Make NYC Look Like Baghdad: Philosophy with Sayyid Qutb
Meesngers 911 Wind | 07.04.2003 08:30
The Tower of Iraq burns across the Arab & Islamic world,an unmistakable call to Jihadi Warriors. Bush opens gateway to hell. Babylon is burning.The Mad God Bush–The USA to fall terribly. What will become of the West?Does any group or writer there have any uncorrupted ideas? The shades of Jihad are many: telling the truth and rejecting lies. (article 1)
Two Towers of Evil have reigned high over US diplomatic efforts and Palestine/Israel and Colombia/Ecuador/Venezuela. Now a greater evil unfolds to rise out of the ashes and bones of Mesopotamia, the cradle of civilization. The Tower of Iraq burns across the Arab and Islamic world, an unmistakable call to Jihadi Warriors. Bush has opened the gateway to hell. Babylon is burning.
To understand Islamic fundamentalism and those who support Al Qaeda one must read Sayyid Qutb
As Paul Berman stated in the New York Times Magazine (March 23, 2003) [There] is no answer to the terrorists. The terrorists speak insanely of deep things. The anti-terrorists better speak sanely of equally deep thingsâ?¦ Who will defend liberal principles in spite of liberal societyâ??s every failure? George W. Bush in his speech a few days after Sept.11, 2001, attacks announced that he was going to wage a war of ideas. He has done no such thing. He is not the man for thatâ?¦one more worry, on top of all of the others, and possibly the greatest of all. [end Berman. This 10 page article covers some of Qutb's philosophy well.
Sayyid Qutb was the most influential advocate in modern times of jihad, or Islamic holy war, and the chief developer of doctrines that legitimise violent Muslim resistance to regimes that claim to be Muslim, but whose implementation of Islamic precepts is judged to be imperfect. Although Qutb is particularly popular in Saudi Arabia, his copious writings have been translated into most of the languages of the Islamic world. In the 1960s and 70s, when many Afghan religious scholars came under the influence of the Muslim Brotherhood, Qutb's ideas attracted particular interest in the faculty of religious law in Kabul, and the scholar Burhanuddin Rabbani translated him into the Afghan language of Dari. However, though Qutb is studied everywhere from Malaysia to Morocco, there are many versions of fundamentalism and his writings have been read and interpreted in many ways. Qutb was born in 1906, in Mush, a small village in Upper Egypt. Later he was to look back on the superstition and backwardness of village life. He was mostly educated at Dar al-'Ulum, a secular secondary college, and subsequently worked for the Egyptian ministry of education as an inspector of schools.
In 1948 he was sent to study education in the US. It was a fateful decision. Perhaps those who sent him thought that it would broaden his horizons. What happened was that on the voyage out he decided that his only salvation lay in an unswerving allegiance to Islam. Almost immediately his newfound resolve was tested on the liner, as a drunken American woman attempted to seduce him. Qutb did not succumb, nor was he later won over by the charms of the American way of life. He was repelled by prejudice against Arabs and shocked by the freedom that American men allowed their women. He described the churches as "entertainment centres and sexual playgrounds". After two and a half years of exposure to western civilisation he knew that he hated it and, on his return to Egypt in 1951, he joined the fundamentalist Muslim Brotherhood.
In the early 1950s the Muslim Brotherhood was in transition, as many of its members abandoned faith in gradualism and education as the way to bring about an Islamic revolution in Egypt and came to espouse violence instead. Qutb followed a similar trajectory. In 1954, he and many other Muslim Brothers were rounded up by Nasser's regime. He was to spend 10 years in prison. Though conditions were harsh, Qutb was not prevented from writing. He was released in 1964, then rearrested in 1965 after members of the Muslim Brotherhood had attempted to assassinate Nasser. He was routinely tortured before being brought to trial and then hanged on August 29 1966. What Qutb wrote is of more significance than his somewhat shadowy life. His major work is Fi Zalal al-Koran (In the Shadow of the Koran), a commentary on the Koran in 30 volumes which began to appear in 1952 and was completed in prison. Apart from its length, two things are striking about the commentary: first, Qutb's unfailing sensitivity to the Koran's literary qualities; secondly, Qutb's relentless insistence on the unconditional demands made upon those believers. From his reading of the Koran, he deduced that the Christians are all destined for hell and in other, shorter, later works he polemicised against Christians, Jews and the western way of life. Orientalism was another engine of the Jewish conspiracy: "It would be extremely short-sighted of us to fall into the illusion that when the Jews and Christians discuss Islamic beliefs or Islamic history or when they make proposals concerning Muslim society or Muslim politics or economics, they will be doing it with good intentions."
