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Thousands of anti-war and anti- George dumbwar bush protestors in Sprucefield

skandalska | 07.04.2003 18:41

Thousands of anti bush protestors in Sprucefield. Yeehah. The DUP organised a pro war rally for brit soldiers and in support of al kakecka associate George dumbwar bush, but only a handful of die hard DUP party faithful like paedophile Bertie baxter turned up.

Thousands of anti war protestors at Sprucefield. Demonstrators have also managed to get into Hillsborough castle, its rumoured that the demonstrators are from Hillsborough itself, and are having a lie down in the street shroud type protest. Peelers have moved in to remove them. Many Hillsborough business folk are dismayed to see the good name and reputation of their village tarnished by a war criminal and al kakecka associate, George Dumbwar bush. Some have joined the anti war protests, sickened by close al kakecka associate George dumbwar bush whose business partner is the oil baron brother of unclesama binliner.



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Get out your crucifixs the demon has arrived

07.04.2003 18:53

The bush nazi family dynasty, brought their own brand of imbecilic idiocy to Hillsborough today, in the form of gargoyled el presidente George Dumbwar Bush. Dumbwar Bush whose grandfather Prescott Bush financed Adolf Hitler through Union banking corp, had the bad taste and sheer hypocrisy to fly into our country and lecture us on peace!! Holding a War and Peace summit, in which Dumbwar Bush preaches to us to lay down our weapons, whilst simultaneously laying waste to Iraq, through hi tech firepower and WMD's. How cynical and hypocritical can el presidente get.
