Smiles and Flowers for U.S. Marines in Baghdad
Robin | 09.04.2003 12:41
Smiles and Flowers for U.S. Marines in Baghdad
Wed April 9, 2003 07:49 AM ET
By Sean Maguire
BAGHDAD - Hundreds of jubilant Iraqis mobbed a convoy of U.S. Marines on Wednesday, cheering, dancing and waving as American troops swept toward central Baghdad through slums and leafy suburbs from the east.
Crowds threw flowers at the Marines as they drove past the Martyrs' Monument, just two miles east of the central Jumhuriya Bridge over the Tigris river.
Young and middle-aged men, many wearing soccer shirts of leading Western clubs like Manchester United, shouted "Hello, hello" as Marines advanced through the rundown sprawl of Saddam City and then more prosperous suburbs with villas and trim lawns.
"No more Saddam Hussein," chanted one group, waving to troops as they passed. "We love you, we love you."
One young man ran alongside a Marine armored personnel carrier trying to hand over a heavy belt of ammunition.
An older man made a wild kicking gesture with his foot, saying "Goodbye Saddam."
Women waved from balconies, girls threw flower petals at young Marines leaning across gun turrets. One woman held her baby aloft.
Tank crews picked the flowers from the tops of their fighting machines, smelt them and grinned.
One man shouted to a soldier: "Is it over?."
"Almost," came the Marine's reply.
"To be honest, I'm happy it appears they're not going to fight. I was a little nervous when the crowd was so exuberant, we've heard so much about suicide bombings and drive-by shootings," said Captain Dan Rose.
"We are the lead regiment now. We are the furthest forward of anyone," Colonel John Toolan, commander of 1st Marine Regiment, told Reuters.
"I believe we are on the last leg."
Wed April 9, 2003 07:49 AM ET
By Sean Maguire
BAGHDAD - Hundreds of jubilant Iraqis mobbed a convoy of U.S. Marines on Wednesday, cheering, dancing and waving as American troops swept toward central Baghdad through slums and leafy suburbs from the east.
Crowds threw flowers at the Marines as they drove past the Martyrs' Monument, just two miles east of the central Jumhuriya Bridge over the Tigris river.
Young and middle-aged men, many wearing soccer shirts of leading Western clubs like Manchester United, shouted "Hello, hello" as Marines advanced through the rundown sprawl of Saddam City and then more prosperous suburbs with villas and trim lawns.
"No more Saddam Hussein," chanted one group, waving to troops as they passed. "We love you, we love you."
One young man ran alongside a Marine armored personnel carrier trying to hand over a heavy belt of ammunition.
An older man made a wild kicking gesture with his foot, saying "Goodbye Saddam."
Women waved from balconies, girls threw flower petals at young Marines leaning across gun turrets. One woman held her baby aloft.
Tank crews picked the flowers from the tops of their fighting machines, smelt them and grinned.
One man shouted to a soldier: "Is it over?."
"Almost," came the Marine's reply.
"To be honest, I'm happy it appears they're not going to fight. I was a little nervous when the crowd was so exuberant, we've heard so much about suicide bombings and drive-by shootings," said Captain Dan Rose.
"We are the lead regiment now. We are the furthest forward of anyone," Colonel John Toolan, commander of 1st Marine Regiment, told Reuters.
"I believe we are on the last leg."
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Amazing remark!!!
09.04.2003 13:36
That is a rather strange one since many, especially the children do not even have a "last leg" to stand on after the "liberating" experience of being bombed.
Wrong Arm of the Raw
09.04.2003 13:37
John Cowley
09.04.2003 14:06
09.04.2003 14:28
'try not to let stories about Iraqi attrocities get posted.. ony Western'
err, last nite, on the day that 100's of dead and wounded an hour were cramming into baghdad's hospital and the day that US troops attacked *every* independent media base in Baghdad, what was the ITV main story?....'ba'ath party used to torture people in basra'!! even the Soviet propaganda system wasn't as good as the one we've got here
'Iraq locals in Southern Iraq who for the first time in years can freely work at the port and recieve a wage'
???so people didn't work for a wage before? hmmm
'This is not the point, despite the fact that the it is acknowedged by some that more civillians might have died under Saddam's rule, civillians have died'
so u reckon western crimes are justified by crimes that might have been committed in the future by the ba'ath party...that's the mirror image of what you're condemning us for supposedly saying!!
'Who cares if some Iraqi's have expressed a view that the war is a necessary evil to get rid of Saddam'
have a read of http::/ .... instead of telling iraqis want they want (again you're doing exactly what you condemn us for doing) read what one of them living in baghdad actually says
' We must not acknowledge the good things the west have done ONLY the bad.. '
what, the west has started a war, devastated iraq once again & killed thousands of people to get rid of a tyrant who wouldn't be there if it wasn't for the west in the 1st place...yeah, we're heroes
09.04.2003 14:51
The war is finished hopefully, we must accept that do you think that the Iraqi people would have wanted Saddam to stay or for a "puppet" government put in. I reckon they would want the puppet government. For you to say you KNOW what they want is both FUCKING arrogant and seriously ignorant.
This is not a game about making the West to be the bad guys this is about life and death, sometimes it would be good for some people to remember that..
Ynori's west
09.04.2003 15:49
Without heaping the abuse Ynori rightly deserves let me point out the western supremacy that is behind the current shortsighted euphoria in the *west* as mirrored in Ynori's post.
Only an idiot will celebrate unless of course there are other reasons like the worst of the evils has been got rid of *for now*.
Let the Iraqis celebrate if Saddam has been got rid of after 35 years.
But is it time for celebration for us?
Is it time for celebration for our planet that Iraq momentarily is poised to join after such a long break?
Let us remember that this (Ynori's open jubilation) is exactly what Blair blurted out many times in his speech in the house of commons drama 'our way of life'.
This (Ynori's open jubilation) is exactly what Bush blurted out after 9/11
'You are with us or against us'. The 'us' being the west and its sympathisers/collaborator.
The 'west' its people, way of life, values are truly disgusting. This is the main threat to this planet's existence.