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Near riot forces PSNI peelers to retreat

Rave against the war | 08.04.2003 18:39

As crowds stopped to watch PSNI peeler brutality against peaceful anti war protestors, in Belfast city centre today, a near riot situation ensued with shoppers and peaceful protestors standing on the foot paths shouting 'SS PSNI', passing office workers also joined in the chant , disgusted at PSNI brutality.

Passing shopppers, pensioners and office workers were visibly shocked at the brutality of the PSNI towards peaceful sit down protestors. Onlookers and the passing crowds joined in choruses of SS PSNI, SS RUC. Peelers had to retreat after a large crowd of onlookers gathered and passing corner boys began to chuck beer cans at the peelers.

Rave against the war


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'Whose streets are these?'. reply 'OURS'

08.04.2003 19:15

After the peelers retreated, the chant rang out 'whose streets are these?', answer'OURS'.


Looks like the bozo PSNI fuked up again

08.04.2003 21:04

Looks like dosy PSNI goons fuked up again, by brutalising and beating peaceful sit down anti war protestors in full view of dozens of international camera crews. Thanx to peaceful sit down anti war protestors, for exposing the true colours of the unreformed RUC/PSNI. A great image for the new PSNI recruitement campaign.

oops i did it again

Ask them

08.04.2003 21:25

Ask the "PSNI" public relations department what they think about this brutality and whether they're really any different from the old RUC...!


we're still here you know!

08.04.2003 23:02

we're still here you know!
we're still here you know!

Its you again, you turncoat, I suppose you couldn't keep your anti police tirades to yourself for more than a couple of weeks. Still stalking the Rt Hon Basil McIvor then?

We're keeping an eye on you mate!

Continuity RUC

very funny

08.04.2003 23:11

very funny
very funny

Its you again, couldn't keep your anti police tirades to yourself for more than a couple of weeks could you.. Still stalking the Rt Hon Basil McIvor?

We're watching you mate!

Continuity RUC

Got your ugly mugs on camera RUC HUNSCUM

09.04.2003 07:24

I'm watching youse fukers, why don't you look over your shoulders.

who threw those beer cans at you?

Bendover basil and the RUC

09.04.2003 07:39

I notice you don't seem to be too keen on defending the RUC/PSNI on indymedia ireland. What's a matter out of your depths?, nothing to contribute except threats. Rosemary Nelson was on the recieving end of your RUC/PSNI threats too, but times have changed I have my eye on you now. We're watching you very carefully too. Thats why there were over a dozen international camera crews at the peaceful anti war protest. GOTCHA!!!

skandal ska

Gosh, thats one way of encouraging tourism

09.04.2003 07:50

PSNI get to beat peaceful anti-war/bush american protestors off the street. WELL, thats one way of encouraging tourism, and in front of world wide camera crews. Gosh there's some really smart people in the PSNI isn't there? I noticed the crowd began to chant at the PSNI leather joy boy riot squad, 'Do you beat your wife like', over and over again. What a PR coup for the PSNI.

Sgt Derek bulldog bullroot


09.04.2003 11:17

Nobody was beaten, theres no evidence, show me the footage then if there were so many cameras.

The only people who were physically restrained or arrested were people who were breaking the law.

We're there to defend your right to peaceful protest, not to riot or to cause disturbances. Other people have a right to go about their daily business too, you know.

PSNI, for photos of PSNI brutality

09.04.2003 11:57

We clearly saw PSNI riot squad leather joy boys, beating a peaceful sit down protestor, in the face with fists and a baton. It was on TV this morning as well.

disgusted office worker
- Homepage:

no evidence

09.04.2003 13:14

I saw the photos, and no, theres nothing in any of them that shows the PSNI beating anyone. Restraining? Yes, but not any form of assault at all. All the methods used were reasonable-force, no injuries caused unneccessarily and certainly no beatings.

I suggest you stick to the truth in your reports from now on.


PSNI are really stupid

11.04.2003 21:29

At least us Gardai have the intelligence NOT to beat peaceful protestors in front of international TV crews. When will you PSNI hicks learn some style and common sense. Kic out those thickos who are deliberately sabotaging Hugh ordes reforms through their stupid and senseless actions infront of international TV crews. Us Gardai know how to exert our authority without resorting to physical violence against peaceful protestors, youse PSNI hicks have a lot of catching up to do, to reach our high standards. Hopefully with increased south/north exchanges between our 2 police forces, our expertise and self control will rub off on yourselves.
