ISM: Updates From Occupied Palestine
International Solidarity Movement | 04.04.2003 18:19
There are 3 messages in this issue.
Topics in this digest:
1. Jenin massacre commemoration - Call for solidarity
From: Huwaida Arraf
2. Terrorizing Tulkarem
From: Tom Wallace
3. Please Help Prevent Another War Crime by Remembering Jenin
From: "Michael Shaik"
Message: 1
Date: Thu, 3 Apr 2003 10:56:08 -0800 (PST)
From: Huwaida Arraf
Subject: Jenin massacre commemoration - Call for solidarity
This is a call-out from International Solidarity Movement activists in
Jenin for actions in soldiarity with the dead of Jenin camp, the
suffering of Jenin camp, those still in prison, those who are disabled,
traumatised, and those still grieving for the loss of their loved ones.
Please forward this email to any activist groups who you think would
want to organise something.
April 3 -15 2002 saw Israeli Occupation Forces under 'Operation
Defensive Shield' attack Jenin Camp with bulldozers, apache
helicopters, tanks and F16 fighter jets. Missiles were fired into houses, an
entire neighbourhood of over 200 homes was demolished in 4 days, over 2000
people were arrested, hundreds were injured and 52 people massacred.
Emergency services and food and water supplies were forcibly blocked
from entering the camp. Ambulances were fired upon. People dehydrated,
suffocated, went hungry and died of superficial injuries as they bled to
death slowly. All international organisations and media were barred
from witnessing the attack.
Despite the UN and Amnesty reports falling short of calling April's
invasion a masacre, camp residents and international lawyers maintain that
the method and means of murder amount to one.
Call for commemorative messages. You can send you message of
condoloances and solidarity with the people of the Jenin Camp to; These messages will be printed out and displayed
on an art/photo-exebition currently running in Jenin-camp until the
15th of april. This call is urgent, and your words of solidarity is
important to show the people of Jenin camp that -we will not forget......
Call for solidarity-actions on the 15th of april. April 15 - 2002 was
the last day of the massacre in Jenin-camp, and here in jenin the
camp-committee and the ISM will arrange a full day event with happenings,
films from april, and a conference with testimonies from victims of the
Israeli violence. The events will be held outdoors on the totally
destroyed area in the camp.
We also need activists worldwide to support this with protests outside
Israeli embassies and businesses. Caterpillar-retailers and factories
is also a suitable target for protests and direct actions, since they
provide the bulk part of the machinery the IOF is using for
house-demolitions. Please send any action-reports to and we will pass them on to the people of the
We hope that you will join us in many powerful and creative actions
worldwide to show that there is solidarity with the still open wound that
was inflicted on the Jenin Camp one year ago.
In struggle and solidarity
Tobias Karlsson
Jenin area
+972 (0)57-836527
+972 (0)67-437690
"It is from numberless diverse acts of courage and belief that human
history is shaped. Each time a man stands up for an ideal, or acts to
improve the lot of others, or strikes out against injustice, he sends
forth a tiny ripple of hope, and crossing each other from a million
different centers of energy and daring, those ripples build a current that can
sweep down the mightiest walls of oppression and resistance." Robert F.
[This message contained attachments]
Message: 2
Date: Thu, 3 Apr 2003 15:06:31 -0800 (PST)
From: Tom Wallace
Subject: Terrorizing Tulkarem
Terrorizing Tulkarem
April 3, 2003
The invasion of Tulkarem refugee camp continued today unabated. The
enormous military presence was accompanied by tanks, APC's, hummers,
bulldozers, and jeeps. Soldiers continued to hold all of the over 1000
men that they rounded up yesterday. Some were held in the UNRWA girls
school in Tulkarem. Others were being held at a school in the Nur Shams
refugee camp. Many more were driven by trucks several miles from the
camp, then they were dumped off and told not to return for 3 days.
The house to house searches continued as well. These "searches" often
consist of destroying the contents of the houses that they are
searching. On Monday the IOF conducted these searches randomly, making it
difficult for ISM to anticipate where they would strike next. Today,
however, they just went door to door. The occupation forces also blocked all
of the alley ways and side streets with barbed wire.
