Why IRAQ will WIN: Ten Reasons
SALADIN | 04.04.2003 19:03
. The American Empire is in severe decline, both economically, morally and culturally.
2. Bush has only ever presided over defeats, defeat at the election,defeat in Afghanistan, coming defeat in Iraq.
3. US Army is only trained in Nintendo style combat.
4. Morale of an army is significant factor in time of war. Oil wealth on behalf of multinationals cannot motive combatants on $8 an hour.
5. Saddam 'lost' Gulf War one so he is still 'losing' Gulf War II.
6. Air Power alone cannot lead to an occupation of a city of 5 million.
7. 200,000 soldiers cannot defeat a land of 25million people.
8. An overstretched invasion force cannot survive in the desert for months on end.
9. Rambo wasn't a real story. Bush hasn't worked that one out yet.
10. Odds in bookies are dropping fast for US win, oil price is going up, shares down and Lebanon and Iran are part of the Vietnam syndrome of the region.
28th March 2003
2. Bush has only ever presided over defeats, defeat at the election,defeat in Afghanistan, coming defeat in Iraq.
3. US Army is only trained in Nintendo style combat.
4. Morale of an army is significant factor in time of war. Oil wealth on behalf of multinationals cannot motive combatants on $8 an hour.
5. Saddam 'lost' Gulf War one so he is still 'losing' Gulf War II.
6. Air Power alone cannot lead to an occupation of a city of 5 million.
7. 200,000 soldiers cannot defeat a land of 25million people.
8. An overstretched invasion force cannot survive in the desert for months on end.
9. Rambo wasn't a real story. Bush hasn't worked that one out yet.
10. Odds in bookies are dropping fast for US win, oil price is going up, shares down and Lebanon and Iran are part of the Vietnam syndrome of the region.
28th March 2003
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You must be an idiot
04.04.2003 20:41
1. The USA is in decline. Hmmm, that explains why everyone is trying to get in the country instead of leaving it.
2. Bush has only presided over defeats. Now let me get this straight....he suffered a defeat but was awarded the presidency anyway? And before you start to come back with some diatribe on the election results of Florida, according to the Associated Press and other organizations that recounted the votes, Bush would have won the majority decision anyway. So, again, Bush has only presided over defeats. Since he is a Republican and the Republicans took back the majority in both the House of Representatives and the Senate last year then you see that as a defeat, huh? Strange way of keeping score.
3. US Army is only trained in Nintendo style combat. It must be a bummer to sit out in the hot sun as they did in Kuwait for the last 6 months to train on a video game. Of course I'm sure that they also do the same thing at the various military installations that occupy several thousands of kilometers of land to practice on. That way the can't see the other persons television and what they're planning huh?
4. Morale of army is a significant factor during war. Absolutely right!!! And along with that $8 an hour they also get combat pay plus are entitled to the Armed Forces Act that allows them certain financial benefits at banks. Don't forget about the low cost housing provided to them for almost nothing along with the Commisary where discounts are given storewide on food, medicine, clothing. In other words, our soldiers are taken care of and consider it an honor to fight for what the majority believe in. In case you didn't know, our armed forces are VOLUNTARY!! Much the same as it was in 1776 when we fought our first war as a new nation. Seems like we won that war also.
5. Saddam-looks like it to me.
6. Air Power alone can't lead to occupation of 5M. True, but have you seen the news today? I know, I know, those must be pictures of an airport in Kuwait where we have other troops still stationed behind. But you must admit, the artists responsible for all of the minute details such as the Saddam Hussein Int'l Airport signs did an excellent job. They even created buildings in the background to look just like Baghdad's skyline. Amazing!!!!
7. 200,000 soldiers in a land of 25 million. You are again correct. However, when 24,900,000 of those citizens would lay down their life to be rid of the current regime so that their family could finally live in peace more or less evens up the odds a bit, don't you think?
8. Overstretched invasion force in the desert. You are on top of your game!!! Sadly, we won't be there that long. There is also this thing called "rotation" where you take fresh troops to replace the troops that have already been there. That way the troops don't get tired. Maybe you should check on this and make a recommendation to your government about this "new" fad.
9. Rambo. You began struggling here for 10 reasons didn't you?
10. Odds, bookies, oil prices, shares etc. I think that the bookies are actually taking bets on WHEN the regime changes, not who wins. By the way, during the past two weeks petrol (as you call it) has dropped 10 cents a gallon. The Dow Jones Industrial Average has rebounded from the lows it initially posted and is back up almost 300 points. Iran and Lebanon-you know, eventually they are going to run out of homicide bombers. There can only be so many idiots in one place.
Of course, I don't expect you to change your mind. But the next time you decide to post some idiotic top 10 list, you may want to check your facts first and be able to back them up. By the way, just as a sidenote, President Bush's approval rating is now at 80% and around the same percentage for his presidency as a whole, not just the war.
