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Thai Garden 'Support Our Troops' TV rally targeted

rikki | 30.03.2003 20:59

This evening a London restaurant near the Imperial Museum was targeted by members of the Rhythms of Resistance samba band. It was holding an entertainment rally for Forces TV, with politicians, military personnel, and minor celebrities.

This 'support our troops' rally was sponsored by Daily Express and OK Magazine. The band met in the pub opposite and a few other anti-war activists were present. Also a few punters in the pub agreed to support the action when they heard what it was about!

The band wore "Support Our Troops - Bring Them Home" banners and caught the organisers completely by surprise at the start of their evening. Photgraphers and film cameras had a field day as we played directly outside the glass front of the restaurant for several minutes before police arrived. At first there were too few of them to move us from the public space, but gradually re-inforcements arrived and after we'd played for maybe twenty minutes, the situation was becoming less viable. At that point we stopped playing and negotiated that a couple of people could carry on leafletting guests as they arrived.

Celebrities included Sue Pollard, Al Murray and Jo Guest, but mostly seemed to comprise Page 3 girls and a wriggle of Spearmint Rhino lapdancers, all selling their asses to help kill Iraqi children.

What had originally been just a four police routine operation suddenly turned into quite a major operation with two riot vans, and some high ranking inspectors. Once again the purveyors of this illegal, unjust and immoral war were made to realise that resistance to it is widespread and can manifest at any time in any place.




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30.03.2003 21:50

Says it all that the celebs were mostly topless tittilators and lapdancers. Female, presumably? Great for the male/dyke troops, but what about the poor, straight, female fighters? Perhaps organise some sexy male singing telegrams to go visit them in Iraq? Nah, I agree, bring ‘em back home, & let Rhythms of Resistance cheer them up

militant millie

hang about

30.03.2003 23:03

but what about the queens?