As the bulldozers came into the camp, five ISM activists (from Ireland,
Germany, the US and Occupied Palestine) followed the bulldozers and
the soldiers. The soldiers told the activists that they had to leave for
their own protection. When the activists refused, the soldiers pushed
one of the women to the ground, and began pushing the others around.
At the same time, 4 or 5 Palestinian men who were blindfolded and had
their hands tied, were sitting next to a building that the bulldozer was
destroying. An Elder woman was also sitting there. The activists wanted
to sit with her but the army was now threatening arrest.
Meanwhile, around the corner from this scene, 11 – 14 men were forced
to sit in the sun with their hands tied. The were left like this, and
were given no water, from 10:00 AM until around 4:00 PM. They ranged in
age from teenagers to men in their 60's
At approximately 2:00 PM, the IOF surrounded the Thabbat Thabbat
hospital again. Yesterday, they had entered the hospital and beat and dragged
out several young men. Today, they never actually entered the hospital.
They simply searched every ambulance. In addition, there were several
instances in the camp, where ambulances were not allowed to pick people
The car that was determined Monday by the border police to have been
stolen from Israel and to therefore have a bomb in it, was still there
today. They attempted to use this Monday as a justification for
evacuating the hospital. The ISM activists never fell for this lie and refused
to leave the hospital. Today, the army was talking about removing the
car. As far as we know, the car is still there. I guess there was no
Throughout the day there were several houses occupied by the IOF. When
the soldiers take over a house, they usually confine the family to one
room, regardless of number. They use these houses for anything from
sniper posts, to sleeping quarters, to command centers. They sometimes
occupy these houses for months at a time. Before they leave, they usually
ransack the house to demonstrate their gratitude.
AT approximately 4:00 PM, the ISM activists began knocking on the doors
of these occupied houses just to harass the soldiers. Shortly
thereafter the soldiers left. I'm sure this was just a coincidence. However,
upon leaving one of these houses, the soldiers took one of the
inhabitants and used him as a human shield. The activists saw the soldiers
pushing him slowly down the street in front of them, especially when turning
In addition to the houses that were occupied and those that were
searched and ransacked; there were at least three houses destroyed.
ISM Media coordinator
Beit Sahour, Occupied Palestine
052 360 241
Topics in this digest:
1. Jenin massacre commemoration - Call for solidarity
From: Huwaida Arraf
2. Terrorizing Tulkarem
From: Tom Wallace
3. Please Help Prevent Another War Crime by Remembering Jenin
From: "Michael Shaik"
Message: 1
Date: Thu, 3 Apr 2003 10:56:08 -0800 (PST)
From: Huwaida Arraf
Subject: Jenin massacre commemoration - Call for solidarity
This is a call-out from International Solidarity Movement activists in
Jenin for actions in soldiarity with the dead of Jenin camp, the
suffering of Jenin camp, those still in prison, those who are disabled,
traumatised, and those still grieving for the loss of their loved ones.
Please forward this email to any activist groups who you think would
want to organise something.
April 3 -15 2002 saw Israeli Occupation Forces under 'Operation
Defensive Shield' attack Jenin Camp with bulldozers, apache
helicopters, tanks and F16 fighter jets. Missiles were fired into houses, an
entire neighbourhood of over 200 homes was demolished in 4 days, over 2000
people were arrested, hundreds were injured and 52 people massacred.
Emergency services and food and water supplies were forcibly blocked
from entering the camp. Ambulances were fired upon. People dehydrated,
suffocated, went hungry and died of superficial injuries as they bled to
death slowly. All international organisations and media were barred
from witnessing the attack.
Despite the UN and Amnesty reports falling short of calling April's
invasion a masacre, camp residents and international lawyers maintain that
the method and means of murder amount to one.
Call for commemorative messages. You can send you message of
condoloances and solidarity with the people of the Jenin Camp to;

on an art/photo-exebition currently running in Jenin-camp until the
15th of april. This call is urgent, and your words of solidarity is
important to show the people of Jenin camp that -we will not forget......
Call for solidarity-actions on the 15th of april. April 15 - 2002 was
the last day of the massacre in Jenin-camp, and here in jenin the
camp-committee and the ISM will arrange a full day event with happenings,
films from april, and a conference with testimonies from victims of the
Israeli violence. The events will be held outdoors on the totally
destroyed area in the camp.
