American Dissidents speak: Realism, Sanity, and Hope
American Dissidents | 01.04.2003 01:34
"crazy people are very funny unless you have to be in the
same room with them -- or live in a country where they're in
same room with them -- or live in a country where they're in
Realism, Sanity, and Hope
by Kevin Alfred Strom
Today I'm going to give you a slightly edited version of a speech
I delivered to an audience of National Alliance members and
guests in the Washington, DC area last week. In the words of
meeting organizer Mike McDougall, "It is important for us to
attend such functions. It is important for many reasons, one of
these being that by gathering together we build a sense of
community, a sense of camaraderie. It gives us the knowledge that
we are not alone, that we are in this together, working together,
for the survival and expansion of our race."
If the racial situation weren't so serious, the absurd beliefs of
the multiracialists would be quite funny. America was so much
poorer before the Crips and the Bloods arrived, don't you think?
And where would our space program or medical research be without
those Aztlan folks? And there are untold numbers of undiscovered
Edisons and Shakespeares in Somalia and Uganda. All
right-thinking people know that.
Well, crazy people are very funny unless you have to be in the
same room with them -- or live in a country where they're in
The European mind is extremely creative. That creativity
sometimes overflows into elaborate fantasies that the more
rational among us enjoy as poetry or literature of the fantastic,
for which I think we have a spiritual need. But for some of us,
fiction isn't good enough, and we construct elaborate belief
systems that may thrill us with awe, a sense of wonder, or a kind
of ecstasy, but which have very little connection with reality.
One day during that high noon of European civilization that was
the 1890s, the philosopher and psychologist William James was
delivering a lecture on cosmology.
He described to his audience how the Earth was suspended in space
by the forces of gravitation as it orbited around the sun, and
how the sun also moved in space, describing an arc around our
unimaginably immense galaxy, which was itself moving through the
even greater emptiness of intergalactic space.
After the lecture, James was approached by an elderly lady who
claimed she had a theory superior to the one described by him.
"We don't live on a ball rotating around the sun," she said. "We
live on a crust of earth on the back of a giant turtle."
Not wishing to be too harsh, James decided to dissuade his
opponent gently.
"If your theory is correct, madam, what does this turtle stand
"You're a very clever man, Mr. James, and that's a good question,
but I can answer that. The first turtle stands on the back of a
second, far larger turtle."
"But what does the second turtle stand on?" James asked
The old lady crowed triumphantly, "It's no use, Mr. James, you
can't trick me -- it's turtles all the way down."
Now probably very few believe the Turtle Theory, but the things
that many of our people do believe are just as ridiculous.
When one wishes to give an example of absurd and anachronistic
beliefs, the cliché is to bring up the "Flat Earthers." Everyone
laughs at them. Except Jerry Falwell, who has a sneaking
suspicion that they might just be right. I heard a broadcast
interview with a "Flat Earther" a few years ago, and he made his
arguments with sincerity and conviction.
"After all," he said, "the Earth obviously is not rotating as the
scientists claim. When you step out of your front door the wind
is not blowing at 1,000 miles per hour, is it? We are not thrown
into space by centrifugal force, are we?" Hard to argue with
that. Perfectly logical. The man had constructed a large
superstructure of justifications for his a priori conclusion that
the Earth was flat.
When the interviewer asked him how the Earth could possibly be
flat when we are able to circumnavigate it and return to our
starting point without turning around, he even had an answer for
"The Earth," he explained, "is shaped like a dinner plate, except
that it is truly two-dimensional, having no depth whatsoever.
Therefore, when you get to the edge of the plate, instead of
falling off, you instantly transport to the opposite side of the
plate and continue on your journey back to your starting point."
"But," interposed the interviewer, "wouldn't we notice that?"
"Ah," said the Flat Earther, "we would not. Since the 'plate' is
two dimensional, when we travel off one edge and appear at the
opposite edge, we are actually traversing 'no space,' and,
naturally it takes 'no time' to traverse 'no space.' Therefore we
are not conscious that we have gone off the edge at all."
