Peace is a Verb: Popular Warfare is Real Action
DAVE ACPF -05 | 02.04.2003 17:22
USA dont stand a chance, unless US moderates get their way. Ignore them& speak the truth VERY LOUDLY. The US has got to go! That is the message. THAT IS THE MESSAGE!!! US has got to go. ALL Troops Home NOW! The Anti-War protesters in EU and US should fight like the Iraqis, fight like the future depended on their every breath and every act.
(article 1)
(article 1)
Peace is a Verb: Popular Warfare is Real Action
Above has nice comment about growing up brain washed in USA.
Which Side Would Lawrence of Arabia be on? Which Side Jesus or Abraham?
I wish the Anti-War protesters in Europe and the US would fight like the Iraqis, fight like the future depended on their every breath and every act. The Iraqis, like the Palestinians, have been sacrificing themselves by the thousands so that the world has time to react to this barbaric US aggression; so that the world can consider their choices: A world of law and cooperation or a world where as US regimes Rumsfeld says: The US isnt doing all this just to give up substantial control, we want to dominate the occupation and reconstruction of Iraq. -- Marriana Rivera, Ecuador activist working in occupied Palestine.
The Anti-War and Anti-US coalitions must take the next step and realize that their audience is not their elected officials and not their domestic TV viewers. The peace and justice movement, especially in the US and UK, needs to address the global poor and their resistance allies. We are all in this together. The power elite who dominate the US have made many fatal errors in going after a cooperating Arab nation without international (elite) support.
It is like the whole world conspired to trap the US in Babylon, but really its is just the Bush-Chenny-Rumsfeld-Wolfowitz-Abrams infantile arrogance that has dug their own grave. The Iranians and their Shia followers in southern Iraq (Basra) are waiting to see how to take advantage of the US dilemma. The Turks are waiting to see how much they can bribe the US and perhaps the more intelligent people in the new Turkish government see a possibility of uniting Kurds and Turks to build a better world for themselves.
The Russians, Chinese, Europeans and the whole Arab and Islamic world are watching, waiting and planning. If Syria comes to Iraqi aid, or Iran or Saudi Arabia the US could be doomed. Qatar and Bahrain are on record saying they will expel the US military bases there. Almost every mullah in the world has called for holy war against the US.
This global consolidation of the Anti-WTO, ANTI-US, Anti-Imperialism movements (And even the Anti-GMOs!) started to become evident last year when the US tried to overthrow Hugo Chavez in Venezuela to get his oil. The whole world â?? even US allies condemned this illegal coup. This global anti-US rebellion was evident at the World Social Forum in Brazil where the US was the focus of attacks. Now all of the issues of UN democracy, sustainable development, US and UK Corporate dominance, weapons of mass destruction and peaceful coexistence have merged, coalesced and become a holistic ant-crusader mass Jihad to the death of all Americans! The WAR WILL NEVER END!
The US doesnt stand a chance, unless of course the US moderates like Chomsky, Naomi Klein and the Democratic Party hacks like Pelusi and Kerry get their way. Send the moderates to hell or easier yet, just ignore them and start speaking the truth VERY LOUDLY. The US has got to go! That is the message. That is the message. THAT IS THE MESSAGE!!! The US has got to go. Well we can debate that at the margins, but it definetly means the US has got to go away from the Middle East and the Near East.
The demands of the Global Peace movement should be
I. All US forces, spies and businesses leave the region (AFGHANISTAN< ISRAEL< IRAQ< SAUDI ARABIA< QATAR< BAHRAINKUWAIT, etc).
II. The UN and regional security forces would establish friendly order and distribute humanitarian aid.
III. Peace and Development Negotiations would ensue to rebuild and reform the whole region in a way that the people there can accept and support.
Almost 86 years ago, British commander Lt. General Stanley Maude issued a proclamation to the people of Baghdad, whose city his forces had just occupied. "Our armies," he declared, "do not come into your cities and lands as conquerors, but as liberators." Within three years, 10,000 had died in a national Iraqi uprising against the British rulers, who gassed and bombed the insurgents. On the eve of last week's invasion Lieutenant Colonel Tim Collins echoed Maude in a speech to British troops. "We go to liberate, not to conquer", he told them. All the signs from the past few days are that a new colonial occupation of Iraq will face determined guerrilla resistance long after Saddam Hussein has gone. The US occupiers will once again be driven out.