We also need activists worldwide to support this with protests outside
Israeli embassies and businesses. Caterpillar-retailers and factories
is also a suitable target for protests and direct actions, since they
provide the bulk part of the machinery the IOF is using for
house-demolitions. Please send any action-reports to

We hope that you will join us in many powerful and creative actions
worldwide to show that there is solidarity with the still open wound that
was inflicted on the Jenin Camp one year ago.
In struggle and solidarity
Tobias Karlsson
Jenin area
+972 (0)57-836527
+972 (0)67-437690
"It is from numberless diverse acts of courage and belief that human
history is shaped. Each time a man stands up for an ideal, or acts to
improve the lot of others, or strikes out against injustice, he sends
forth a tiny ripple of hope, and crossing each other from a million
different centers of energy and daring, those ripples build a current that can
sweep down the mightiest walls of oppression and resistance." Robert F.
[This message contained attachments]
Message: 2
Date: Thu, 3 Apr 2003 15:06:31 -0800 (PST)
From: Tom Wallace
Subject: Terrorizing Tulkarem
Terrorizing Tulkarem
April 3, 2003
The invasion of Tulkarem refugee camp continued today unabated. The
enormous military presence was accompanied by tanks, APC's, hummers,
bulldozers, and jeeps. Soldiers continued to hold all of the over 1000
men that they rounded up yesterday. Some were held in the UNRWA girls
school in Tulkarem. Others were being held at a school in the Nur Shams
refugee camp. Many more were driven by trucks several miles from the
camp, then they were dumped off and told not to return for 3 days.
The house to house searches continued as well. These "searches" often
consist of destroying the contents of the houses that they are
searching. On Monday the IOF conducted these searches randomly, making it
difficult for ISM to anticipate where they would strike next. Today,
however, they just went door to door. The occupation forces also blocked all
of the alley ways and side streets with barbed wire.
As the bulldozers came into the camp, five ISM activists (from Ireland,
Germany, the US and Occupied Palestine) followed the bulldozers and
the soldiers. The soldiers told the activists that they had to leave for
their own protection. When the activists refused, the soldiers pushed
one of the women to the ground, and began pushing the others around.
At the same time, 4 or 5 Palestinian men who were blindfolded and had
their hands tied, were sitting next to a building that the bulldozer was
destroying. An Elder woman was also sitting there. The activists wanted
to sit with her but the army was now threatening arrest.
Meanwhile, around the corner from this scene, 11 – 14 men were forced
to sit in the sun with their hands tied. The were left like this, and
were given no water, from 10:00 AM until around 4:00 PM. They ranged in
age from teenagers to men in their 60's
At approximately 2:00 PM, the IOF surrounded the Thabbat Thabbat
hospital again. Yesterday, they had entered the hospital and beat and dragged
out several young men. Today, they never actually entered the hospital.
They simply searched every ambulance. In addition, there were several
instances in the camp, where ambulances were not allowed to pick people
The car that was determined Monday by the border police to have been
stolen from Israel and to therefore have a bomb in it, was still there
today. They attempted to use this Monday as a justification for
evacuating the hospital. The ISM activists never fell for this lie and refused
to leave the hospital. Today, the army was talking about removing the
car. As far as we know, the car is still there. I guess there was no
Throughout the day there were several houses occupied by the IOF. When
the soldiers take over a house, they usually confine the family to one
room, regardless of number. They use these houses for anything from
sniper posts, to sleeping quarters, to command centers. They sometimes
occupy these houses for months at a time. Before they leave, they usually
ransack the house to demonstrate their gratitude.
AT approximately 4:00 PM, the ISM activists began knocking on the doors
of these occupied houses just to harass the soldiers. Shortly
thereafter the soldiers left. I'm sure this was just a coincidence. However,
upon leaving one of these houses, the soldiers took one of the
inhabitants and used him as a human shield. The activists saw the soldiers
pushing him slowly down the street in front of them, especially when turning
In addition to the houses that were occupied and those that were
searched and ransacked; there were at least three houses destroyed.
ISM Media coordinator
Beit Sahour, Occupied Palestine
052 360 241
International Solidarity Movement