What Script is the Pentagon Really Reading From?
Lloyd Hart | 30.03.2003 22:01
What Script is the Pentagon Really Reading From?
By Lloyd Hart
Ok, what the hell is really going on? With all the recriminations this week, the first week of the war (this is illegal war) that the civilian wing of the Pentagon under minded the success of the war by not having enough troops on the ground to effectively overwhelm the Iraqi forces and Donald Rumsfeld taking diplomatic potshots at Syria and Iran and the corporate media playing good cop bad cop, pause in fighting/no pause in fighting, speculating that the Pentagon may have changed the script heading into this weekend, it is my view that the script that really matters is being followed to the letter. I suspect that they purposely did not put enough soldiers on the ground knowing full well that the CIA was warning the Pentagon of possible guerrilla tactics prior to the invasion and the fact that the Iraqi forces consolidated themselves within their own major cities setting up an urban warfare scenario. By setting up the American public through the complaint corporate media to expect the shock and awe campaign promising in tone if not saying it straight out, to bring on the complete collapse of the Iraqi regime and then failing to do so the Bush regime now gets to load the Persian Gulf up with several hundred thousand more troops (A Pentagon source) starting with the 120,000 already announced and on their way. And of course now that the war has started the compliant Democrats will support whatever it takes to win, because for God sakes no matter how illegal and morally wrong and corrupt this war is, now that we're in, we must win.
If anybody out there can prove to me that this is not following the Rand Corporation's recommendations to the Pentagon that Daniel Pearl supported with every fat cell in his body calling for the total take down of every Arab oil state including the Persian Oil state of Iran I will toss my own salad. With so many troops so intimately placed in the heart of the strategic oil supply and with Rumsfeld playing bumper cars with Syria and Iran it is very clear to me that the actual script produced by the conservative elites whose hearts of coal, oil and weapons of mass destruction are concentrated in the Rand Corp. and the even more creepier cesspool of crazy white man thinking
http://newamericancentury.org, is being followed word for word, line for line. These one dimensional thinkers in all the conservative elite tink tanks have been planning this colonial takeover of the strategic oil supply for over 25 years. It all began with the diminishing of the United States own oil supplies and without absolute control of the very fuel that drives your war machine you can't impose free-market capitalism (Crazy White Man Colonialism) on the so-called developing nations and you can't take control of the world's most precious resource, fresh water, which is, as you read this, in such short supply that over one-half of the world's population does not have survivable amounts of potable water to drink let alone freshwater enough for sanitation purposes. And for the conservative elites the global freshwater crisis deeply studied and sharply reported on by the CIA for the last twelve years, is all the excuse they need to steal an election and take over the strategic oil supply. Which not only fulfills the National Security Strategy released last year by having enough oil to maintain the military primacy that the strategy clearly lays out but also gives the National Security Strategy control of the price of oil, taking complete control of the underpinning of the global economy, transportation. The ability to move anything anywhere will be under the complete control of America's National Security Strategy.
The Fact is the Bush regime couldn't give two shits what the rest of the world thinks about what it's doing for the simple fact they believe they'll have the European economy, especially, by the balls. America might burn 22 million barrels of oil a day but Europe is as dependent on Middle East oil as Asia and America are. So with the U.S. dictating the flow of oil they will also be able to dictate global domestic policy, you know, the continued and militarily enforced privatization of the collapsing Global Fresh Water Supply. So in effect by fulfilling the promise of making the United Nations irrelevant and invading Iraq the Bush regime is now the self appointed Global Government which is what the senior Bush intended when he coined the phrase the "New World Order" and I am sure what Daniel Pearl means by newamericancentury.org. And seeing as the Bush regime has pulled out of the chemical weapons treaty, the biological weapons treaty, the nuclear weapons treaties, and as well as the International Criminal Court I think one can do a little more than speculate what these crazy white men are planning. I would say the thought running through Daniel Pearl's demented thought process is 'Nothing Can Stop Us Now'.
By Lloyd Hart
Ok, what the hell is really going on? With all the recriminations this week, the first week of the war (this is illegal war) that the civilian wing of the Pentagon under minded the success of the war by not having enough troops on the ground to effectively overwhelm the Iraqi forces and Donald Rumsfeld taking diplomatic potshots at Syria and Iran and the corporate media playing good cop bad cop, pause in fighting/no pause in fighting, speculating that the Pentagon may have changed the script heading into this weekend, it is my view that the script that really matters is being followed to the letter. I suspect that they purposely did not put enough soldiers on the ground knowing full well that the CIA was warning the Pentagon of possible guerrilla tactics prior to the invasion and the fact that the Iraqi forces consolidated themselves within their own major cities setting up an urban warfare scenario. By setting up the American public through the complaint corporate media to expect the shock and awe campaign promising in tone if not saying it straight out, to bring on the complete collapse of the Iraqi regime and then failing to do so the Bush regime now gets to load the Persian Gulf up with several hundred thousand more troops (A Pentagon source) starting with the 120,000 already announced and on their way. And of course now that the war has started the compliant Democrats will support whatever it takes to win, because for God sakes no matter how illegal and morally wrong and corrupt this war is, now that we're in, we must win.
If anybody out there can prove to me that this is not following the Rand Corporation's recommendations to the Pentagon that Daniel Pearl supported with every fat cell in his body calling for the total take down of every Arab oil state including the Persian Oil state of Iran I will toss my own salad. With so many troops so intimately placed in the heart of the strategic oil supply and with Rumsfeld playing bumper cars with Syria and Iran it is very clear to me that the actual script produced by the conservative elites whose hearts of coal, oil and weapons of mass destruction are concentrated in the Rand Corp. and the even more creepier cesspool of crazy white man thinking

The Fact is the Bush regime couldn't give two shits what the rest of the world thinks about what it's doing for the simple fact they believe they'll have the European economy, especially, by the balls. America might burn 22 million barrels of oil a day but Europe is as dependent on Middle East oil as Asia and America are. So with the U.S. dictating the flow of oil they will also be able to dictate global domestic policy, you know, the continued and militarily enforced privatization of the collapsing Global Fresh Water Supply. So in effect by fulfilling the promise of making the United Nations irrelevant and invading Iraq the Bush regime is now the self appointed Global Government which is what the senior Bush intended when he coined the phrase the "New World Order" and I am sure what Daniel Pearl means by newamericancentury.org. And seeing as the Bush regime has pulled out of the chemical weapons treaty, the biological weapons treaty, the nuclear weapons treaties, and as well as the International Criminal Court I think one can do a little more than speculate what these crazy white men are planning. I would say the thought running through Daniel Pearl's demented thought process is 'Nothing Can Stop Us Now'.
Lloyd Hart
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