The interviewer was kind enough not to add that the Flat Earther
had also gone off the edge without noticing it.
Well, White people, with a generous push from Jewish
propagandists, but largely due to our own naiveté and
gullibility, have gone off the edge in large numbers. Millions of
us have accepted the pernicious myth of human equality and have
absorbed it as a cultist absorbs a religious dogma. Like
religion, it is inculcated in children from a very early age and
is implanted in a part of the brain which is immune to reason or
Racial equality is a fantastic delusion, belief in which is
equivalent to belief in leprechauns or "orgone accumulators."
There is not a whit of evidence for it. Not only are races and
individuals manifestly not equal, but equality of any kind is
quite rare in the real world when we get above the molecular
The equality religion is truly insane. And its insanity infects
other religions and particularly infects those who falsely
believe that they have liberated themselves from religion.
But the Jewish authors of the "equality" lie know it is a lie.
They are not stupid enough to believe in the equality religion
that they created for us, unless, as Revilo Oliver pointed out,
they have a mentality in which "truth" is defined as "whatever is
good for the Jewish people." Their race is "chosen." Their race
is "holy." Their race needs exclusive living space. What
And the "equality" delusion is only one of several. "Democracy"
is another -- but that will be a subject for another day.
Most of the time, we can't change people's minds overnight and
instantly and totally dispel the delusions implanted by a
lifetime of Jewish lies in the media and school system. But we
can take advantage of events and trends to move our people in the
right direction.
One of the most promising trends today is the realization among
'liberals' and leftists that the Jews have an ethno-racial agenda
not very different from the one they falsely attribute to
so-called Nazis. As the Jewish agenda for ethnic cleansing in
Palestine becomes clearer with every passing day, and as the
Jewish war aims of dominating the Middle East become more
obvious, and as the racial animus of the Perles, Wolfowitzes,
Chertoffs, and the other Jewish owners of Boy George becomes
undeniable, people on the left seem to be waking up faster than
those on the right.
National Alliance activist Neil Camberly has been organizing
pro-White folks in the Seattle area, and recently he and his
merry band have been attending peace rallies where this awakening
is most evident. He writes in next month's National Alliance
"In response to the outbreak of an utterly illegal and
detrimental war, a series of large 'emergency' protest events
were scheduled for the downtown Seattle area, with concentration
on its federal building. Saturday's event proved to be the
biggest (and driest) since the bombing began, and it made for a
perfect opportunity for our proto-unit to 'break in' its
brand-new all-weather, red vinyl on corrugated yellow plastic NO
MORE WARS FOR ISRAEL signs. These and a new flier I put together
combined to effect a total success.
Needless to say, we found ourselves in the company of some pretty
unsavory characters. But at the same time, we were also in the
company of some truly selfless and sincere young ideologues who
could really use some awareness of our perspective. In fact,
while motorists and the fence-sitting public are their target
audience at these protests, our target audience is primarily the
demonstrators themselves. And it works better than one might
For years, one particular difference of opinion has enormously
split our ranks to the benefit of the enemy. It is the difference
of opinion regarding whether or not there is any hope for our
cause. I think it is now safe to say that it should be obvious to
anyone whose pessimism hasn't withdrawn him into total obscurity
that this is a dead issue. The tidal wave of sympathy we expected
the Internet to bring by 1998 came a bit later, but it certainly
came. And it combined with Palestine's second Intifada and
September 11 to result in what I don't exaggerate by calling an
absolute explosion of consciousness and sympathy to our
perspective regarding the enemy among the public. This shift is
apparent everywhere, and was powerfully manifested in the
response we got to our presence at the Saturday demonstration. We
were absolutely and incessantly heaped with praise and thanks.
Several excited people even attempted to purchase our signs.
