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Richard Perle

BVEJ | 07.04.2003 16:42

Richard Perle, Prince of Darkness in the Reagan administration, is one of the key architects of war against Iraq.

No stages. This is total war. We are fighting a variety of enemies. There are lots of them out there. All this talk about first we are going to do Afghanistan, then we will do Iraq, then we take a look around and see how things stand. This is entirely the wrong way to go about it ... If we just let our vision of the world go forth, and we embrace it entirely, and we don't try to piece together clever diplomacy, but just wage a total war ... our children will sing great songs about us years from now. -- Richard Perle

At the peak of his deal-making activities, in the nineteen-seventies, the Saudi-born businessman Adnan Khashoggi brokered billions of dollars in arms and aircraft sales for the Saudi royal family, earning hundreds of millions in commissions and fees. -- Seymour Hersh

Perle helped set up another crypto-fascist group, the Project for the New American Century. Other founders include Vice-President Dick Cheney, the defence secretary Rumsfeld and deputy secretary Paul Wolfowitz. -- John Pilger

Richard Perle, Prince of Darkness in the Reagan administration, one of the key architects of war against Iraq, claimed it would be a piece of cake, the Iraqi people would welcome with open arms their liberators. He chairs the Defence Policy Board, one of the most influential boards formulating US defence policy. He was also responsible for establishing the Project for the New American Century.

The Defence Policy Board is a Defence Department advisory group composed primarily of highly respected former government officials, retired military officers, and academics. Its members, who serve without pay, include former national-security advisers, Secretaries of Defence, and heads of the CIA. The board meets several times a year at the Pentagon to review and assess the country's strategic defence policies.

Saudi Adnan Khashoggi moves in the same circles as the people behind TAG. He supplied the Saudis with arms and aircraft, has been in trouble with Securities and Exchange Commission and federal prosecutors in the US. During the Reagan years, Khashoggi was one of the middlemen between Oliver North, in the White House, and the mullahs in Iran in the Iran-Contra scandal. A US Congressional investigation revealed that Khashoggi had borrowed much of the money for the weapons from the Bank of Credit and Commerce International (BCCI).

January of this year, Adnan Khashoggi, Richard Perle and Harb Saleh al-Zuhair, a Saudi industrialist whose family fortune includes extensive holdings in construction, electronics, and engineering companies throughout the Middle East, had lunch in Paris. Was this a sheikdown for backing for Trireme?

Richard Perle is managing partner in a venture-capital company called Trireme Partners L.P., which was registered in November, 2001, in Delaware. Trireme's main business, according to a two-page letter that one of its representatives sent to Khashoggi last November, is to invest in companies dealing in technology, goods, and services that are of value to homeland security and defence. The letter argued that the fear of terrorism would increase the demand for such products in Europe and in countries like Saudi Arabia and Singapore. Trireme is a direct beneficiary of war with Iraq.

For his sins of exposing the lunch, and the conflict of interest, Richard Perle has called Seymour Hersh a 'terrorist'.

Perle is the 'brains' behind the US policy of 'total war' and 'creative destruction', the latter which is to lead to complete subjugation of the Middle East.

Perle co-authored A Clean Break, a war plan calling for the invasion of the Palestinian Authority territory and the military overthrow of Saddam Hussein. Perle serves on the board of the Jerusalem Post, owned by Conrad Black who also owns the Daily Telegraph.

Cambridge-based Autonomy Corporation, one of the few UK companies that stands to benefit from the war with Iraq, have, with Perle's help, been selling advanced computer eavesdropping systems to intelligence agencies around the world. Perle is a director of Autonomy with an option on 75,000 of the company's shares.

As we go to press, Richard Perle, Prince of Darkness, Chairman of the Defence Policy Board, ex-policy maker for extremist Binyamin Netanyahu, rabid Zionist, and architect of Gulf Slaughter 2, has resigned for having a finger in every pie.

Perle is the first to go. Let's hope Donald Rumsfeld is the next to fall on his sword, followed by the entire criminal regime in Washington.

Commenting on the New Yorker story, a well-placed Washington intelligence source, who confirmed that Saudi Ambassador Prince Bandar had been circulating details about the Perle Marseilles incident for weeks prior to publication of the Hersh article, noted that, if Perle resigns, there will be a well-justified groundswell of demands that Vice President Cheney does the same.

Dick Cheney, who received a massive payoff as former boss of Halliburton, recently revealed $1 million a year continuing escrow payments from Halliburton, which is bidding on billions of dollars in post-war Iraq reconstruction contracts and other war-zone projects.

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A Clarification

07.04.2003 20:24

Ricard Perle resigned as chairman of the Defense Policy Board; he is still on the committee. These folks have only just begun. Keep the witness.

anne frank