Third World peoples have been allocated a largely passive role in the security arrangements of the new world order - the best they can hope for is to be "liberated" and be grateful for it. But the scale and commitment of the resistance in Iraq - along with reports of thousands of Iraqis and other Arabs struggling to return from Syria and Jordan to fight - suggests that resistance to US imperialism is driven by national and religious pride.
The Anglo-American war being fought in the Middle East is without question the most flagrant act of aggression carried out by a British government in modern times. The assault on Iraq was launched in the teeth of global and national opinion, launched without even the flimsiest Iraqi provocation or threat to Britain or the US, in breach of the UN charter and international law, and in defiance of the majority of states represented on the UN security council.,2763,922...
Where does all this lead us? In the early hours of this morning, I looked across the Tigris at the funeral pyre of the Republican Palace and the colonnaded ministry beside it. There were beacons of fire across Baghdad and the sky was glowering with smoke, the buttressed, rampart-like palace -- sheets of flame soaring from its walls -- looked like a medieval castle ablaze; Tsesiphon destroyed, Mesopotamia at the moment of its destruction as it has been seen for many times over so many thousands of years.
Xenophon struck south of here, Alexander to the north. The Mongols sacked Baghdad. The caliphs came. And then the Ottomans and then the British. All departed. Now come the Americans. It's not about legitimacy. It's about something much more seductive, something Saddam himself understands all too well, a special kind of power, the same power that every conqueror of Iraq wished to demonstrate as he smashed his way into the land of this ancient civilisation.
Yesterday the Iraqis lit massive fires of oil around the city of Baghdad in the hope of misleading the guidance system of the cruise missiles. Smoke against computers. Box-cutters against Imperial Might? Anger against Pentagon Think Tanks?
We bomb. They suffer.
Then What? - Robert Fisk;
From March 24,2003
Everyday that goes by, every civilian bombing massacre by the US, every Iraqi victory brings more of the world and the Arab street into direct conflict with the US. The US is losing their momentum, they are losing their supply line security and they are losing the diplomatic war too. The best the US can hope for at this time is to be able to leave Iraq, tail between their legs, and not be permanently ostrasized, thrown out of the UN and economically crippled by boycotts, revenge attacks and a global shift away from using the dollar in international trade. The US is cornered and this makes them especially dangerous with a Christian fundamentalist Bush as commander in chief (thief!). But this only forces the rest of the world to actually walk the talk.
Thousands of Iraqis gave their lives in the last two days of battle near Najaf, Umm Qasr! An-Nasiriya! Samawa! Basra! Many of these battles are suicide attacks by determined militia men who drive trucks right into US tanks or crawl and then run up to armored vehicles and blast themselves and the tank to death with RPG rockets. If the Iraqis keep this up the US will find its supply lines in serious danger and a million Arab and Muslim youth inspired to die as martyrs against the Infidel Invaders.
People who are stuck in the last war (Vietnam, Civil Rights, Central American Solidarity (All Failures) think that voting and organizing for reform can work, but this is either a CIA plot or extreme fear and denial. See following statement:
MORE RADICAL GROUPS WHO UNDERSTAND THE UNIQUE NATURE OF THIS WORLD CRISIS HAVE OTHER ADVICE: In some countries like the US, UK, Turkey and Australia, the governments and perhaps the people will never change politically or peacefully. You know what that means and what has to be done. Support each other and remember: â??The Whole World IS Watching AND WE WANT TO (NEED TO) SEE SOME FIREWORKS IN THOSE ANGLO-AMERICAN PLUTOCRACIES.
NOTE note NOTE note
ACPF News Agency:: Voices from the Palestinian Street
Your story is