Our clearly pro-White fliers were eagerly passed out for us by
attractive leftist girls who only two years ago would have
fainted at the sight of us. They stood out strongly and were read
with interest by many. Non-Whites expressed their respect for our
identification with our racial-ethnic group, as is most often the
case when Jews and Marxists aren't directing them to hate us. The
only negative response came from two livid, foul-mouthed Jews who
seemed ready to blast molten lava from their ears and nostrils.
Both posted alarming articles on about a
"fascist infiltration," only to be chided and shouted down by
Gentile leftists unconcerned with our perspective on WWII."
There is a great deal of hope, even if most Whites are still
wearing blinders.
Well, as creative and intelligent as the European race is, its
Achilles heel is susceptibility to "humanitarian" sentimentality
and feel-good delusions about the real world. Our gullibility and
our adherence to these harmful belief systems has made the
Western world into something like an insane asylum writ large,
with the inmates running the show for the Jewish string pullers
behind the scene. We're welcoming millions of non-Whites, some of
them terrorists, into our country, while at the same time we're
wantonly killing non-Whites overseas who just happen to be in the
way of Jewish power in the Middle East.
But I would be unfair to Whites if I claimed that we were the
only gullible and superstitious people on the Earth, or that that
was our most important characteristic. It is not.
Other races are prey to different -- but equally nonsensical --
belief systems. As man has emerged from lower forms of life, he
has only slowly thrown off his belief in magic and in the animate
nature of matter and the forces around him. The rise of the
frontal lobes is impressive, and it is most impressive in our
race. We see its fruits all around us in technology and the arts.
The paradox is this, as I was saying to my wife just a few days
ago. Considering how many crazy things people believe, it's
amazing that they can get their act together enough to build a
house that doesn't collapse, or an airplane that actually flies.
But we do do that, and much more besides. The fact is that our
race has emerged from the cocoon of superstition and
irrationality incompletely, but still farther than any other race
with the possible exception of the Jews.
As a race, we have an instinctive belief which we take for
granted, but which is much more difficult for some other races to
accept, that there is a singular physical reality which cannot be
changed by our feelings or wishes. Even the most strict
fundamentalist justifies his beliefs with supposedly historical
writings and events that he claims happened at a specific place
and at a specific time. Even the most crackpot leftist justifies
his nonsense with a specious veneer of science.
There is something different, something special, about White
people. As imperfect as it is, we do have a deep respect for
truth, for facts as distinct from opinions and feelings. We have
what Dr. Pierce called a Faustian urge: a restless spirit which
urges us to know all things, to master all things, to push the
boundaries of knowledge ever farther. It is no coincidence that
it was our race which developed the scientific method.
And so I come to us, the people in this room. We are members of a
very small minority, so far, among the men and women of our race.
We are members of that most important segment of our race which
has given us all the important advances we have made: the segment
which thinks and acts outside of the herd instinct and which has
such respect for truth and our own ability to discover it that we
are willing to risk a great deal to bring that truth to victory.
There was a time when publishing or uttering the cosmology
expounded later by William James was illegal, and would lead to
imprisonment or death. But the essential truth of that cosmology
was something that could not be contained. The implications of
that truth were too powerful. The same was true for the ideas of
Mendel and Darwin. The same is true for idea of racial integrity
and progress. It is an idea far too powerful to be contained, and
the time of its suppression may be all the bloodier in
consequence. But it will not be contained.
Do we have the arrogance to believe that this idea, which
animates the existence of the National Alliance and everything we
do, is some kind of "final truth" or dogma? No. It is just a
gateway to other truths which we cannot even imagine now. Let me
make an analogy.