However, Qutb's fiercest polemics were reserved for those who were Muslims - or rather, those who claimed that they were Muslims. Neither Egypt under Nasser's dictatorship nor Arabia under the Saudi monarchy had made any serious attempt to implement the Shari'a, or religious law. More generally, the territories of Islam were governed by corrupt, westernised dictators and princes whose spiritually heedless and ignorant ways could only be compared to those of the Jahili Arabs - that is to say, to the pagan ways of the Arabs prior to the coming of Mohammed and the revelation of the Koran.
The corrupt regimes had to be resisted and overthrown. In order to find a hallowed precedent and legitimisation for such resistance Qutb had to go back to the era of the Mameluke Sultans of Egypt and to the writings of Ibn Taymiyya (1268-1328). Taymiyya, a somewhat curmudgeonly Islamic purist, had been outspoken in his opposition to almost everything that was not explicitly sanctioned by the Koran and the Prophet and his intransigence several times led him into conflict with the Mamelukes and, consequently, imprisonment. However, when they found themselves at war with the Muslim Mongol Ilkhans of Iran, the Mamelukes asked him for a judgment sanctioning the holiness of their cause and, surprisingly, he obliged. He declared that, though the Mongols might have professed Islam, they did not follow absolutely all the prescriptions of the religion and that therefore they were Jahili pagans against whom jihad had to be waged. Taymiyya's verdict has underwritten Islamic resistance movements from the 1950s onwards. It was cited by the assassins of Sadat in 1981 and it is also used to justify the struggle against the Saudi monarchy.
-- All men dream: but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds wake in the day to find that it was only vanity: but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act out their dreams with open eyes, to make it possible.
â?? Lawrence of Arabia, Seven Pillars of Wisdom
In The Shade of the Qur an All are Protected
Messenger of the Wind: â??The USA Acts Like a GODâ??
The Muslim cleric pointed a finger at the United States for launching a fierce war against Islam and its believers and showing an interest â??to be a god worshipped away from Allahâ??.
Qutb seems to have rejected all kinds of government, secular and theocratic, and, on one reading at least, he seems to advocate a kind of anarcho-Islam. On the one hand his writings have exercised a formative influence on the Taliban, who, under the leadership of the shy, rustic Mullah Omar seem to have been concentrating on implementating the Shari'a in one country under the governance of the Mullahs. On the other hand, Qutb's works have also influenced al-Qaida, which, under the leadership of the flamboyant Bin Laden, seems to aim at a global jihad that will end with all men under direct, unmediated rule of Allah.
In the context of that global programme, the destruction of the twin towers, spectacular atrocity though it was, is merely a by-blow in al-Qaida's current campaign. Neither the US nor Israel is Bin Laden's primary target - rather it is Bin Laden's homeland, Saudi Arabia. The corrupt and repressive royal house, like the Mongol Ilkhanate of the 14th century, is damned as a Jahili scandal. Therefore, al-Qaida's primary task is to liberate the holy cities of Mecca and Medina from their rule. Though the current policy of the princes of the Arabian peninsula seems to be to sit on their hands and hope that al-Qaida and its allies will pick on. â?? New â?? He said it was fine to kill the leaders of Islamic countries because they had not instituted Sharia and therefore were not really Moslem nations or leaders.
The Evil USA Spreads its Wings
Denial, conformity and peer pressure are all massive and required in the US rat race pecking order. The ugliness of US consumer appetites and the new commercial developments fashion a closing off of your senses. The comforting hum of cheap, polluting devices is incessant and insidiously natural. Madison Avenue and an army of 10 million advertisers chisel away at the brain with cleverness and innuendo. People donâ??t stand a chance. Do you find the police state that you live in exciting or better than a normal boring life? Thank the TV God and the Drive-Thru Churches that amerika is Supreme and everyone loves Coca Cola.
What Do You Do With A Mad God?
Bin Laden and Al Qaeda know what to do because they have a great philosopher at their roots: Sayyid Qutb, the author of major studies of the Qur an, and the two books most influencial on Al Qaeda and their related networks, Milestones and In the Shade of the Qur an (Fi Zalal al-Koran). He wrote that all over the world, humans had reached a moment of unbearable crisis. The human race, especially the West, had lost touch with its human nature: man was miserable, anxious and skeptical (without faith) and humanity was sinking into idiocy, insanity and crime. These lead to degenerate sexuality, drug abuse and existentialism.
