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Phones Tapped? - should we care?

Tony Hillier | 03.04.2003 08:30

Some say that as Chair of the Swindon Stop the War Coalition, my phone is tapped. (presumably e mail/web use and mobile phone too. Is yours? Can we ever know? Should we care? Let's flush it out anyway.

Is it worth using energy to have this debate and find a way to flush out the tapers if they exist?

I guess we can't stop "them" if they are.

In my view, the minimum is that the general public should know if it is happening so we better understand the nature of our "Big Sibling" society.

Thoughts or information?

Tony Hillier
- e-mail:


Display the following 16 comments

  1. Eschelon will get you anyway — sue denim
  2. Just be careful what you say on the phone — Miss Point
  3. Undercover Agent — Old Bill
  4. U R probably bugged — shhhhh!
  5. more info — gnome
  6. Bugging — Dan
  7. problem? what problem? — goatchurch
  8. freedom of information — state tv
  9. Emails delayed — Stuey
  10. echelon — Keith Parkins
  11. Comment and question — Newbe
  12. comment and question — newbe
  13. reply to comment and question — well....
  14. re names emails and addresses — your name here
  15. bug the buggers — racist friend
  16. re ireland — J K