In Honor of the Historic Arab Warriors of Umm Qasr who rallied Iraq against the Anglo-American invaders and usurpers: â??May the brave martyrs of Umm Qasr bring life to all Arabs and Freedom Fighters throughout all time; Remember Umm Qasr! An-Nasiriya! Najaf! Samawa! Basra!
Kurdistan Holds the WORLD: Help Them!
by Marriana Rivera
See new Solutions Report:
The Kurds are key to war in Iraq and key to peace in region. This is great opportunity for Kurds: a Great responsibility. USA wants a huge war in MiddleEast: They use Kurds: let you die. Saddam did harm to Kurds with US help, Bush will do it again. Please remain neutral, save warriors for next phase. EU ready to fund a wider, deeper and sincere peace. A peace agreement with Turkey, Syria, Iraq and Iran is possible: Kurds autonomy, respect, dignity. This will go up in smoke if you aid the US and its Special Forces.
(above is Arab Victory)
Come On Moderates on This I STAND FOR! list someone explain themselves - just one time - enlighten us about the SOLUTIONS - we have known the problems for decades.
This is your last chance to respond before we stop being nice, nice smiley.
The World Wants To Hear What they are supposed to do in the next week to stop the US Nazis (70-80 percent of US population)
When you see a sniper rifle, kiss the sky.
8) Beyond these examples is a deeper, more formal connection:
"ElectronicIntifada" (, the popular pro-Palestinian
website catering to English-speaking audiences, is also the publisher
ofthe pro-Saddam "Electronic Iraq" (
When A US helicopter crashes anywhere, celebrate.
When a suicide bomber ignites, be inspired.
When GW Bush moves unilaterally with force, let your heart beat with excitement.
When you see a sniper rifle, kiss the sky.
To be real in this sickened world
is to be on fire!
An Information Broadcast from ACPF News Agency:
Lebanese children chant 'Death to America' in Hezbollah-led protest
by Canadian Press 10:24pm Thu Mar 27 '03 (Modified on 10:09am Fri Mar 28 '03)
Thousands of Palestinians also marched on the West Bank of the Jordan River and in the Gaza Strip, urging Iraqi President Saddam Hussein to attack Israel with chemical weapons.
''Yes, Saddam kills anyone who is against him. But I love him. He is going to liberate his country, and then he will liberate our country. He kills people because they are collaborators.''
It is a phenomenon of the street that people eavesdrop on conversations and contribute comments. When people agree as broadly as they currently do about Hussein, conversationalists compete with superlatives. So it was in the hardware shop, where Muhyi Kalboneh, 36, a construction worker, summarized the greatness of the Iraqi leader's glory.
''In the past 800 years, we have had only three real leaders,'' Kalboneh said, naming Saladin, the Kurdish warrior who drove the crusaders from Jerusalem in 1187; Gamal Abdel Nasser, who led the pan-Arabic movement in the 1950s and '60s; and Hussein.
Abed Taktouk, 20, manager of a music shop just off the lane into the dim, low-ceilinged labyrinth of the casbah, said ''Saddam is a hero -- the only hero,'' because of his steadfast support for the Palestinian cause.
Taktouk, a member of the Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades, which is listed as a terrorist organization by the US State Department, lost his right arm below the elbow when Israeli troops and Palestinian militants battled here last spring. He was brought to Baghdad to be fitted for a mechanical hand, which he never got ''because of the sanctions. [But] because I am Palestinian, Saddam gave me $3,500.''
Still, Taktouk reconsidered his ''only hero'' statement. Osama bin Laden, he said, ''is on the same level.''
. ''My 12-year-old daughter asked me, `Do you like Saddam Hussein?' and I didn't know how to answer.
''I told her he was a disaster, he killed all those people in Halabja, and my daughter said, `Are you with Saddam Hussein or not?' and I said I am with Iraq.''
Even though she tries to level with her children, this was not quite the whole truth, she said later.
''I headlines03/0321-02.htm am against Saddam Hussein. He is terrible, not a human being,'' Nabulsi said. ''But in this moment, I am with Saddam Hussein.''
Globe correspondent Sa'id Ghazali contributed to this report. Charles A. Radin can be reached at This story ran on page A1 of the Boston Globe on 3/24/2003.
More Bin Laden support at:
Arabs in France attack Jews, Praise Bin Laden and Saddam Hussein
by Dan 9:23am Fri Mar 28 '03 (Modified on 12:31pm Fri Mar 28 '03)
Arabs in France attack Jews, Praise Bin Laden and Saddam Hussein
World Leaders Trash Bush
TWO Revolutionaries Talk the Walk: Fight or ? Cry ? (english)
ACPF - DAVE 04 10:16pm Mon Mar 31 '03
address: article#307039

