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VIDEO + PICTURES PSNI Attack anti Bush/War protesters BELFAST

INDYMEDIA IRELAND | 10.04.2003 12:40

1min 30sec MPEG and Windows media
Police attack peaceful Anti War Protesters, in Belfast during BUSH/BLAIR War summit (article 1)

Video VIDEO + PICTURES PSNI Attack anti Bush/War protesters BELFAST - video/mpeg

VIDEO + PICTURES PSNI Attack anti Bush/War protesters BELFAST
VIDEO + PICTURES PSNI Attack anti Bush/War protesters BELFAST

VIDEO + PICTURES PSNI Attack anti Bush/War protesters BELFAST
VIDEO + PICTURES PSNI Attack anti Bush/War protesters BELFAST

Peaceful sitdown demo turns nasty as PSNI police service of Northern Ireland, showed little has changeed (other than new name and silly hats)



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legitimate tactics

10.04.2003 13:02

No beatings seen, only 1 piece showing someone who was resisting arrest being battoned once or twice on the arm, which is legitimate practice.

A few protestors being jostled and taken away for refusing to move or come of their own accord.

No evidence of assault, no injuries, nothing to complain about.

Take your hysteria elsewhere.

Continuity RUC

PSNI hicks are stupid

11.04.2003 22:30

Continuity RUC is an pathetic delusioned imbecile, his comments are an insult to Hugh ordes efforts to reform the PSNI. At least we in the Gardai have the intelligence to NOT beat peaceful protestors in front of international TV crews. Hopefully with increased cross border police exchanges, we Gardai will be able to teach PSNI hicks some style and instill some common sense and discipline into them. Its an uphill struggle, trying reform Continuity RUC redneck hicks but hopefully our style, intelligence and discipline will rub off on them one day once the penny drops.



09.06.2003 14:40

Coppers...Fuck Off. Now.

Hannary the cat


27.04.2004 11:35

What is your accual problem if you read this file below you will find that it has been difficult for them over the last few years, your web page of hate does not help them. I was watch the anti bush protest and it was not peacefull they blocked traffic hindered shops and generally ran amuck.

RUC: Rank and file fear for the future

The Northern Ireland Secretary has said the Royal Ulster Constabulary will not be disbanded.
Speaking at the annual conference of the Northern Ireland Police Federation in County Down, Mo Mowlam, made it clear that the Independent Commission on Policing will, however, recommend some changes.

She said: "I hear calls for disbandment of the RUC and those who are saying there must be no change.

"It has to be said these are very narrow views and the prime minister and I have made it clear that neither of these extreme options is possible."

Head of the Federation, Les Rodgers told the conference that Sinn Fein had co-ordinated an "evil conspiracy" to destroy the credibility of the RUC over the last year.

'Sinn Fein conspiracy'

He said members of the legal profession, the media and academia had wittingly and unwittingly supported the campaign, which was aimed at influencing the report of the Patten Commission on Policing Reform.

Bairbre de Brun: New police forces needed
Attacking Sinn Fein and other critics of the RUC he said: "Their sole purpose is to destroy the credibility of this force by ensuring we have no future. I cannot believe their campaign can be allowed to succeed.

"My members have had enough of listening to these people crucify the work and sacrifice of the RUC."

Collusion rejected

Mr Rodgers also strongly rejected allegations of collusion with loyalists, which have led to calls for an inquiry into the murder of Belfast solicitor Pat Finucane 10 years ago.

He said there was no evidence for this, and that the RUC had always found itself in the middle of the Catholic and Protestant communities, upholding the rule of law.

"We expect and we demand strong, unambiguous support from government and the community," he said. "We need to see more realism injected into what is going on and what lies ahead.

"Next month, the confrontation at Drumcree may well intensify. If we are not getting that vital backing, we can be down there, feeling like cannon fodder."

'Comments hysterical'

Responding to the allegations, Sinn Fein Assembly member Bairbre de Brun said the Federation is fighting a rearguard action to try to prevent changes being brought about by the Good Friday Agreement.

She said: "Its not just Sinn Fein, but the broader nationalist community want to see a new police service that they can have confidence in.

"The problems of the RUC stem from their own actions, their own history and their own present attitude, which has to change. There has to be a new policing service."

The nationalist SDLP said Mr Rodger's comments were typically hysterical in tone and content.

An SDLP spokesman said, "His denial of the extent of policing problems ill-prepares the police for forthcoming fundamental change.

"Police leaders should acknowledge the years of nationalist alienation from the police and accept what is wrong and what will be changed."

The Commission on policing is expected to publish its report in September, after the marching season.

P.S could the foll who said f@~# the coppers please explain this point!

Bob Smith
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