Sayyid Qutb saw the drive by the West to eliminate fundamentalist Islam as rooted in the Westâ??s dire need to mask the inferiority and degeneration (the death) of their own religious practices. The power and purity of a living Islam could not be tolerated by the West or the corrupt leaders of many Moslem nations. Qutb saw a new vanguard of holy martyrs, like the Companions of the Prophet Muhammad (blessings be upon him), arising to open peopleâ??s eyes and take Islam to the world. He promised perfection under Shariah law and a new utopia for all. The bravery and perfection of Al Qaedaâ??s attacks have made bin Laden the greatest hero of the Middle and Near East in centuries. Many Islamic councils have promoted Bin Laden and recognized that they were wrong not to condemn Mr. Bush sooner.
The weakness of the elite in the US and the West lies in their killing
of their Gods -- through the separation of church and state, consumerism
and the end of purpose and morality.
The weakness of the revolutionary forces in the west lies in their poor understanding of people, human nature, the inherent insanity of Western culture and ignorance about bin Ladenâ??s jihad. Al Qaeda used Bush Sr, Bill Clinton and Mr. Bush Jr. more than the other way around. If you are opposed to a resurgent fundamentalist Islam then you donâ??t understand the nature of this current crisis and you donâ??t fathom the depravity of your own failed culture. You are idiots! and trapped in a terrible fear. We are in a world revolution and near the final battle of humanity. If all forces opposed to the US and elite domination unite then victory will be swift and sweet. Fail to unite and much greater suffering will occur. Our childrenâ??s inheritance will be deformed and humanity will be held back for decades.
Just two years ago the people of the US lived in an open and freer world. No lines at airports to be searched or harassed, no guards and suspicious looks at every foreigner or odd person. There was more money for the poor, children and the elderly. The economy was doing too good. Now a police state, drug tests, vaccinations for biological warfare and threats and fear are the new world that they so dutifully accept. And still there is the crime, the US ghettos, the homeless veterans, the toxic waste dumps everywhere, more prisons than the rest of the world, and the cavalier dependence on other countries.
The world is fast learning the Pound of Flesh due to Uncle Scam for those who want to do business with the Global Dictatorship. The Bush-USA is a dictatorship of nothingness, hollow promises and smart bomb diplomacy.
This dictatorship of the nothing-brained is a figment of a twisted imagination, a creation conjured up in the cold war and Vietnam and now Iraq. Something is missing in amerika, nature abhors a vacuum. The 911 advertisement that caught 200 million suckers flatfooted has shaped the entirety of a new USA identity, wrapped up in a totality of who will bomb us next. Why, where, when dominates the US social consciousness. They chose to dominate others with a desperate will and dark magic when they could have opened up to the world and looked in the mirror. The US has an identity grounded in the their right to exploit others and this leads them to violate all the laws of humanity with unnecessary force, frivolous mass murder and imperious haughtiness.
Having created a monster of their culture there is little they can do except surrender to the vices, the fat stomachs and pompous self worth. A weirdness grows and the whole world is contaminated. And now we have a race for survival.
To live in this world as open-minded person is painful and hard. To think is to baffle yourself and come to face your ignorance. To be a revolutionary in a sea of intentionally uninterested right wingers is to endure continuous stress and isolated torture.
I donâ??t believe that free will is a meaningful concept in this world. There are heroic tasks that have to be done, battles to win, sides to chose, many fateful decisions. I donâ??t know if I chose to become a revolutionary or if some of us just are sensitive and aware. We all make choices and personal responsibility never ceases to exist. But our genetic proclivities and our environment overwhelm wise choices, especially when one doesnâ??t have enough information to figure the way through such a complex and deformed world. To be forced to make a choice between bad decisions or bad candidate choices is a tyranny and a form of psychic abeyance, subservience to evil goals.
While bombs rain down on us, and cruise missiles skid across the skies, we know that contracts are being signed, oil pipelines are being laid, natural resources are being plundered, water is being privatised, and George Bush is planning to go to war with more nations. If we look at these conflicts as a straightforward eyeball-to-eyeball confrontation between "Empire" and those of us who are resisting it, it might seem that we are losing. We may not have stopped it in its tracks, yet, but we have stripped it down. We have made it drop its mask. We have each in our own way laid siege to "Empire." We have forced it into the open. It now stands before us on the world's stage in all its brutish, iniquitous nakedness.
Empire launches global war, but it's out in the open now and too ugly to behold its own reflection. Too ugly even to rally its own people. Before September 11, America had a history secret from its own people. It's street talk and every argument used to escalate the war against Iraq is a lie. The most ludicrous of them being the U.S. government' s commitment to bring democracy to Iraq. Killing people to save them from dictatorship or ideological corruption is, of course, an old U.S. sport. The governments of the United States and Great Britain supported Saddam Husseinâ??s worst excesses. The whole world would be better off without a certain Mr. Bush, he is far more dangerous than Saddam Hussein. So, should we bomb Bush out of the White House? In its recruitment drive for allies, the US invented facts. The UN weapons inspectors was the U.S. government's insulting concession to some twisted form of international etiquette. It's like leaving the "doggie door" open for last minute "allies" or maybe the UN to crawl through.
