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UK: Voice your opposition to indiscriminate weapons - Take action!

Alwaysshariff | 04.04.2003 10:22

On 27 March, US armed forces were reported to have fired missiles with cluster bomblets near Najaf, while on 26 March it was reported that UK Harrier jets had dropped cluster bombs on Iraqi troops. Allegations have also been made that cluster bombs have been dropped on the city of Basra and may be responsible for civilian deaths and injuries

Amnesty International today condemned the British Government for using cluster bombs in Iraq.

Responding to an admission from Defence Secretary Geoff Hoon that these weapons had been used in Iraq, Amnesty International said: "We had asked the US and UK
governments to confirm that they would not use such indiscriminate weapons because of the threat they pose to civilians. Now we understand why they were silent."

"In the face of the glaring evidence of how these weapons affect civilians, we reiterate our call on both governments to undertake not to use them again for
the sake of the civilians of Iraq."

"They must also explain where and why the weapons were used."

For more information, please download Amnesty International's previous press releases on the use of cluster bombs:

To view an interview with Secretary General Irene Khan please see

To view an interview with Amnesty International's military expert, please see

Act now! Voice your opposition to indiscriminate weapons:

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More weapons of mass destruction...

04.04.2003 12:52

Yesterday there was a report in the Mirror that the US had dropped 2 daisycutter bombs on Iraq. In my opinion, these are as bad, if not worse than cluster bombs, but because I read it in the Mirror (and it aint in any other newspaper that I have read) I am sceptical about it. Anyone heard anything more that confirms the use of daisycutters?
