Protest Song?
Dean Mason | 08.04.2003 23:38
While I certainly have strong feelings about the present war in Iraq, it was never my intention to slam anyone with a song I wrote after 911. Racism, bigotry, hate...all things that bother me deeply. It's unfortunate to be accused of those very things.
This letter may seem a tad strange, and hope you'll bare with me, but I just wanted to write to you about some recent
events. Nothing 'earth shattering'...but regardless.
I've received a fair bit of email regarding a song I have online called "Never Again"? (I Can't Breathe). This caught me off guard,
and I'm not even sure who's who in this.
The emails were mostly complaining that the song had a negative message regarding present day events...namely the Iraq question.
In a few of these, I was even accused of being 'anti-Semitic'. About two people who wrote in claimed that I was anti 'Bush' or anti 'American'
and anti 'Israel' etc., and I even wonder if THAT may have more to do with the fact that I am Canadian.
The point is, the song is NOT aimed at anyone in particular. The song isn't really a political statement as it is a philosophical one.
I wrote the lyrics to this song after 911. I recorded it in the summer of 2002. Obviously, I did not have 'Iraq' in mind when I wrote it.
The song was taken off line in the Fall, and put back around Christmas time. However, it wasn't due to the events that were 'brewing'. I
just decided to put the song online under a different category.
See.....the song uses samples of Hitler's voice. (it's from a speach he made saying .."we shall never deceive the people") It also uses
samples of a Gary Numan song called "I Can't Breathe". He knows about it and has no problems with it, even though he has nothing to do
obviously the the lyrical content.
I called the song "Never Again"..with a question mark, because, after the Holocaust, the Jewish people said "Never Again"! Yet...we
still see the dark reality of human beings killing other human beings in wars and even genocide. (and terrorist attacks)
I have reservations now about ever releasing this officially. But that's another question.
Regardless, I'm trying to let people know in some way, that I am not slamming anyone in that song. I'm making a general
statement about human nature. How people interpret their choice.
The song is also 'morbid' sounding for obvious reasons. may not be here nor there to you...I just thought I'd bring it tuou your case you hear of this
I'm adding the lyrics here (which I took off the web page)
NEVER AGAIN? (I Can't Breathe)

How many bloodbaths does it take, before we wake up to their lies ?
So many madmen sold our souls to keep their dynasty alive!
In the name of their ‘gods’, they prey like wolves in disguise!
We’ll paint our door posts with blood: we’ll save a drop to wash their eyes.
How many children will we lose before we open our eyes
They cried out never again, but hate and madness scream so loud
We’ve waited for too long, but sunset never greets the dawn
Raise a glass to the sky, we’ll pray that heaven breaks through hell.
Dean mason
Dean Mason