What can we do? We can learn from our history. We can continue to build public opinion until it becomes a deafening roar. We can turn the war on Iraq into a fishbowl of the U.S. government's excesses. We can expose George Bush and Tony Blair for the cowardly baby killers, water poisoners, and pusillanimous long-distance bombers that they are. We can re-invent civil disobedience in a million different ways. Our strategy should be not only to confront empire, but to lay siege to it. To deprive it of oxygen. To shame it. To mock it. With our art our literature, our stubbornness, our joy, our brilliance, our sheer relentlessness and our ability to tell our own stories. Stories that are different from the ones we're being brainwashed to believe.
Danger from terrorism increase everywhere everyday. Be aware, be prepared and be brown skinned if you can (safer in most of the world from now on!)
by Tu Mama es Una Terrorista - Public Service Announcement Mon, Mar 31 2003
The World Designed By Bush: It only takes One Match
â??The US president is Mr. Reckless, insane, criminal little Bush jr.of the Black House,â?? and the end of the modern world is near, but that does not mean that citizens cannot take things into their own hands (safety first!)
US President Bush has chosen a path of world war that puts its citizens in harms way. This guide is meant to educate and alert peaceful citizens of the many dangers present all around them. What they chose to do with this information is a personal and collective decision that we have no control over. A world of changes awaitsâ?¦
A repost of Craigâ??s ideas and a lengthy debate are found at :
More radical and violence-prone groups pop up in the US every day:
Resistance : beat back 6:54am Fri Mar 28 '03 (Modified on 8:26am Fri Mar 28 '03)
article#305377 red paint beat back
total resistance - beat the system - red paint beat back - worldwide - against branches, buildings and interior decoration of american companies to constrict their business activities and handicap the cash flow for their war - supermarkets, convenience restaurants, embassies, commercial agencies and banks - stand up now for total resistance (Laden rap)
::Press::CLYB::Death to America, Bring the War Home,
Che-Leila Youth Brigades, USA
''In the past 800 years, we have had only three real leaders,'' Kalboneh said, naming Saladin, the Kurdish warrior who drove the crusaders from Jerusalem in 1187; Gamal Abdel Nasser, who led the pan-Arabic movement in the 1950s and '60s; and Hussein.
Abed Taktouk, 20, manager of a music shop just off the lane into the dim, low-ceilinged labyrinth of the casbah, said ''Saddam is a hero -- the only hero,'' because of his steadfast support for the Palestinian cause.
Taktouk, a member of the Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades, which is listed as a terrorist organization by the US State Department, lost his right arm below the elbow when Israeli troops and Palestinian militants battled here last spring. He was brought to Baghdad to be fitted for a mechanical hand, which he never got ''because of the sanctions. [But] because I am Palestinian, Saddam gave me $3,500.''Still, Taktouk reconsidered his ''only hero'' statement. Osama bin Laden, he said, ''is on the same level.''
When A US helicopter crashes anywhere, celebrate. When a suicide bomber ignites, be inspired. When GW Bush moves unilaterally with force, let your heart beat with excitement. When you see a sniper rifle, kiss the sky. To be real in this sickened world is to be on fire!
Escape the Grave: RESIST
Against the Yankees and the Death Star Empire:
To Throw Down the BLACK HOUSE of GW Bush
We support armed struggle everywhere that is revolutionary. Revolutionary is anything that helps to kill USA imperialism: the Yankee-Gringo Empire of death and lies.
Most of the world is sealed up in graves: graveyards of the mind or of subjugation. Many will soon die from the invasions of the US military and its puppet militias. Many will die in the aftermath of US conquest and the dead ends of economic slavery. Many will just remain trapped and sealed away in their graves of denial and fear. These graves all have tombstones engraved with the word: Lies.
Above has nice comment about growing up brain washed in USA.
Which Side Would Lawrence of Arabia be on? Which Side Jesus or Abraham?
I wish the Anti-War protesters in Europe and the US would fight like the Iraqis, fight like the future depended on their every breath and every act. The Iraqis, like the Palestinians, have been sacrificing themselves by the thousands so that the world has time to react to this barbaric US aggression; so that the world can consider their choices: A world of law and cooperation or a world where as US regimes Rumsfeld says: The US isnt doing all this just to give up substantial control, we want to dominate the occupation and reconstruction of Iraq. THE WAR WILL NEVER END!!!