In a pond in a meadow in the woods a tiny midge emerges from her
egg and sails out into the sweet air of a spring morning. To the
midge, it is the first spring, the only spring, the beginning of
time. Her simple eyes can see the rising yellow sun as it
evaporates the dew. The wind currents take the midge higher and
higher, and she can see the clouds in the blue and across her
pond to the edge of the dim green forest. What a marvelous life,
what a fantastic universe has been born. Noon arrives and with it
the mature heat of the day and the realization of her life's
mission, to mate and lay her eggs. She is filled with the
pleasure and contentment of fulfilling that purpose, though she
has no understanding of it. The warmth of the afternoon has
brought joy and contentment beyond all understanding to her. As
evening falls, her energy is at a low ebb. The sun has fallen and
the once-new universe seems to have grown old. Its own energy is
waning too, as light itself is dying and the infinite space
between pond and woods grows cold. Surely all is at an end. The
midge lays down, sure that she has experienced all of time, from
beginning to end, and the end comes as her consciousness winks
out less than 18 hours after it came into being.
That tiny midge had no knowledge of the millions of generations
that came before her or will come after her. Her dim vision
encompasses only the space between her pond and the trees and she
imagines it is the universe. Her life and her perception of time
does not take in even a single day. She knows nothing of time
before that day and cannot imagine time after it. Yet reflect how
much greater is the midge's consciousness than that of the
sightless and consciousless beings around her.
In many ways, we are like that midge. As the midge is more
conscious than the amoeba, we are far more conscious than our
sightless companions who have not seen the reality of race or who
are mired in Jewish superstitions. But unlike that midge, we are
aware -- painfully aware -- of the limitations of our
consciousness. We have learned much; but the most ominous and
awe-inspiring thing we have learned is how little we know.
And the awesome responsibility we hold is this: we know that the
only way to a fuller understanding of life, the only way to
discover the unplumbed secrets of the universe, the only way to
fully understand why we are here, and, along the way, the only
way to a decent life for our children and the only way to stave
off ecological or cosmic disaster, is for our race to survive and
to increase its consciousness, increase its knowledge, increase
its capabilities.
So we have a purpose. We should lovingly try and lift the best
men and women of our race away from their mistaken ideas and
toward an understanding of who they are and what it all means. We
should treasure those of us who have achieved an understanding of
race, even if their understanding is an imperfect one. When they
fall, we should help them. We should stand together with men like
Chester Doles and David Duke when they are persecuted. We should
spend our time distributing our literature of awakening, like
National Vanguard magazine and the many fine books in the
National Vanguard Books catalogue. We should shun those whose
main purpose is to spread rumors and distrust among us; their
modus operandi is visible for all to see.
We should not define ourselves in subracial terms. There is an
old saw that if you wake a man up at three o'clock in the morning
and ask him "What are you?", you have a pretty good chance of
getting the truth out of him about how he sees himself. Now,
asked that question, all too many White people would answer, "I'm
a Redskins fan" or "I'm a Republican" or "I'm a Baptist" or
something like that. The better class of person might answer "I'm
a Frenchman" or "I'm an American" or, better yet, "I'm a White
American" or, best of all, "I'm a White man." But I can guarantee
you that no one will answer "I'm an Atlanto-Mediterranean with
Baltic admixture" or "I'm a Nordic." This subracial emphasis is
biologically vague and it is a complete political non-starter. In
fact, it militates against our survival because it creates
division and resentment. We need to stay completely away from the
"I'm Whiter than you" game.
We should shun those who urge us to illegal acts; we know what
their purpose is. We should not allow ourselves to be pigeonholed
into cultic aping of past historical periods or emulating Jewish
stereotypes of "White supremacist" hooliganism. We are better
than that, and everything we do should show that. We should make
ourselves into the walking antithesis of those stereotypes. We
should do that because that is the best way to make sure that our
ideas -- and our genes -- survive the dark times in which we are
now wandering.
The world we know -- and the world that European man has created
for himself -- as great as it is, is still a midge's world. The
survival and progress of our race will take us beyond, to
infinities of which we cannot even conceive. The failure to
survive will mean death, the end. The end of what may be Nature's
last chance to do what only we can do. Everything depends on us.
