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ANTIFACIST | 06.04.2003 11:10


After the giant anti-war demostration (that became anti-government) in Thursday 3 April
the programme was
Surrounding the base in Creta Saturday
Ecofin meeting in Athens Saturday
Olympic day in Athens Sunday
The government is struggling because the results in all points of activities are horrible. Terrible numbers in economics, unemployment, environment and total destruction of the global politismic heritage existed in Greece while the money from EU running as river straight to some pockets.
INDYMEDIA GREECE is the only independed media for communication and first target for this government's slaves.
So INDYMEDIA desappeared in this crucial moments 3 April
without any kind of announcement since 5 April
In another Greek sites some people
from the INDY team they say that they didn't know why was crashed and "propably was activity by US Embassy"
When they understand that communication immigrants use UK INDY and ITALIAN INDY and they find out that the problem propably could be only by inside of INDYMEDIA GREECE, after two days (5 April)
the team said that the server failed because of programmed updates at the server in USA.
If they were programmed those updates why they didn't announced them earlier? Why they said about the US Embassy?
Why they waited two days with crashed INDY to inform about the updates?
Till now is clear that INDY GREECE crashed and the team didn't offer a clear excuses but change announcements from day to day.
When INDY,if ever will start working (after the storm for the government passes) will be clear whom to blame.
Today is 6 April and still without INDYMEDIA GREECE.
The server is alive and answering but access denied.
Also at 16 April all the leaders will be in Athens and security will be horrible. They are planning to rise walls so not even eye contact will be allowed to them and to us.
They will not permit free walking on the streets.
The only reason for this security
is to keep the EU leaders
far from the problems that Greece is facing by this government and its policy and how is destroying EU money to catastrophic projects for the state and citizens.
They will try to show a face that the poor Greek citizens are terrorists and how well they manage the problem of "terrorism".
They will try to take the hell out of the leaders and so they will take more money for the five pockets with the excuse of the problems of terrorism that they are facing but is not excisted and with more antidemocratic behavior to citizens.



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06.04.2003 11:22

At 3 April (INDY crashed day)
was published a research by Metron Analysis Company. This company is known for governmentship.
Among the asked questions were some about the impact of the
future demonstration at Thessaloniki in June 2003 for EU Conference.
The results show that people want to demonstrate and protest there.
Rehearsal of the security for 16th of April, the effort to terrorize the citizens and the guests is obvious.

For the history same kind of research held two years ago and then many radio channels were shutdown.
Researches became a weapon against democracy in Greece because according to the results are improving antidemocratic plans.


it is not imc's fault

07.04.2003 02:25

The situation right now it's not imc's fault. There is a problem in the server and when it's fixted the imc thessaloniki, athens and nigeria will be back online.

And there is no such thing as indymedia grecee. There is indymedia thessaloniki and indymedia athens.

ozric from imc thessaloniki