Your story is
GOOD ON Former CIA director James Woolsey (and PNAC drone) claims that the War against Iraq is the beginning of World War IV. If you need any proof, this assertion is evidence that these fuckers are mad, drunk with their arrogance and power. They are the New Nazis in everything but name.
See also: (UTTER USA EVIL)
Two Towers of Evil have reigned high over US diplomatic efforts and Palestine/Israel and Colombia/Ecuador/Venezuela. Now a greater evil unfolds to rise out of the ashes and bones of Mesopotamia, the cradle of civilization. The Tower of Iraq burns across the Arab and Islamic world, an unmistakable call to Jihadi Warriors. Bush has opened the gateway to hell. Babylon is burning.
To understand Islamic fundamentalism and those who support Al Qaeda one must read Sayyid Qutb
As Paul Berman stated in the New York Times Magazine (March 23, 2003) [There] is no answer to the terrorists. The terrorists speak insanely of deep things. The anti-terrorists better speak sanely of equally deep thingsâ?¦ Who will defend liberal principles in spite of liberal societyâ??s every failure? George W. Bush in his speech a few days after Sept.11, 2001, attacks announced that he was going to wage a war of ideas. He has done no such thing. He is not the man for thatâ?¦one more worry, on top of all of the others, and possibly the greatest of all. [end Berman. This 10 page article covers some of Qutb's philosophy well.
Sayyid Qutb was the most influential advocate in modern times of jihad, or Islamic holy war, and the chief developer of doctrines that legitimise violent Muslim resistance to regimes that claim to be Muslim, but whose implementation of Islamic precepts is judged to be imperfect. Although Qutb is particularly popular in Saudi Arabia, his copious writings have been translated into most of the languages of the Islamic world. In the 1960s and 70s, when many Afghan religious scholars came under the influence of the Muslim Brotherhood, Qutb's ideas attracted particular interest in the faculty of religious law in Kabul, and the scholar Burhanuddin Rabbani translated him into the Afghan language of Dari. However, though Qutb is studied everywhere from Malaysia to Morocco, there are many versions of fundamentalism and his writings have been read and interpreted in many ways. Qutb was born in 1906, in Mush, a small village in Upper Egypt. Later he was to look back on the superstition and backwardness of village life. He was mostly educated at Dar al-'Ulum, a secular secondary college, and subsequently worked for the Egyptian ministry of education as an inspector of schools.
In 1948 he was sent to study education in the US. It was a fateful decision. Perhaps those who sent him thought that it would broaden his horizons. What happened was that on the voyage out he decided that his only salvation lay in an unswerving allegiance to Islam. Almost immediately his newfound resolve was tested on the liner, as a drunken American woman attempted to seduce him. Qutb did not succumb, nor was he later won over by the charms of the American way of life. He was repelled by prejudice against Arabs and shocked by the freedom that American men allowed their women. He described the churches as "entertainment centres and sexual playgrounds". After two and a half years of exposure to western civilisation he knew that he hated it and, on his return to Egypt in 1951, he joined the fundamentalist Muslim Brotherhood.
In the early 1950s the Muslim Brotherhood was in transition, as many of its members abandoned faith in gradualism and education as the way to bring about an Islamic revolution in Egypt and came to espouse violence instead. Qutb followed a similar trajectory. In 1954, he and many other Muslim Brothers were rounded up by Nasser's regime. He was to spend 10 years in prison. Though conditions were harsh, Qutb was not prevented from writing. He was released in 1964, then rearrested in 1965 after members of the Muslim Brotherhood had attempted to assassinate Nasser. He was routinely tortured before being brought to trial and then hanged on August 29 1966. What Qutb wrote is of more significance than his somewhat shadowy life. His major work is Fi Zalal al-Koran (In the Shadow of the Koran), a commentary on the Koran in 30 volumes which began to appear in 1952 and was completed in prison. Apart from its length, two things are striking about the commentary: first, Qutb's unfailing sensitivity to the Koran's literary qualities; secondly, Qutb's relentless insistence on the unconditional demands made upon those believers. From his reading of the Koran, he deduced that the Christians are all destined for hell and in other, shorter, later works he polemicised against Christians, Jews and the western way of life. Orientalism was another engine of the Jewish conspiracy: "It would be extremely short-sighted of us to fall into the illusion that when the Jews and Christians discuss Islamic beliefs or Islamic history or when they make proposals concerning Muslim society or Muslim politics or economics, they will be doing it with good intentions."
However, Qutb's fiercest polemics were reserved for those who were Muslims - or rather, those who claimed that they were Muslims. Neither Egypt under Nasser's dictatorship nor Arabia under the Saudi monarchy had made any serious attempt to implement the Shari'a, or religious law. More generally, the territories of Islam were governed by corrupt, westernised dictators and princes whose spiritually heedless and ignorant ways could only be compared to those of the Jahili Arabs - that is to say, to the pagan ways of the Arabs prior to the coming of Mohammed and the revelation of the Koran.
