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WHO benefitted most directly from England's...

net worm | 09.04.2003 11:06

WHO benefitted most directly from England's decision not to adopt the Euro?

Is the answer as simple as asking, "Who is the richest person in England?" or "Who are the largest shareholders of English currency?" or is that entirely the wrong approach to determining the answer?

What is the straightest path between that decision and the most likely beneficiary (ies)?

What is the key to understanding and determining what is/are the most basic reason(s) behind that decision?

Who benefits most by it?

Can some intelligent person please help me to understand this?

Many thanks.

net worm


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What advantage...

09.04.2003 12:29

What was the advantage in keeping the pound instead of going euro? I don't understand.

Did the decision benefit the United States?

Who benefitted most and how?

If Britain had adopted the euro, would the British still be involved in the attack on Iraq? (Would Blair have sided intstead, with other European nations?

What is the relationship of the currency to decisions over whether to be involved in the attack?

Spain uses the euro. Does that mean there is no relationship to currency (apart from the fact that war is business)?

Please, coukd somebody answer my questions?


Who gives a shit?

09.04.2003 12:36

the gap between rich and poor is growing, in any currency!

Ad Nauseum

dollar - euro - Iraq

09.04.2003 13:33

There is some info' on dollar and euro imperial carve up
and how it relates to Iraq.


euro vs dollar

09.04.2003 16:20

Does it really matter if it is ptrodollar or euro dollar.

It is the same old white shit.

Blood for oil now.
IOt used to be blood for sopices.
Blood for diamonds.
Blood for cotton.
Blood for tea.
Blood for coffee.

Bloodthirsty braindead people.
No more human.


dear etc, thank you

09.04.2003 16:54

thanks for the suggested reading, it was EXACTLY what I was looking for, very informative and very helpful to my understanding.

yours truly,


whatever i said before

dear etc, thank you

09.04.2003 16:55

thanks for the suggested reading, it was EXACTLY what I was looking for, very informative and very helpful to my understanding.

yours truly,


whatever i said before


09.04.2003 17:20

hey ram, true words, painful, fuck I am sure I am not alone with this terrible hollow feeling.

thanks, etc, the articles are exactly what I was looking for, they helped me to understand, so, when I say, like ram, and need to be more explicit, I have the resources.

ram, ram, ram, so true, so terribly, terribly true, so rottenly, god-awfully, god-damned true.


the one who asked