Near riot forces PSNI peelers to retreat
Rave against the war | 08.04.2003 18:39
As crowds stopped to watch PSNI peeler brutality against peaceful anti war protestors, in Belfast city centre today, a near riot situation ensued with shoppers and peaceful protestors standing on the foot paths shouting 'SS PSNI', passing office workers also joined in the chant , disgusted at PSNI brutality.
Passing shopppers, pensioners and office workers were visibly shocked at the brutality of the PSNI towards peaceful sit down protestors. Onlookers and the passing crowds joined in choruses of SS PSNI, SS RUC. Peelers had to retreat after a large crowd of onlookers gathered and passing corner boys began to chuck beer cans at the peelers.
Rave against the war
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'Whose streets are these?'. reply 'OURS'
08.04.2003 19:15
Looks like the bozo PSNI fuked up again
08.04.2003 21:04
oops i did it again
Ask them
08.04.2003 21:25
Ask the "PSNI" public relations department what they think about this brutality and whether they're really any different from the old RUC...!
we're still here you know!
08.04.2003 23:02
we're still here you know!
We're keeping an eye on you mate!
Continuity RUC
very funny
08.04.2003 23:11
very funny
We're watching you mate!
Continuity RUC
Got your ugly mugs on camera RUC HUNSCUM
09.04.2003 07:24
who threw those beer cans at you?
Bendover basil and the RUC
09.04.2003 07:39
skandal ska
Gosh, thats one way of encouraging tourism
09.04.2003 07:50
Sgt Derek bulldog bullroot
09.04.2003 11:17
The only people who were physically restrained or arrested were people who were breaking the law.
We're there to defend your right to peaceful protest, not to riot or to cause disturbances. Other people have a right to go about their daily business too, you know.
PSNI, for photos of PSNI brutality
09.04.2003 11:57
disgusted office worker
no evidence
09.04.2003 13:14
I suggest you stick to the truth in your reports from now on.
PSNI are really stupid
11.04.2003 21:29