Above has nice comment about growing up brain washed in USA.
Which Side Would Lawrence of Arabia be on? Which Side Jesus or Abraham?

I wish the Anti-War protesters in Europe and the US would fight like the Iraqis, fight like the future depended on their every breath and every act. The Iraqis, like the Palestinians, have been sacrificing themselves by the thousands so that the world has time to react to this barbaric US aggression; so that the world can consider their choices: A world of law and cooperation or a world where as US regimes Rumsfeld says: The US isnt doing all this just to give up substantial control, we want to dominate the occupation and reconstruction of Iraq. -- Marriana Rivera, Ecuador activist working in occupied Palestine.
The Anti-War and Anti-US coalitions must take the next step and realize that their audience is not their elected officials and not their domestic TV viewers. The peace and justice movement, especially in the US and UK, needs to address the global poor and their resistance allies. We are all in this together. The power elite who dominate the US have made many fatal errors in going after a cooperating Arab nation without international (elite) support.
It is like the whole world conspired to trap the US in Babylon, but really its is just the Bush-Chenny-Rumsfeld-Wolfowitz-Abrams infantile arrogance that has dug their own grave. The Iranians and their Shia followers in southern Iraq (Basra) are waiting to see how to take advantage of the US dilemma. The Turks are waiting to see how much they can bribe the US and perhaps the more intelligent people in the new Turkish government see a possibility of uniting Kurds and Turks to build a better world for themselves.
The Russians, Chinese, Europeans and the whole Arab and Islamic world are watching, waiting and planning. If Syria comes to Iraqi aid, or Iran or Saudi Arabia the US could be doomed. Qatar and Bahrain are on record saying they will expel the US military bases there. Almost every mullah in the world has called for holy war against the US.
This global consolidation of the Anti-WTO, ANTI-US, Anti-Imperialism movements (And even the Anti-GMOs!) started to become evident last year when the US tried to overthrow Hugo Chavez in Venezuela to get his oil. The whole world â?? even US allies condemned this illegal coup. This global anti-US rebellion was evident at the World Social Forum in Brazil where the US was the focus of attacks. Now all of the issues of UN democracy, sustainable development, US and UK Corporate dominance, weapons of mass destruction and peaceful coexistence have merged, coalesced and become a holistic ant-crusader mass Jihad to the death of all Americans! The WAR WILL NEVER END!
The US doesnt stand a chance, unless of course the US moderates like Chomsky, Naomi Klein and the Democratic Party hacks like Pelusi and Kerry get their way. Send the moderates to hell or easier yet, just ignore them and start speaking the truth VERY LOUDLY. The US has got to go! That is the message. That is the message. THAT IS THE MESSAGE!!! The US has got to go. Well we can debate that at the margins, but it definetly means the US has got to go away from the Middle East and the Near East.
The demands of the Global Peace movement should be
I. All US forces, spies and businesses leave the region (AFGHANISTAN< ISRAEL< IRAQ< SAUDI ARABIA< QATAR< BAHRAINKUWAIT, etc).
II. The UN and regional security forces would establish friendly order and distribute humanitarian aid.
III. Peace and Development Negotiations would ensue to rebuild and reform the whole region in a way that the people there can accept and support.
Almost 86 years ago, British commander Lt. General Stanley Maude issued a proclamation to the people of Baghdad, whose city his forces had just occupied. "Our armies," he declared, "do not come into your cities and lands as conquerors, but as liberators." Within three years, 10,000 had died in a national Iraqi uprising against the British rulers, who gassed and bombed the insurgents. On the eve of last week's invasion Lieutenant Colonel Tim Collins echoed Maude in a speech to British troops. "We go to liberate, not to conquer", he told them. All the signs from the past few days are that a new colonial occupation of Iraq will face determined guerrilla resistance long after Saddam Hussein has gone. The US occupiers will once again be driven out.
Third World peoples have been allocated a largely passive role in the security arrangements of the new world order - the best they can hope for is to be "liberated" and be grateful for it. But the scale and commitment of the resistance in Iraq - along with reports of thousands of Iraqis and other Arabs struggling to return from Syria and Jordan to fight - suggests that resistance to US imperialism is driven by national and religious pride.
The Anglo-American war being fought in the Middle East is without question the most flagrant act of aggression carried out by a British government in modern times. The assault on Iraq was launched in the teeth of global and national opinion, launched without even the flimsiest Iraqi provocation or threat to Britain or the US, in breach of the UN charter and international law, and in defiance of the majority of states represented on the UN security council.,2763,922...
Where does all this lead us? In the early hours of this morning, I looked across the Tigris at the funeral pyre of the Republican Palace and the colonnaded ministry beside it. There were beacons of fire across Baghdad and the sky was glowering with smoke, the buttressed, rampart-like palace -- sheets of flame soaring from its walls -- looked like a medieval castle ablaze; Tsesiphon destroyed, Mesopotamia at the moment of its destruction as it has been seen for many times over so many thousands of years.
Xenophon struck south of here, Alexander to the north. The Mongols sacked Baghdad. The caliphs came. And then the Ottomans and then the British. All departed. Now come the Americans. It's not about legitimacy. It's about something much more seductive, something Saddam himself understands all too well, a special kind of power, the same power that every conqueror of Iraq wished to demonstrate as he smashed his way into the land of this ancient civilisation.
Yesterday the Iraqis lit massive fires of oil around the city of Baghdad in the hope of misleading the guidance system of the cruise missiles. Smoke against computers. Box-cutters against Imperial Might? Anger against Pentagon Think Tanks?
We bomb. They suffer.
Then What? - Robert Fisk;

