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dh | 09.04.2003 20:43

While the celebrations in Baghdad signify another step in the globalist agenda to turn the world into a global version of Saddam's style of society, they also have another nasty little weapon spreading.

By the way there will be a homeopathic epidemic remedy that will cure some 70% of SARS cases, which I've a hunch will be Arsenicum, same as for the 1918 flu pandemic. I'll confirm or otherwise later.

SARS UPDATE April 05, 2003 ... the new "outbreak" of SARS in Hong Kong comes as no surprise to me as it was almost as if it were being contained ... there seems to be little doubt at this time that SARS is unquestionably a human engineered virus and is being released under controlled conditions to prepare the US for major outbreaks here in major metropolitan areas ... here is the situation ... in spite of news reports of HIGH approval ratings for King George II the insiders know that his approval rating is in the toilet ... word has been leaking out for some time that he is totally out of the info loop in Washington and has been drinking heavily for some time ... so what does this have to do with SARS ... LOTS! ... the real underlying reason for getting our entire army into one spot is to gut the US proper of any military capability ... our department of "defense" has been designed for nothing more than to procure and defend oil fields in the mid east ... DEFENSE of the US is not even a consideration ... where the military is right now the army, marines and our entire navy are sitting ducks ... as you can well imagine the 911 deal pulled off with not even a shot fired by our "defense department" ... the international push to move towards a new world government is at hand and the weakening of the US is essential (basically they need the US completely neutralized monetarily, militarly and too boot the citizens need to be contained ... maybe you are starting to get the drift) ... the Homeland Security bills were passed without a whimper by Congress but in spite of that the real insiders know that the US public is about ready to storm the Bastille ... they know that Homeland Security code RED will do nothing but bring on their demise in a most rude manner ... ENTER SARS just 4 weeks ago ... the US mil black OPS weirdoes/ psychos have been doing human engineered viruses for a long time (that is the reason for the untimely deaths of tons of well trained microbiologists in the US of late as they knew what was going on etc) ... SARS was released in Hong Kong to make you think that is where it "originated" BUT they had to produce a cell in Canada also to convince you that "it can get here quickly also" ... they needed an initial release to assure that everyone was aware of it so when they released it in one or more major metro areas of the US you would already be fully aware ... the plan is PLAN B since they know that the Homeland Security CODE RED gig will not work but will probably backfire on the Bush crew and friends ... BUT!!! ... enter another factor that has been at work for some time ... the international families who are all vying for the top spots in the new one world government are not interested in having any of the Bushes around since 1) they do not trust them since they fell for the bait of taking all of the oil reserves of Iraq for themselves and 2) they never were really fully on the inside to begin with ... look at the current situation ... the dollar is in shambles, our ENTIRE military is in one spot (something you would NEVER DO as a military commander), the world political climate is back in the 1940's and Bush has alienated the entire world as he tried to grab for mid-east oil at a critical time when the new world gov is trying to form and as his marching orders are to weaken and neutralize the US monetarily, militarily and to shut down the US public ... parts one and two are accomplished but part three is not ... so SARS is their solution ...the medical community in the US is totally unprepared to deal with SARS although we already know that there are agents that will reduce the death rates from 5% to below .001% with the use of immune building essential oil of oregano ... when the release is made in the US of SARS you and your family will be on their own ...



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foucault said...

09.04.2003 22:50

"authority desires a plague"- foucault!

puddin' taine


10.04.2003 00:18

I wondered when the first one would apppear ...



10.04.2003 13:26

another missive from dh in the Twilight Zone...