Reason 11 Angry boys called "Patriot"
04.04.2003 20:53
A Blinkin
Vietnam 2 you are cleared to taxi
04.04.2003 20:58
1. Cabal of oldsters who won't listen to outside advice? Check.
2. No understanding of ethnicities of the many locals? Check.
3. Imposing country boundaries drawn in Europe, not by the locals? Check.
4. Unshakeable faith in our superior technology? Check.
5. France secretly hoping we fall on our asses? Check.
6. Russia secretly hoping we fall on our asses? Check.
7. China secretly hoping we fall on our asses? Check.
8. SecDef pushing a conflict the JCS never wanted? Check.
9. Fear we'll look bad if we back down now? Check.
10. Corrupt Texan in the WH? Check.
11. Land war in Asia? Check.
12. Right unhappy with outcome of previous war? Check.
13. Enemy easily moves in/out of neighboring countries? Check.
14. Soldiers about to be dosed with *our own* chemicals? Check.
15. Friendly fire problem ignored instead of solved? Check.
16. Anti-Americanism up sharply in Europe? Check.
17. B-52 bombers? Check.
18. Helicopters that clog up on the local dust? Check.
19. In-fighting among the branches of the military? Check.
20. Locals that cheer us by day, hate us by night? Check.
21. Local experts ignored? Check.
22. Local politicians ignored? Check.
23. Locals used to conflicts lasting longer than the USA has been a country? Check.
24. Against advice, Prez won't raise taxes to pay for war? Check.
25. Blue water navy ships operating in brown water? Check.
26. Use of nukes hinted at if things don't go our way? Check.
27. Unpopular war? Check.
24,900,000 waiting to be shafted
04.04.2003 21:32
Nobody likes cocky bastards telling them they are being royally shafted for their own good and it's about time America learnt that lesson.
America is not a democracy, it's a plutocracy.
11th Reason Yankland will lose Iraq Oil War
05.04.2003 06:16
Then there were some Vietnamese running doggies fighting with the yanks. This time there aren't anyone willing to go "shoulder to shoulder" (or is it shoulder to arse?).
Worse still, no-one wants the yanks to liberate them however dire they remain if not (can't be all that bad considering liberation and freedom means your little kids get bombed to bits!!!!!!)
My best image from that famous war that yanks would like best to forget is the scramble to get the hell outta Saigon (not the film) when the little men in black pyjamas sauntered in to kick arses!!!!!!
Woweeee!!!!! See how the ran!!!!!!!
Iraq is Apocalyse Now, the sequel.
Or better still, Apotofshit Later!!!!!!!!
Hohohohoh Ho Chi Minh
e-mail: freesample@agentorange.com
Most accurate news!!!!!!
05.04.2003 06:28
They get cocked-up from cockeyed news from "embedded" journalists okayed and approved to extend propaganda by the pentagon mainly for yankland audience (who do not know where Eye-rack is anyway...!!!!).
Red-beefed yanks (we call them yobs and oicks here), if they can read, can only read news they like - and that is exactly what they are fed on (apart from crap called BigMucks) and the news is fed from mainly 5 outlets all controlled by people with close links to Bush.
Have you seen the godawful logic and spelling mistakes you see of these goons of Ramboland? The only good we have of them is a laugh-anda-half. That is better than what they get from the others from the rest of the world who really shove it in capital (like Veeetnam, Somalia, Lebanon, etc etc).
Drop Bombs from aHigh
The US cannot lose - official
05.04.2003 10:33
By which criteria they could have declared victory without subjecting Iraq to aerial blitzkrieg, invasion and occupation (preferable, I think.
Yes, folks, 2+2 really does equal 5 in these twisted times.
Auntie Beeb
Oh, so bush won, that's OK...
05.04.2003 11:00
also for more on jeb in florida, look at the red pepper article "The President's Favourite Terrorists" in the archive/in depth section. like bush, little jeb will also has no qualms about getting and holding onto power.
american will win in iraq. jordan and syria may be next, maybe iran. north korea is getting twitchy and china is re-examining its foreign policy stance in response to america's behaviour. oh joy! given that america is the only nation in history to use atomic weapons (when it did not have to) and is looking to make 'usable' nuclear weapons, i'm a little concerned. what d'ya think?
jim bob
maybe .. but ...
05.04.2003 13:11
having witnessed since the late seventies wot american foreign policy has done to south and central america, I was
well made up when 9.11 went off, just for a few hours I really thought that the oppressed people of the world had hit back. But then slowly the realisation sunk in that they the CIA aided and abetted by Mossad were the only ones capable of pulling it off . Every time I see footage of the yankkkee troops in Iraq I am reminded of STAR WARS ... their they are with their head sets and all the electronic shit.
Yeah real brave they only attack the Iraqies after they have been pulverised by thousands of tons of high explosives.
I guess it is going to be everyone against the U:S and Israeli nazis ... so Patrtiot can shove it up his