You have to remember that certain strats of US citizens are starved of information about the world and badly educated whilst at the same time fed mindless patriotic guff.They are kept that way by their government which takes these badly educated sad young people and puts them in the army, using them as brain washed cannon fodder.
As for their idiotic tanks, I can only think of somebody who has recently said
" We have learned that the river Eurpris ( I think thatis the right name_ runs through Iraq and that the river Hubris runs straight through the White House"
They know not what they do but we have to stop them
This phrase, or ones similar to it, is appearing on bumper stickers around my state. (It's still a secret which state.) Also people are responding to the disclosures regarding the overall plan to redraw the middle east rather positively in the US. I have encountered numerous 'liberals recently that have converted to the dark side and have now embraces the neoconservative view of the world. I hate to be the bearer of bad news and this is certainly not an endorsement but this is what we are up against.
don't forget that the frogs have been doing all sorts of nasty deals with saddam and are 2nd only to Russia in providing him arms ( and chemicals) - I hope it's my battalion that gets sent to take france, we could be back in time to roll on Syria.
Hi, I'm an american and i would like to say that not all americans support this War and i would like to apologize for the stupidity of some americans who are definately poorly educated and believe anything that the media tells them. Uhmm... do you think it's possible that europeans could stop hating America. I have a seceret to tell, we don't like George Bush either. It's hard to get our point across because the ultranationalistic News media only shows pro war coverage and vehemently destroys anyone who tries to dissent. So in short it's harder when you're living in the belly of the beast. We're trying to get our message across but most of our leader such as George Bush just don't give a shit.
Josh, you shouldn't apologize so much. It lowers your self-esteem. Just because you're poorly educated and can't spell "definitely" doesn't mean you're stupid.
Apparently the nice young men in the tank can spell properly. Maybe you should join the Army, Josh.
i am so glad to be continuely seeing the support for the anti war movement, all over the world, but as much as i hate to say it, does the government care? NO. Discussing and Demonstrating are useful, but more people need to get involved in direct action, if we are really going to stop this war, and the many that are likely to happen after it we need a revolution or some serious disobedience, but most of the anti-war protestors are peaceful (hence why they are against this war), but we need to be fighting! All over England, all over America, all over the world! I believe that we should be following in the steps of the Genoa demonstrations. If we got everybody in the world who is against the war and attempted to storm parliment, or something serious like that, or get into the media broadcasting buildings. There is such support against the war, there are millions of us, the power is in our hands and just discussing is not enough, together we truly can stop this war!
Hide the following 7 comments
02.04.2003 16:29
As for their idiotic tanks, I can only think of somebody who has recently said
" We have learned that the river Eurpris ( I think thatis the right name_ runs through Iraq and that the river Hubris runs straight through the White House"
They know not what they do but we have to stop them
It Is Getting Worse
02.04.2003 16:35
I hate to be the bearer of bad news and this is certainly not an endorsement but this is what we are up against.
Carlos Malvado
oh no
02.04.2003 16:52
I prefer this shot
02.04.2003 17:16
I prefer this shot
Stupid people
03.04.2003 00:08
I'm an american and i would like to say that not all americans support this War and i would like to apologize for the stupidity of some americans who are definately poorly educated and believe anything that the media tells them. Uhmm... do you think it's possible that europeans could stop hating America. I have a seceret to tell, we don't like George Bush either. It's hard to get our point across because the ultranationalistic News media only shows pro war coverage and vehemently destroys anyone who tries to dissent. So in short it's harder when you're living in the belly of the beast. We're trying to get our message across but most of our leader such as George Bush just don't give a shit.
I did the best I could ...
03.04.2003 04:50
Apparently the nice young men in the tank can spell properly. Maybe you should join the Army, Josh.
Josh's teacher
03.04.2003 19:45
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