot!
Fred Ree
feeling a leetle bit hung up, are we?
10.04.2003 13:22
You save your bizarre ranting for the therapy sessions. We continue reporting and debating the news. That alright for ya?
Furthermore, I hardly think that one so evidently inexperienced in consensual sex has a right to an opinion about the sexual behavior of others. Especially one who prefers rapists to gays.
homophobic nazis
10.04.2003 13:41
BNP fuhrer Nick Griffin is hysterically homophobic, and talked about being pleased about the nailbombings, calling gay people "creatures". He talked about "pushing them firmly back into the closet and locking it".
If that wasn't bad enough, John Tyndall, founder-Fuhrer of the BNP has even criticised Nick Griffin for not being homophobic enough, and suggests they ban homosexuality and send gay people to prison, and even worse measures.
No wonder this bloke put a BNP website on his article.
anti nazi
10.04.2003 13:50
If you think opposing removing our rights to a fair trial when it comes to rape cases means I sympathise with rapists then you're wrong. I just believe that real rape should be rape, and new idiotic notions like "if a woman regrets it later it was rape" trivialise rape and endanger innocent men who've done nothing wrong. Plenty of lefties agree with standpoint on this too you know.
And yes, homosexuals are unnatural and mentally disordered, most psychologists followed this line until they were forced by political correctness to reclassify homosexuality.
Why is gay rights people like Tatchell reckon shagging 9yr olds isnt harmful? because they're already so perverted it makes no difference to them.
ready to hide
10.04.2003 14:33
its factual
10.04.2003 14:40
disgusted from Tunbridge Wells
10.04.2003 15:44
He likes the BNP cos the Tories have "gone liberal" since Maggie Thatcher went, and wants something to do be done about "asylum scroungers" who are being housed in a new centre thats too close to his backyard, "black crime" and "black yardies" and "black gun culture", and wants to stop a new mosque being built near a park because it "won't fit the community, they'd be better off in Ilford perhaps..". Give his wife the odd slap or rape so he doesn't like the idea of the old Victorian "if she's wearing a short skirt she was asking for it" rape laws being changed. Has a pathological hatred of gay people for no apparent reason, thinks that Dale Winton should be banned from TV, censors his kids reading material and thinks criminals should be flogged. Wants to pull out of the EU and return us all to victorian times.
anti nazi
that's a BNP press release
10.04.2003 16:05