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Carnival Against Oil Wars & Climate Chaos: new leaflet out now

John Browne's body double | 07.04.2003 17:06

A new, more detailed leaflet has now been produced, which also includes a map; the text is below. Let us know if you'd like copies sent, or it you'd rather pick a few up from LARC (62 Fieldgate Street, London E1; Let us know also if you're up for helping out with banner/prop-making etc.

You are invited to be part of the Carnival Against Oil Wars and Climate Chaos, outside BP's Annual General Meeting
Time: 10am, April 24th 2003
Place: Royal Festival Hall, Belvedere Road, South Bank, London

If you’re despairing over the carnage this instalment of the war on terror has wrought, don’t forget how close we came to preventing it. Countless people across the world have seen the war machine stripped bare for the first time, seen the intimate connections between the military, government, big oil and capitalism itself. And instead of staring dazedly at their TV screens, they’re getting up and getting active, which is a cause for celebration in the midst of all the darkness. The Carnival Against Oil Wars
and Climate Chaos will be another sign of that spirit of DIY resistance.

Why BP? It triggers conflict. It doesn’t want you to know it, but it’s knee deep in this war, just like Shell, Exxon, Total etc. Let’s scratch away the gleaming paintwork of BP’s sleek illusion machine by hearing about its record in countries like Colombia, West Papua, Alaska and Azerbaijan. And let’s join the dots between oil, war, capitalism and the way they’re knocking the world’s climate off its axis.

At the Carnival we’ll polish up our visions of the world we want to live in. We’ll reconnect ourselves with the wild burst of energy that we see all around us in the spring. We’ll call for a real, radical change that transports us lifetimes away from the shallow, brutal, racist, unnatural,
destructive profit-driven world personified by BP. We’ll meet the system’s violence with creative defiance. We‘ll speak and dance of better futures, of an end to oil, of communities owning and running their renewable energy
supplies, of resistance and diversity…because there’s only one thing better that walking your talk, and that’s dancing it.

This will be a positive celebration of a safe, sustainable and socially just future. Book the day off work now, be there by 10am on the 24th and bring solar-powered sounds, instruments, food and drink to share, drums, gladrags, puppets, friends and positive vibes…

There will be a Critical Mass bike ride as part of the day’s fun and games, meeting at 9.30am at BP’s new HQ - 1, St. James’ Square, SW1 - and ending up at the Carnival.

Let us know if you have any time to help out in the run-up to the Carnival, if you’d like to perform on the day, if you need a place to stay the night before, if you’d like a copy of our glossy BP counter-report (SAE required), or if you’d like more copies of this leaflet.
Postal: c/o London Action Resource Centre (LARC), 62 Fieldgate Street,
London E1 1ES.

John Browne's body double
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