Thank you.
Until next week, this is Kevin Alfred Strom reminding you to stay
active -- stay legal -- and keep on thinking free.
by Kevin Alfred Strom
Today I'm going to give you a slightly edited version of a speech
I delivered to an audience of National Alliance members and
guests in the Washington, DC area last week. In the words of
meeting organizer Mike McDougall, "It is important for us to
attend such functions. It is important for many reasons, one of
these being that by gathering together we build a sense of
community, a sense of camaraderie. It gives us the knowledge that
we are not alone, that we are in this together, working together,
for the survival and expansion of our race."
If the racial situation weren't so serious, the absurd beliefs of
the multiracialists would be quite funny. America was so much
poorer before the Crips and the Bloods arrived, don't you think?
And where would our space program or medical research be without
those Aztlan folks? And there are untold numbers of undiscovered
Edisons and Shakespeares in Somalia and Uganda. All
right-thinking people know that.
Well, crazy people are very funny unless you have to be in the
same room with them -- or live in a country where they're in
The European mind is extremely creative. That creativity
sometimes overflows into elaborate fantasies that the more
rational among us enjoy as poetry or literature of the fantastic,
for which I think we have a spiritual need. But for some of us,
fiction isn't good enough, and we construct elaborate belief
systems that may thrill us with awe, a sense of wonder, or a kind
of ecstasy, but which have very little connection with reality.
One day during that high noon of European civilization that was
the 1890s, the philosopher and psychologist William James was
delivering a lecture on cosmology.
He described to his audience how the Earth was suspended in space
by the forces of gravitation as it orbited around the sun, and
how the sun also moved in space, describing an arc around our
unimaginably immense galaxy, which was itself moving through the
even greater emptiness of intergalactic space.
After the lecture, James was approached by an elderly lady who
claimed she had a theory superior to the one described by him.
"We don't live on a ball rotating around the sun," she said. "We
live on a crust of earth on the back of a giant turtle."
Not wishing to be too harsh, James decided to dissuade his
opponent gently.
"If your theory is correct, madam, what does this turtle stand
"You're a very clever man, Mr. James, and that's a good question,
but I can answer that. The first turtle stands on the back of a
second, far larger turtle."
"But what does the second turtle stand on?" James asked
The old lady crowed triumphantly, "It's no use, Mr. James, you
can't trick me -- it's turtles all the way down."
Now probably very few believe the Turtle Theory, but the things
that many of our people do believe are just as ridiculous.
When one wishes to give an example of absurd and anachronistic
beliefs, the cliché is to bring up the "Flat Earthers." Everyone
laughs at them. Except Jerry Falwell, who has a sneaking
suspicion that they might just be right. I heard a broadcast
interview with a "Flat Earther" a few years ago, and he made his
arguments with sincerity and conviction.
"After all," he said, "the Earth obviously is not rotating as the
scientists claim. When you step out of your front door the wind
is not blowing at 1,000 miles per hour, is it? We are not thrown
into space by centrifugal force, are we?" Hard to argue with
that. Perfectly logical. The man had constructed a large
superstructure of justifications for his a priori conclusion that
the Earth was flat.
When the interviewer asked him how the Earth could possibly be
flat when we are able to circumnavigate it and return to our
starting point without turning around, he even had an answer for
"The Earth," he explained, "is shaped like a dinner plate, except
that it is truly two-dimensional, having no depth whatsoever.
Therefore, when you get to the edge of the plate, instead of
falling off, you instantly transport to the opposite side of the
plate and continue on your journey back to your starting point."
"But," interposed the interviewer, "wouldn't we notice that?"
"Ah," said the Flat Earther, "we would not. Since the 'plate' is
two dimensional, when we travel off one edge and appear at the
opposite edge, we are actually traversing 'no space,' and,
naturally it takes 'no time' to traverse 'no space.' Therefore we
are not conscious that we have gone off the edge at all."