The corrupt regimes had to be resisted and overthrown. In order to find a hallowed precedent and legitimisation for such resistance Qutb had to go back to the era of the Mameluke Sultans of Egypt and to the writings of Ibn Taymiyya (1268-1328). Taymiyya, a somewhat curmudgeonly Islamic purist, had been outspoken in his opposition to almost everything that was not explicitly sanctioned by the Koran and the Prophet and his intransigence several times led him into conflict with the Mamelukes and, consequently, imprisonment. However, when they found themselves at war with the Muslim Mongol Ilkhans of Iran, the Mamelukes asked him for a judgment sanctioning the holiness of their cause and, surprisingly, he obliged. He declared that, though the Mongols might have professed Islam, they did not follow absolutely all the prescriptions of the religion and that therefore they were Jahili pagans against whom jihad had to be waged. Taymiyya's verdict has underwritten Islamic resistance movements from the 1950s onwards. It was cited by the assassins of Sadat in 1981 and it is also used to justify the struggle against the Saudi monarchy.
-- All men dream: but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds wake in the day to find that it was only vanity: but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act out their dreams with open eyes, to make it possible.
â?? Lawrence of Arabia, Seven Pillars of Wisdom


In The Shade of the Qur an All are Protected
Messenger of the Wind: â??The USA Acts Like a GODâ??
The Muslim cleric pointed a finger at the United States for launching a fierce war against Islam and its believers and showing an interest â??to be a god worshipped away from Allahâ??.

Qutb seems to have rejected all kinds of government, secular and theocratic, and, on one reading at least, he seems to advocate a kind of anarcho-Islam. On the one hand his writings have exercised a formative influence on the Taliban, who, under the leadership of the shy, rustic Mullah Omar seem to have been concentrating on implementating the Shari'a in one country under the governance of the Mullahs. On the other hand, Qutb's works have also influenced al-Qaida, which, under the leadership of the flamboyant Bin Laden, seems to aim at a global jihad that will end with all men under direct, unmediated rule of Allah.
In the context of that global programme, the destruction of the twin towers, spectacular atrocity though it was, is merely a by-blow in al-Qaida's current campaign. Neither the US nor Israel is Bin Laden's primary target - rather it is Bin Laden's homeland, Saudi Arabia. The corrupt and repressive royal house, like the Mongol Ilkhanate of the 14th century, is damned as a Jahili scandal. Therefore, al-Qaida's primary task is to liberate the holy cities of Mecca and Medina from their rule. Though the current policy of the princes of the Arabian peninsula seems to be to sit on their hands and hope that al-Qaida and its allies will pick on. â?? New â?? He said it was fine to kill the leaders of Islamic countries because they had not instituted Sharia and therefore were not really Moslem nations or leaders.

The Evil USA Spreads its Wings
Denial, conformity and peer pressure are all massive and required in the US rat race pecking order. The ugliness of US consumer appetites and the new commercial developments fashion a closing off of your senses. The comforting hum of cheap, polluting devices is incessant and insidiously natural. Madison Avenue and an army of 10 million advertisers chisel away at the brain with cleverness and innuendo. People donâ??t stand a chance. Do you find the police state that you live in exciting or better than a normal boring life? Thank the TV God and the Drive-Thru Churches that amerika is Supreme and everyone loves Coca Cola.
What Do You Do With A Mad God?
Bin Laden and Al Qaeda know what to do because they have a great philosopher at their roots: Sayyid Qutb, the author of major studies of the Qur an, and the two books most influencial on Al Qaeda and their related networks, Milestones and In the Shade of the Qur an (Fi Zalal al-Koran). He wrote that all over the world, humans had reached a moment of unbearable crisis. The human race, especially the West, had lost touch with its human nature: man was miserable, anxious and skeptical (without faith) and humanity was sinking into idiocy, insanity and crime. These lead to degenerate sexuality, drug abuse and existentialism.
Sayyid Qutb saw the drive by the West to eliminate fundamentalist Islam as rooted in the Westâ??s dire need to mask the inferiority and degeneration (the death) of their own religious practices. The power and purity of a living Islam could not be tolerated by the West or the corrupt leaders of many Moslem nations. Qutb saw a new vanguard of holy martyrs, like the Companions of the Prophet Muhammad (blessings be upon him), arising to open peopleâ??s eyes and take Islam to the world. He promised perfection under Shariah law and a new utopia for all. The bravery and perfection of Al Qaedaâ??s attacks have made bin Laden the greatest hero of the Middle and Near East in centuries. Many Islamic councils have promoted Bin Laden and recognized that they were wrong not to condemn Mr. Bush sooner.