Everyday that goes by, every civilian bombing massacre by the US, every Iraqi victory brings more of the world and the Arab street into direct conflict with the US. The US is losing their momentum, they are losing their supply line security and they are losing the diplomatic war too. The best the US can hope for at this time is to be able to leave Iraq, tail between their legs, and not be permanently ostrasized, thrown out of the UN and economically crippled by boycotts, revenge attacks and a global shift away from using the dollar in international trade. The US is cornered and this makes them especially dangerous with a Christian fundamentalist Bush as commander in chief (thief!). But this only forces the rest of the world to actually walk the talk.
Thousands of Iraqis gave their lives in the last two days of battle near Najaf, Umm Qasr! An-Nasiriya! Samawa! Basra! Many of these battles are suicide attacks by determined militia men who drive trucks right into US tanks or crawl and then run up to armored vehicles and blast themselves and the tank to death with RPG rockets. If the Iraqis keep this up the US will find its supply lines in serious danger and a million Arab and Muslim youth inspired to die as martyrs against the Infidel Invaders.
People who are stuck in the last war (Vietnam, Civil Rights, Central American Solidarity (All Failures) think that voting and organizing for reform can work, but this is either a CIA plot or extreme fear and denial. See following statement:
MORE RADICAL GROUPS WHO UNDERSTAND THE UNIQUE NATURE OF THIS WORLD CRISIS HAVE OTHER ADVICE: In some countries like the US, UK, Turkey and Australia, the governments and perhaps the people will never change politically or peacefully. You know what that means and what has to be done. Support each other and remember: â??The Whole World IS Watching AND WE WANT TO (NEED TO) SEE SOME FIREWORKS IN THOSE ANGLO-AMERICAN PLUTOCRACIES.
NOTE note NOTE note
ACPF News Agency:: Voices from the Palestinian Street
Your story is