The interviewer was kind enough not to add that the Flat Earther
had also gone off the edge without noticing it.
Well, White people, with a generous push from Jewish
propagandists, but largely due to our own naiveté and
gullibility, have gone off the edge in large numbers. Millions of
us have accepted the pernicious myth of human equality and have
absorbed it as a cultist absorbs a religious dogma. Like
religion, it is inculcated in children from a very early age and
is implanted in a part of the brain which is immune to reason or
Racial equality is a fantastic delusion, belief in which is
equivalent to belief in leprechauns or "orgone accumulators."
There is not a whit of evidence for it. Not only are races and
individuals manifestly not equal, but equality of any kind is
quite rare in the real world when we get above the molecular
The equality religion is truly insane. And its insanity infects
other religions and particularly infects those who falsely
believe that they have liberated themselves from religion.
But the Jewish authors of the "equality" lie know it is a lie.
They are not stupid enough to believe in the equality religion
that they created for us, unless, as Revilo Oliver pointed out,
they have a mentality in which "truth" is defined as "whatever is
good for the Jewish people." Their race is "chosen." Their race
is "holy." Their race needs exclusive living space. What
And the "equality" delusion is only one of several. "Democracy"
is another -- but that will be a subject for another day.
Most of the time, we can't change people's minds overnight and
instantly and totally dispel the delusions implanted by a
lifetime of Jewish lies in the media and school system. But we
can take advantage of events and trends to move our people in the
right direction.
One of the most promising trends today is the realization among
'liberals' and leftists that the Jews have an ethno-racial agenda
not very different from the one they falsely attribute to
so-called Nazis. As the Jewish agenda for ethnic cleansing in
Palestine becomes clearer with every passing day, and as the
Jewish war aims of dominating the Middle East become more
obvious, and as the racial animus of the Perles, Wolfowitzes,
Chertoffs, and the other Jewish owners of Boy George becomes
undeniable, people on the left seem to be waking up faster than
those on the right.
National Alliance activist Neil Camberly has been organizing
pro-White folks in the Seattle area, and recently he and his
merry band have been attending peace rallies where this awakening
is most evident. He writes in next month's National Alliance
"In response to the outbreak of an utterly illegal and
detrimental war, a series of large 'emergency' protest events
were scheduled for the downtown Seattle area, with concentration
on its federal building. Saturday's event proved to be the
biggest (and driest) since the bombing began, and it made for a
perfect opportunity for our proto-unit to 'break in' its
brand-new all-weather, red vinyl on corrugated yellow plastic NO
MORE WARS FOR ISRAEL signs. These and a new flier I put together
combined to effect a total success.
Needless to say, we found ourselves in the company of some pretty
unsavory characters. But at the same time, we were also in the
company of some truly selfless and sincere young ideologues who
could really use some awareness of our perspective. In fact,
while motorists and the fence-sitting public are their target
audience at these protests, our target audience is primarily the
demonstrators themselves. And it works better than one might
For years, one particular difference of opinion has enormously
split our ranks to the benefit of the enemy. It is the difference
of opinion regarding whether or not there is any hope for our
cause. I think it is now safe to say that it should be obvious to
anyone whose pessimism hasn't withdrawn him into total obscurity
that this is a dead issue. The tidal wave of sympathy we expected
the Internet to bring by 1998 came a bit later, but it certainly
came. And it combined with Palestine's second Intifada and
September 11 to result in what I don't exaggerate by calling an
absolute explosion of consciousness and sympathy to our
perspective regarding the enemy among the public. This shift is
apparent everywhere, and was powerfully manifested in the
response we got to our presence at the Saturday demonstration. We
were absolutely and incessantly heaped with praise and thanks.
Several excited people even attempted to purchase our signs.
