Project for the New American Century
BVEJ | 07.04.2003 14:56
Project for the New American Century
The ominously named Project for the New American Century (PNAC) desires and demands one thing - the establishment of a global American empire to bend the will of all nations. Created in 1997, the Washington-based think-tank chafes at the idea that the US, the last remaining superpower, does not do more by way of its economic and military force to bring the rest of the world under the umbrella of a new socio-economic Pax Americana. -- William Rivers Pitt
The men who created PNAC's imperial dreams now run the Pentagon, the US Defense Department and the White House. -- William Rivers Pitt
Afghanistan, Iraq, did not just happen, they were the brain-child of PNAC (Project for the New American Century).
PNAC occupied the fringes of the lunatic far right, and where it would have remained, but for two things, the seizure of the White House by a group of right-wing Christian bigots and 9-11. PNAC is no longer lost in the wilderness of the lunatic fringe of Washington think tanks, it is at the heart of US policy making with its key people in the White House, Pentagon and Defence Department.
The key PNAC policy document Rebuilding America's Defences: Strategy, forces and resources for a new century, written in September 2000, lies at the heart of US military and foreign policy:
permanent US bases in southern Europe, south-east Asia and the Middle East
modernise US armed forces
develop a global missile system
control the 'international commons' of cyberspace
increase military spending to a minimum of 3.8% of GDP
The aim is to achieve 'full spectrum dominance'.
Alumni of PNAC include: Richard Perle, Dick Cheney, Jeb Bush, Paul Wolfowitz, Donald Rumsfeld, Zalmay Khalilzad, Elliot Abrahams.
In the Middle East, PNAC see Iraq as a permanent military base to control the region and the flow of oil. The Committee for the Liberation of Iraq, was a Richard Perle and PNAC brain-child, a vehicle to formulate and launch war on Iraq.
The goal is as stated above 'full spectrum dominance. US companies to reap the benefit from the overt use of US military power, US media to control public opinion.
The ominously named Project for the New American Century (PNAC) desires and demands one thing - the establishment of a global American empire to bend the will of all nations. Created in 1997, the Washington-based think-tank chafes at the idea that the US, the last remaining superpower, does not do more by way of its economic and military force to bring the rest of the world under the umbrella of a new socio-economic Pax Americana. -- William Rivers Pitt
The men who created PNAC's imperial dreams now run the Pentagon, the US Defense Department and the White House. -- William Rivers Pitt
Afghanistan, Iraq, did not just happen, they were the brain-child of PNAC (Project for the New American Century).
PNAC occupied the fringes of the lunatic far right, and where it would have remained, but for two things, the seizure of the White House by a group of right-wing Christian bigots and 9-11. PNAC is no longer lost in the wilderness of the lunatic fringe of Washington think tanks, it is at the heart of US policy making with its key people in the White House, Pentagon and Defence Department.
The key PNAC policy document Rebuilding America's Defences: Strategy, forces and resources for a new century, written in September 2000, lies at the heart of US military and foreign policy:
permanent US bases in southern Europe, south-east Asia and the Middle East
modernise US armed forces
develop a global missile system
control the 'international commons' of cyberspace
increase military spending to a minimum of 3.8% of GDP
The aim is to achieve 'full spectrum dominance'.
Alumni of PNAC include: Richard Perle, Dick Cheney, Jeb Bush, Paul Wolfowitz, Donald Rumsfeld, Zalmay Khalilzad, Elliot Abrahams.
In the Middle East, PNAC see Iraq as a permanent military base to control the region and the flow of oil. The Committee for the Liberation of Iraq, was a Richard Perle and PNAC brain-child, a vehicle to formulate and launch war on Iraq.
The goal is as stated above 'full spectrum dominance. US companies to reap the benefit from the overt use of US military power, US media to control public opinion.