In Honor of the Historic Arab Warriors of Umm Qasr who rallied Iraq against the Anglo-American invaders and usurpers: â??May the brave martyrs of Umm Qasr bring life to all Arabs and Freedom Fighters throughout all time; Remember Umm Qasr! An-Nasiriya! Najaf! Samawa! Basra!
Kurdistan Holds the WORLD: Help Them!
by Marriana Rivera

See new Solutions Report:

The Kurds are key to war in Iraq and key to peace in region. This is great opportunity for Kurds: a Great responsibility. USA wants a huge war in MiddleEast: They use Kurds: let you die. Saddam did harm to Kurds with US help, Bush will do it again. Please remain neutral, save warriors for next phase. EU ready to fund a wider, deeper and sincere peace. A peace agreement with Turkey, Syria, Iraq and Iran is possible: Kurds autonomy, respect, dignity. This will go up in smoke if you aid the US and its Special Forces.

(above is Arab Victory)
Come On Moderates on This I STAND FOR! list someone explain themselves - just one time - enlighten us about the SOLUTIONS - we have known the problems for decades.
This is your last chance to respond before we stop being nice, nice smiley.
The World Wants To Hear What they are supposed to do in the next week to stop the US Nazis (70-80 percent of US population)
When you see a sniper rifle, kiss the sky.
8) Beyond these examples is a deeper, more formal connection:
"ElectronicIntifada" (

website catering to English-speaking audiences, is also the publisher
ofthe pro-Saddam "Electronic Iraq" (

When A US helicopter crashes anywhere, celebrate.
When a suicide bomber ignites, be inspired.
When GW Bush moves unilaterally with force, let your heart beat with excitement.
When you see a sniper rifle, kiss the sky.
To be real in this sickened world
is to be on fire!

An Information Broadcast from ACPF News Agency:
Lebanese children chant 'Death to America' in Hezbollah-led protest
by Canadian Press 10:24pm Thu Mar 27 '03 (Modified on 10:09am Fri Mar 28 '03)

Thousands of Palestinians also marched on the West Bank of the Jordan River and in the Gaza Strip, urging Iraqi President Saddam Hussein to attack Israel with chemical weapons.

''Yes, Saddam kills anyone who is against him. But I love him. He is going to liberate his country, and then he will liberate our country. He kills people because they are collaborators.''
It is a phenomenon of the street that people eavesdrop on conversations and contribute comments. When people agree as broadly as they currently do about Hussein, conversationalists compete with superlatives. So it was in the hardware shop, where Muhyi Kalboneh, 36, a construction worker, summarized the greatness of the Iraqi leader's glory.
''In the past 800 years, we have had only three real leaders,'' Kalboneh said, naming Saladin, the Kurdish warrior who drove the crusaders from Jerusalem in 1187; Gamal Abdel Nasser, who led the pan-Arabic movement in the 1950s and '60s; and Hussein.
Abed Taktouk, 20, manager of a music shop just off the lane into the dim, low-ceilinged labyrinth of the casbah, said ''Saddam is a hero -- the only hero,'' because of his steadfast support for the Palestinian cause.
Taktouk, a member of the Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades, which is listed as a terrorist organization by the US State Department, lost his right arm below the elbow when Israeli troops and Palestinian militants battled here last spring. He was brought to Baghdad to be fitted for a mechanical hand, which he never got ''because of the sanctions. [But] because I am Palestinian, Saddam gave me $3,500.''
Still, Taktouk reconsidered his ''only hero'' statement. Osama bin Laden, he said, ''is on the same level.''
. ''My 12-year-old daughter asked me, `Do you like Saddam Hussein?' and I didn't know how to answer.
''I told her he was a disaster, he killed all those people in Halabja, and my daughter said, `Are you with Saddam Hussein or not?' and I said I am with Iraq.''
Even though she tries to level with her children, this was not quite the whole truth, she said later.
''I headlines03/0321-02.htm

Globe correspondent Sa'id Ghazali contributed to this report. Charles A. Radin can be reached at

More Bin Laden support at:

Arabs in France attack Jews, Praise Bin Laden and Saddam Hussein
by Dan 9:23am Fri Mar 28 '03 (Modified on 12:31pm Fri Mar 28 '03)
Arabs in France attack Jews, Praise Bin Laden and Saddam Hussein

World Leaders Trash Bush

TWO Revolutionaries Talk the Walk: Fight or ? Cry ? (english)
ACPF - DAVE 04 10:16pm Mon Mar 31 '03