Our clearly pro-White fliers were eagerly passed out for us by
attractive leftist girls who only two years ago would have
fainted at the sight of us. They stood out strongly and were read
with interest by many. Non-Whites expressed their respect for our
identification with our racial-ethnic group, as is most often the
case when Jews and Marxists aren't directing them to hate us. The
only negative response came from two livid, foul-mouthed Jews who
seemed ready to blast molten lava from their ears and nostrils.
Both posted alarming articles on about a
"fascist infiltration," only to be chided and shouted down by
Gentile leftists unconcerned with our perspective on WWII."
There is a great deal of hope, even if most Whites are still
wearing blinders.
Well, as creative and intelligent as the European race is, its
Achilles heel is susceptibility to "humanitarian" sentimentality
and feel-good delusions about the real world. Our gullibility and
our adherence to these harmful belief systems has made the
Western world into something like an insane asylum writ large,
with the inmates running the show for the Jewish string pullers
behind the scene. We're welcoming millions of non-Whites, some of
them terrorists, into our country, while at the same time we're
wantonly killing non-Whites overseas who just happen to be in the
way of Jewish power in the Middle East.
But I would be unfair to Whites if I claimed that we were the
only gullible and superstitious people on the Earth, or that that
was our most important characteristic. It is not.
Other races are prey to different -- but equally nonsensical --
belief systems. As man has emerged from lower forms of life, he
has only slowly thrown off his belief in magic and in the animate
nature of matter and the forces around him. The rise of the
frontal lobes is impressive, and it is most impressive in our
race. We see its fruits all around us in technology and the arts.
The paradox is this, as I was saying to my wife just a few days
ago. Considering how many crazy things people believe, it's
amazing that they can get their act together enough to build a
house that doesn't collapse, or an airplane that actually flies.
But we do do that, and much more besides. The fact is that our
race has emerged from the cocoon of superstition and
irrationality incompletely, but still farther than any other race
with the possible exception of the Jews.
As a race, we have an instinctive belief which we take for
granted, but which is much more difficult for some other races to
accept, that there is a singular physical reality which cannot be
changed by our feelings or wishes. Even the most strict
fundamentalist justifies his beliefs with supposedly historical
writings and events that he claims happened at a specific place
and at a specific time. Even the most crackpot leftist justifies
his nonsense with a specious veneer of science.
There is something different, something special, about White
people. As imperfect as it is, we do have a deep respect for
truth, for facts as distinct from opinions and feelings. We have
what Dr. Pierce called a Faustian urge: a restless spirit which
urges us to know all things, to master all things, to push the
boundaries of knowledge ever farther. It is no coincidence that
it was our race which developed the scientific method.
And so I come to us, the people in this room. We are members of a
very small minority, so far, among the men and women of our race.
We are members of that most important segment of our race which
has given us all the important advances we have made: the segment
which thinks and acts outside of the herd instinct and which has
such respect for truth and our own ability to discover it that we
are willing to risk a great deal to bring that truth to victory.
There was a time when publishing or uttering the cosmology
expounded later by William James was illegal, and would lead to
imprisonment or death. But the essential truth of that cosmology
was something that could not be contained. The implications of
that truth were too powerful. The same was true for the ideas of
Mendel and Darwin. The same is true for idea of racial integrity
and progress. It is an idea far too powerful to be contained, and
the time of its suppression may be all the bloodier in
consequence. But it will not be contained.
Do we have the arrogance to believe that this idea, which
animates the existence of the National Alliance and everything we
do, is some kind of "final truth" or dogma? No. It is just a
gateway to other truths which we cannot even imagine now. Let me
make an analogy.