The weakness of the elite in the US and the West lies in their killing
of their Gods -- through the separation of church and state, consumerism
and the end of purpose and morality.
The weakness of the revolutionary forces in the west lies in their poor understanding of people, human nature, the inherent insanity of Western culture and ignorance about bin Ladenâ??s jihad. Al Qaeda used Bush Sr, Bill Clinton and Mr. Bush Jr. more than the other way around. If you are opposed to a resurgent fundamentalist Islam then you donâ??t understand the nature of this current crisis and you donâ??t fathom the depravity of your own failed culture. You are idiots! and trapped in a terrible fear. We are in a world revolution and near the final battle of humanity. If all forces opposed to the US and elite domination unite then victory will be swift and sweet. Fail to unite and much greater suffering will occur. Our childrenâ??s inheritance will be deformed and humanity will be held back for decades.
Just two years ago the people of the US lived in an open and freer world. No lines at airports to be searched or harassed, no guards and suspicious looks at every foreigner or odd person. There was more money for the poor, children and the elderly. The economy was doing too good. Now a police state, drug tests, vaccinations for biological warfare and threats and fear are the new world that they so dutifully accept. And still there is the crime, the US ghettos, the homeless veterans, the toxic waste dumps everywhere, more prisons than the rest of the world, and the cavalier dependence on other countries.
The world is fast learning the Pound of Flesh due to Uncle Scam for those who want to do business with the Global Dictatorship. The Bush-USA is a dictatorship of nothingness, hollow promises and smart bomb diplomacy.
This dictatorship of the nothing-brained is a figment of a twisted imagination, a creation conjured up in the cold war and Vietnam and now Iraq. Something is missing in amerika, nature abhors a vacuum. The 911 advertisement that caught 200 million suckers flatfooted has shaped the entirety of a new USA identity, wrapped up in a totality of who will bomb us next. Why, where, when dominates the US social consciousness. They chose to dominate others with a desperate will and dark magic when they could have opened up to the world and looked in the mirror. The US has an identity grounded in the their right to exploit others and this leads them to violate all the laws of humanity with unnecessary force, frivolous mass murder and imperious haughtiness.
Having created a monster of their culture there is little they can do except surrender to the vices, the fat stomachs and pompous self worth. A weirdness grows and the whole world is contaminated. And now we have a race for survival.
To live in this world as open-minded person is painful and hard. To think is to baffle yourself and come to face your ignorance. To be a revolutionary in a sea of intentionally uninterested right wingers is to endure continuous stress and isolated torture.
I donâ??t believe that free will is a meaningful concept in this world. There are heroic tasks that have to be done, battles to win, sides to chose, many fateful decisions. I donâ??t know if I chose to become a revolutionary or if some of us just are sensitive and aware. We all make choices and personal responsibility never ceases to exist. But our genetic proclivities and our environment overwhelm wise choices, especially when one doesnâ??t have enough information to figure the way through such a complex and deformed world. To be forced to make a choice between bad decisions or bad candidate choices is a tyranny and a form of psychic abeyance, subservience to evil goals.
While bombs rain down on us, and cruise missiles skid across the skies, we know that contracts are being signed, oil pipelines are being laid, natural resources are being plundered, water is being privatised, and George Bush is planning to go to war with more nations. If we look at these conflicts as a straightforward eyeball-to-eyeball confrontation between "Empire" and those of us who are resisting it, it might seem that we are losing. We may not have stopped it in its tracks, yet, but we have stripped it down. We have made it drop its mask. We have each in our own way laid siege to "Empire." We have forced it into the open. It now stands before us on the world's stage in all its brutish, iniquitous nakedness.
Empire launches global war, but it's out in the open now and too ugly to behold its own reflection. Too ugly even to rally its own people. Before September 11, America had a history secret from its own people. It's street talk and every argument used to escalate the war against Iraq is a lie. The most ludicrous of them being the U.S. government' s commitment to bring democracy to Iraq. Killing people to save them from dictatorship or ideological corruption is, of course, an old U.S. sport. The governments of the United States and Great Britain supported Saddam Husseinâ??s worst excesses. The whole world would be better off without a certain Mr. Bush, he is far more dangerous than Saddam Hussein. So, should we bomb Bush out of the White House? In its recruitment drive for allies, the US invented facts. The UN weapons inspectors was the U.S. government's insulting concession to some twisted form of international etiquette. It's like leaving the "doggie door" open for last minute "allies" or maybe the UN to crawl through.
