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The Billion People March: Global day of Action For Humanity, first of May 2003.

global liberation | 02.04.2003 09:37

We are the people of the world. We are not powerless. We hold untold amounts of power.

Please translate and spread far and wide.

We are asking individuals and groups to help organize the biggest international day of solidarity the world has ever seen. We invite people of all religious and political beliefs to participate. Through unity, with respect for differences, we can find solutions to many problems people across the world face today. Our goal is to unite one sixth of the world’s population to put their many voices together on one day. We have the opportunity to make history on this day.

We realize the success of this day depends on you and everyone else to make it happen. You are in control of this day. Make the most of it.

global liberation
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12th april

02.04.2003 11:32

sat 12th is also day of international action against the war.

may day will be much bigger though.


May Day is a International Workers Day

02.04.2003 13:19

I agree that making 1st May the biggest global demo ever and focusing focusing on the war is a great idea.

However I don't think that we should be doing things based on the lowest common demoninator -- "people of all politics and religions" -- we should be clear that May Day is a International Workers Day.

Working class politics, not religion, is needed.


London May Day: Weapons of Mass Construction

02.04.2003 18:25

Just a reminder - London May Day 2003 has the subtitle - Weapons of mass construction - and the intent is explicitly anti-war, anti-oil: see for more information.

Lets make Mayday 2003 the biggest assault on the war profiteers; a day when we express our opposition to capitalism and the wars it creates in such a way that that the state and the warmongers will never forget.

Mayday is our day!

Albert Spies
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18.04.2003 11:06

Having looked at the printed publicity for Mayday 2003 'Weapons of Mass Construction', I am concerned.

The intent seems to be destruction and chaos.

Corporate suits and the like already see Mayday as the day that weirdo anarchists try to get at them, not understanding why. Violence and destruction only puzzle them -this will never convince them.

Violence and destruction destroy the arguments we can make against these people and the protests we can make.

Violence and destruction bring an unsurprisingly heavy-handed reaction from the police and distortion in the media. Can we not do something more intelligent that won't be victim to these things?

Opinions please.

Janie J.