In a pond in a meadow in the woods a tiny midge emerges from her
egg and sails out into the sweet air of a spring morning. To the
midge, it is the first spring, the only spring, the beginning of
time. Her simple eyes can see the rising yellow sun as it
evaporates the dew. The wind currents take the midge higher and
higher, and she can see the clouds in the blue and across her
pond to the edge of the dim green forest. What a marvelous life,
what a fantastic universe has been born. Noon arrives and with it
the mature heat of the day and the realization of her life's
mission, to mate and lay her eggs. She is filled with the
pleasure and contentment of fulfilling that purpose, though she
has no understanding of it. The warmth of the afternoon has
brought joy and contentment beyond all understanding to her. As
evening falls, her energy is at a low ebb. The sun has fallen and
the once-new universe seems to have grown old. Its own energy is
waning too, as light itself is dying and the infinite space
between pond and woods grows cold. Surely all is at an end. The
midge lays down, sure that she has experienced all of time, from
beginning to end, and the end comes as her consciousness winks
out less than 18 hours after it came into being.
That tiny midge had no knowledge of the millions of generations
that came before her or will come after her. Her dim vision
encompasses only the space between her pond and the trees and she
imagines it is the universe. Her life and her perception of time
does not take in even a single day. She knows nothing of time
before that day and cannot imagine time after it. Yet reflect how
much greater is the midge's consciousness than that of the
sightless and consciousless beings around her.
In many ways, we are like that midge. As the midge is more
conscious than the amoeba, we are far more conscious than our
sightless companions who have not seen the reality of race or who
are mired in Jewish superstitions. But unlike that midge, we are
aware -- painfully aware -- of the limitations of our
consciousness. We have learned much; but the most ominous and
awe-inspiring thing we have learned is how little we know.
And the awesome responsibility we hold is this: we know that the
only way to a fuller understanding of life, the only way to
discover the unplumbed secrets of the universe, the only way to
fully understand why we are here, and, along the way, the only
way to a decent life for our children and the only way to stave
off ecological or cosmic disaster, is for our race to survive and
to increase its consciousness, increase its knowledge, increase
its capabilities.
So we have a purpose. We should lovingly try and lift the best
men and women of our race away from their mistaken ideas and
toward an understanding of who they are and what it all means. We
should treasure those of us who have achieved an understanding of
race, even if their understanding is an imperfect one. When they
fall, we should help them. We should stand together with men like
Chester Doles and David Duke when they are persecuted. We should
spend our time distributing our literature of awakening, like
National Vanguard magazine and the many fine books in the
National Vanguard Books catalogue. We should shun those whose
main purpose is to spread rumors and distrust among us; their
modus operandi is visible for all to see.
We should not define ourselves in subracial terms. There is an
old saw that if you wake a man up at three o'clock in the morning
and ask him "What are you?", you have a pretty good chance of
getting the truth out of him about how he sees himself. Now,
asked that question, all too many White people would answer, "I'm
a Redskins fan" or "I'm a Republican" or "I'm a Baptist" or
something like that. The better class of person might answer "I'm
a Frenchman" or "I'm an American" or, better yet, "I'm a White
American" or, best of all, "I'm a White man." But I can guarantee
you that no one will answer "I'm an Atlanto-Mediterranean with
Baltic admixture" or "I'm a Nordic." This subracial emphasis is
biologically vague and it is a complete political non-starter. In
fact, it militates against our survival because it creates
division and resentment. We need to stay completely away from the
"I'm Whiter than you" game.
We should shun those who urge us to illegal acts; we know what
their purpose is. We should not allow ourselves to be pigeonholed
into cultic aping of past historical periods or emulating Jewish
stereotypes of "White supremacist" hooliganism. We are better
than that, and everything we do should show that. We should make
ourselves into the walking antithesis of those stereotypes. We
should do that because that is the best way to make sure that our
ideas -- and our genes -- survive the dark times in which we are
now wandering.
The world we know -- and the world that European man has created
for himself -- as great as it is, is still a midge's world. The
survival and progress of our race will take us beyond, to
infinities of which we cannot even conceive. The failure to
survive will mean death, the end. The end of what may be Nature's
last chance to do what only we can do. Everything depends on us.
Thank you.
Until next week, this is Kevin Alfred Strom reminding you to stay
active -- stay legal -- and keep on thinking free.
American Dissidents
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