BVEJ News April 2003
BVEJ | 04.04.2003 15:22
BVEJ News April 2003
Latest BVEJ newsletter now on-line
newsletter April 2003 - BVEJ - War on Iraq - More on Iraq -
Anti-war actions - Gulf War II - Kids on the streets -
Truth is the first casualty of war - Stop the War -
Project for the New American Century - Richard Perle -
Site Unseen: Exposing the Arms Trade - E$$on - GATS - Bananas - Coffee -
BBC rig World Music Award - Corrupted CDs - Pavilion -
Farnborough town centre - Farnborough Airport - Fleet -
May local elections
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Latest BVEJ newsletter now on-line
newsletter April 2003 - BVEJ - War on Iraq - More on Iraq -
Anti-war actions - Gulf War II - Kids on the streets -
Truth is the first casualty of war - Stop the War -
Project for the New American Century - Richard Perle -
Site Unseen: Exposing the Arms Trade - E$$on - GATS - Bananas - Coffee -
BBC rig World Music Award - Corrupted CDs - Pavilion -
Farnborough town centre - Farnborough Airport - Fleet -
May local elections

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Now even easier, subscribe by entering your e-mail address on the BVEJ web
page and click the Yahoo Groups button.
