the illegitimate president of the USA who signed the executive orders to set up the Guantanamo X Camp in the aftermath of a combined US/K "war on terrorism" which was staged in the border territories of Afghanistan, Pakistan and Western China in the final months of 2002. This war was the suggested solution offered by the illegitimate president of the USA to a global "threat" believed to have been responsible for the terrorist event of September 11 in NYC.
The prosecution of this war led to the illegitimate president of the USA Mr G.W. Bush being invited to attend supper with the English Queen Elizabeth Saxe Coburg Goethe Windsor and her family and pals.
That war also led to the illegal war on the people of Iraq which in addition to toppling the immoral and evil regime of Saddam Hussein, established the US/K as "dishonest" broker and occupying power in Iraq without UN mandate.
The X camp of Guantanamo is still a rather mysterious component of the struggle which some would term that of "Western Civilisation versus World Terror".
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30 have already commited suicide
29.03.2003 20:22
where's your source
29.03.2003 20:45
29.03.2003 21:58
image 2 shows sensory deprivation and audio deprivation prior to debrief and interrogation.
The terrorists are not kept in these positions or conditions post interogation.
marxist lies
Parish News
29.03.2003 22:00
by my wife and the curate ..
the vicar
lose the 'Auschwitz'
29.03.2003 22:17
I agree that it's appalling, but comparing it to a Nazi death camp is irresponsible. Use your 'common' next time.
lose the 'Auschwitz'
29.03.2003 22:20
I agree that it's appalling, but comparing it to a Nazi death camp is irresponsible. Use your 'common' next time.
to Ivan
29.03.2003 23:31
make some research
the facts will come up
this is a good day to wonder...
19.11.2003 15:15
This war was the suggested solution offered by the illegitimate president of the USA to a global "threat" believed to have been responsible for the terrorist event of September 11 in NYC.
The prosecution of this war led to the illegitimate president of the USA Mr G.W. Bush being invited to attend supper with the English Queen Elizabeth Saxe Coburg Goethe Windsor and her family and pals.
That war also led to the illegal war on the people of Iraq which in addition to toppling the immoral and evil regime of Saddam Hussein, established the US/K as "dishonest" broker and occupying power in Iraq without UN mandate.
The X camp of Guantanamo is still a rather mysterious component of the struggle which some would term that of "Western Civilisation versus World Terror".
So today is an appropriate day to ask...
what did you do to them?
ipse facto