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Photos Sit-Down at Oxford St After US Embassy March, London, Sat 5th April

imcista | 07.04.2003 15:04

Here there are some photos of the impromptu sit-down protest and blockade of Oxford St that took place after the "march" to the US embassy in London on Saturday 5th April. (article 1)

Photos Sit-Down at Oxford St After US Embassy March, London, Sat 5th April
Photos Sit-Down at Oxford St After US Embassy March, London, Sat 5th April

Photos Sit-Down at Oxford St After US Embassy March, London, Sat 5th April
Photos Sit-Down at Oxford St After US Embassy March, London, Sat 5th April

Photos Sit-Down at Oxford St After US Embassy March, London, Sat 5th April
Photos Sit-Down at Oxford St After US Embassy March, London, Sat 5th April

Photos Sit-Down at Oxford St After US Embassy March, London, Sat 5th April
Photos Sit-Down at Oxford St After US Embassy March, London, Sat 5th April

Photos Sit-Down at Oxford St After US Embassy March, London, Sat 5th April
Photos Sit-Down at Oxford St After US Embassy March, London, Sat 5th April

Here there are some photos of the impromptu sit-down protest and blockade of Oxford St that took place after the "march" to the US embassy in London on Saturday 5th April. Around 150 people stopped traffic and bussiness as usual for over an hour in London's Oxford St. This was a spontaneous and self-organised show of peaceful civil disobedience and direct action against this criminal attack on Irak. After hours of being "marched" by police and STWC "leaders" from the BBC headquarters to Grossvenor Sq, and after having endured yet another long list of speakers preaching to the converted, some protesters took the iniciative and demonstrated their anger and rejection to this latest episode of the US/UK lead "war on terrorism" by blockading the London's shopping mecca. The protest was completely peaceful until police decided to end it by violently pushing and kicking everyone off the street. Police heavy tactics resulted in the arrest of at least 6 people, most of which were later charged with "obstructing the highway" and face court cases early this week.

As it is normaly th case, no STWC "leader" was to be seen near the blockade even though they have repeatedly been claiming they would support civil disobedience. My guess is that whilst people was being kicked and pushed away by increasingly violent police, STWC "comanders" were probably in some pub nearby congratulating themselves about the "success of the day's demo" and about "how big the peace movement is". That's what they keep repeating in their speeches anyway...

NOTE: There's currently a problem with the newswire that does not show thumbnails photos. Click at the links below to see the other photos.