What can we do? We can learn from our history. We can continue to build public opinion until it becomes a deafening roar. We can turn the war on Iraq into a fishbowl of the U.S. government's excesses. We can expose George Bush and Tony Blair for the cowardly baby killers, water poisoners, and pusillanimous long-distance bombers that they are. We can re-invent civil disobedience in a million different ways. Our strategy should be not only to confront empire, but to lay siege to it. To deprive it of oxygen. To shame it. To mock it. With our art our literature, our stubbornness, our joy, our brilliance, our sheer relentlessness and our ability to tell our own stories. Stories that are different from the ones we're being brainwashed to believe.
Danger from terrorism increase everywhere everyday. Be aware, be prepared and be brown skinned if you can (safer in most of the world from now on!)
by Tu Mama es Una Terrorista - Public Service Announcement Mon, Mar 31 2003
The World Designed By Bush: It only takes One Match
â??The US president is Mr. Reckless, insane, criminal little Bush jr.of the Black House,â?? and the end of the modern world is near, but that does not mean that citizens cannot take things into their own hands (safety first!)
US President Bush has chosen a path of world war that puts its citizens in harms way. This guide is meant to educate and alert peaceful citizens of the many dangers present all around them. What they chose to do with this information is a personal and collective decision that we have no control over. A world of changes awaitsâ?¦

A repost of Craigâ??s ideas and a lengthy debate are found at :




More radical and violence-prone groups pop up in the US every day:
Resistance : beat back 6:54am Fri Mar 28 '03 (Modified on 8:26am Fri Mar 28 '03)
article#305377 red paint beat back

total resistance - beat the system - red paint beat back - worldwide - against branches, buildings and interior decoration of american companies to constrict their business activities and handicap the cash flow for their war - supermarkets, convenience restaurants, embassies, commercial agencies and banks - stand up now for total resistance

::Press::CLYB::Death to America, Bring the War Home,
Che-Leila Youth Brigades, USA
''In the past 800 years, we have had only three real leaders,'' Kalboneh said, naming Saladin, the Kurdish warrior who drove the crusaders from Jerusalem in 1187; Gamal Abdel Nasser, who led the pan-Arabic movement in the 1950s and '60s; and Hussein.
Abed Taktouk, 20, manager of a music shop just off the lane into the dim, low-ceilinged labyrinth of the casbah, said ''Saddam is a hero -- the only hero,'' because of his steadfast support for the Palestinian cause.
Taktouk, a member of the Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades, which is listed as a terrorist organization by the US State Department, lost his right arm below the elbow when Israeli troops and Palestinian militants battled here last spring. He was brought to Baghdad to be fitted for a mechanical hand, which he never got ''because of the sanctions. [But] because I am Palestinian, Saddam gave me $3,500.''Still, Taktouk reconsidered his ''only hero'' statement. Osama bin Laden, he said, ''is on the same level.''

When A US helicopter crashes anywhere, celebrate. When a suicide bomber ignites, be inspired. When GW Bush moves unilaterally with force, let your heart beat with excitement. When you see a sniper rifle, kiss the sky. To be real in this sickened world is to be on fire!
Escape the Grave: RESIST
Against the Yankees and the Death Star Empire:
To Throw Down the BLACK HOUSE of GW Bush
We support armed struggle everywhere that is revolutionary. Revolutionary is anything that helps to kill USA imperialism: the Yankee-Gringo Empire of death and lies.
Most of the world is sealed up in graves: graveyards of the mind or of subjugation. Many will soon die from the invasions of the US military and its puppet militias. Many will die in the aftermath of US conquest and the dead ends of economic slavery. Many will just remain trapped and sealed away in their graves of denial and fear. These graves all have tombstones engraved with the word: Lies.

Above has nice comment about growing up brain washed in USA.
Which Side Would Lawrence of Arabia be on? Which Side Jesus or Abraham?


I wish the Anti-War protesters in Europe and the US would fight like the Iraqis, fight like the future depended on their every breath and every act. The Iraqis, like the Palestinians, have been sacrificing themselves by the thousands so that the world has time to react to this barbaric US aggression; so that the world can consider their choices: A world of law and cooperation or a world where as US regimes Rumsfeld says: The US isnt doing all this just to give up substantial control, we want to dominate the occupation and reconstruction of Iraq. THE WAR WILL NEVER END!!!
Your story is







GOOD ON Former CIA director James Woolsey (and PNAC drone) claims that the War against Iraq is the beginning of World War IV. If you need any proof, this assertion is evidence that these fuckers are mad, drunk with their arrogance and power. They are the New Nazis in everything but name.
See also:

Meesngers 911 Wind
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