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Support US Troops, Bring Them Home?

steve wilson | 07.04.2003 10:39

The slogan "Support Our Troops, Bring Them Home" is popular in the antiwar movement in the US. Is it being used by the British and the Australian antiwar movements too?

I'm from the US and I was wondering if the antiwar movements in Britain and Australia have adapted this slogan since these two countries are also participating in the invasion/slaughter of Iraq.

I think it's a bad slogan. It treats the US imperialist troops as victims. US imperialst troops are murderers and they are currently involved in the slughter of thousands of innocent Iraqis. Support the lives and the self-determination of the Iraqi workers and peasants and their children. Don't Support the US imperialist invaders.

steve wilson


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afraid so...

07.04.2003 11:06

Yes it is popular here. its meant to be a counter-attack on the governments propaganda that if you are against the war you must not be supporting our troops and if you aren't supporting our troops then you are unpatriotic...being unpatriotic is a bad thing apparently.

anyhow, the anti-war movement 'leaders' decided that they should address that accusation by stating their support for out troops....and thereby sunk us all! Idiots. If you are in direct opposition to the government, you can't play their game and expect to win. Believe it - they will know the rules and the tricks and the schemes much better than you. TO form a successful movement against the government, you stick to your own rules as peacefully and as pleasantly as you can and then play a waiting game until they have to play by some of your rules. The moment you do change slogans and add or alter policy in reaction to your enemy, you're giving away some of your power.

And it's obviously a fucking stupid slogan anyhow, apart from all that tactical stuff above.

Support war criminals? murderers? power-drunk young lads at checkpoints waving their big guns, forcing people to get on the floor and be mugged (sorry, searched and evidence/weapons be taken from them. PRIVATE JOE 'IGNORANT'BLOGGS: 'duh...I think its highly suspicious that during war-time, in an oppressed war torn country where both fighting sides might well take a shot, that in this sort of country, people would feel the need to carry weapons and ammunition and be prepared to kill people, so erm, we're just erm...arresting people or taking those pffensive weapons away from them.') Support hard cold capitalism dressed up in liberal words and presented to the world in terms of 'If you don't support us you are against us, and we got the biggest guns...ahhhhahhhahhhahaa heee heee hee hee whoooo oo hah haha'?

I don't support that. Cna anyone give me any reason why I should?


whoosy slogan but...

07.04.2003 12:06

I think the slogan sux too BUT...

it's the kind of slogan needed top 'win over' those other ignorant f*ckers who happened to not join the Army, hoi polloi...the ignorant apolitical masses...It's what's needed to get the support of the majority of folks out there who just don't wanna think too much...It's OK Jim Bob, you can be a good patriot, no, a BETTER patriot if you want your dumbf*ck army friends home...really!


Class Politics Anyone?

07.04.2003 14:29

Most soldiers (not the officers) are working-class men who joined up either to get out of a dead end life or with some noble idea about 'defending their country'. Many of them realise what they've been dragged into by Blair & Co. but feel that they have to do their duty.

They are not the enemy. They are potential allies. If we are serious about changing society we are going to have to have soldiers on our side or they're going to be used to crush us.

Our mutual enemy is the system and the leaders who sent them of to a desert where they have little option but to kill or be killed.

The slogan "No War But The Class War" may sound good, but unless we are prepared to think beyond simple stereotypes and reach out to potential allies who lie beyond our usual constituency (peacenik types) it is meaningless.

Disillusioned kid

And anyway

07.04.2003 14:47

The majority of the people who join the armed forces have NO idea what they are letting themselved in for, they think it's a career option, the adverts you see on buses, billboards etc say nothing about combat, they don't just join and think 'oh goody, let's kill some Arab scum', they join because they are naive, and it is very hard for dissent in the armed forces, where the command structure is rigid, and any deviation from it is dealt with very severly, and other resulting in bullying from other troops.

Having said that, I thoroughly respect the troops that have refused to participate in this bloodbath, but if takes a lot of guts to do so.

Thomas J