First hearing of (white wash) 9-11 commission set for Monday Morning in New York
Brent Herbert | 29.03.2003 03:57
The commission is conveniently timed to coincide with the Iraq war, when the Americans cannot question the pResident, the commander in chief of their armed forces, because now they have to be patriotic, right...
The first hearings of the so called 'independent' 9-11 investigation commission will be held Monday morning in New York City. Since this commission has as its head a republican appointed by Bush there is a strong possibility that we are going to be treated to a white wash consisting of the roasting of FBI office managers and file clerks at the CIA. The determination of the Bush administration to orchestrate such a white wash was evident in the first appointment of long term Republican partisan Henry Kissinger to lead the so called 'impartial investigation', until a public uproar by the 9-11 families caused him to withdraw.
A question which is worse - a white wash investigation or no investigation? The supposedly 'ideal solution' - hold the 9-11 investigation during the Iraq war during which time, for reasons of 'patriotism' you Americans will understandably want to avoid causing any troubles for your administration, especially given that it is war time and thus the time to rally around the pResident and the other high officials in the government. Convenient timing for a white wash.
The New York indymedia site has announced the formation of a 9-11 Citizens Watch which will be monitoring the official Bush appointed commission, and which will be holding a press conference on Monday to release a list of questions for this supposed commission. I am on pins and needles waiting for the list of questions to be asked by the Citizens Watch.
The timing of this investigation couldn't be worse. The pResident is at war, and therefore it would be 'unpatriotic' for you Americans to begin asking the really important questions. As well I have questions about the supposed 'impartiality' of this so called Commission when it was appointed by Bush (after he failed to get Kissinger in to do the required whitewash, he appointed another long time Republican hack).
A link of my own, and a few questions of my own...
The campaign to Impeach George W. Bush
We know that Bush's August 6th briefing was titled 'Bin Laden determined to strike United States'
The FBI threat assessment narrowed the threat to airplanes
Bush was surrounded by anti aircraft guns at the Genoa g-8 summit, and spent the evenings on the U.S.S. Enterprise a few months before 9-11, a navy ship bristling with anti-aircraft guns, the airport at Genoa was shut down, and all air travel cancelled, with a no fly zone established over Genoa. since the international intelligence community received info that indicated that Bin Laden was planning to use a suicide jet liner as flying bomb to assassinate Bush at Genoa
We know that after 9-11 Bush quipped 'Lucky me - I hit the trifecta' - note that 'trifecta' connotes gambling on something...
The Patriot act was introduced days later, and seemed to have been written before 9-11
All sorts of weird evidence turned up within hours of 9-11 (copies of the Koran in cars along with flight manuals in Arabic, an unburned passport of 'a muslim terrorist' turned up outside the wreckage of the trade center, the names of the terrorists were released swiftly, showing remarkable intelligence work, some of whom turned up alive in other countries)
The defense of the Bush administration is that they were stupid and incompetent, but given that we also know that the war in Iraq, as well as the occupation of the Caucusus region that took place during the Afghan war was all part of the plan for 'Rebuilding America's Defenses' in the "new American Century' and in the same document it also states that the plan for a global empire formed by the extreme right wing in America would be next to impossible to complete 'absent another Pearl Harbor'
We are given the choice here of choosing between stupidity and incompetence or thumb sitting and waiting (a kind of passive conspiracy, waiting to 'get lucky' and then 'hit the trifecta')
A white wash investigation will focus on roasting the managers and file keepers at the FBI or CIA, but the evidence reached the top, and so this is nonsense. The problem resides at the top, not in procedure or processes at the bottom, nor was this an example of a 'great intelligence failure' since the intelligence existed and was also known at the top, therefore procedures for dealing with intelligence information were not at fault. The fault lies at the very top of the administration (incompetent stupidity or deliberate stone walling and waiting for 9-11, take your pick). The fault lies at the top, and for this reason the 9-11 investigation was delayed as long as it was, and now with Republican Bush appointed hacks supposedly 'in charge of the investigation' which is also conveniently timed to coincide with the Iraq War, during which time Bush is supposedly invincible and untouchable (how patriotic) the possibility exists that a whitewash will be attempted which will only make things worse. The fact that this 'commission' has been delayed until the start of the Iraq war is the best evidence that we are about to be treated to a white wash, for the reasons just alluded to above...
A question which is worse - a white wash investigation or no investigation? The supposedly 'ideal solution' - hold the 9-11 investigation during the Iraq war during which time, for reasons of 'patriotism' you Americans will understandably want to avoid causing any troubles for your administration, especially given that it is war time and thus the time to rally around the pResident and the other high officials in the government. Convenient timing for a white wash.
The New York indymedia site has announced the formation of a 9-11 Citizens Watch which will be monitoring the official Bush appointed commission, and which will be holding a press conference on Monday to release a list of questions for this supposed commission. I am on pins and needles waiting for the list of questions to be asked by the Citizens Watch.
The timing of this investigation couldn't be worse. The pResident is at war, and therefore it would be 'unpatriotic' for you Americans to begin asking the really important questions. As well I have questions about the supposed 'impartiality' of this so called Commission when it was appointed by Bush (after he failed to get Kissinger in to do the required whitewash, he appointed another long time Republican hack).
A link of my own, and a few questions of my own...
The campaign to Impeach George W. Bush
We know that Bush's August 6th briefing was titled 'Bin Laden determined to strike United States'
The FBI threat assessment narrowed the threat to airplanes
Bush was surrounded by anti aircraft guns at the Genoa g-8 summit, and spent the evenings on the U.S.S. Enterprise a few months before 9-11, a navy ship bristling with anti-aircraft guns, the airport at Genoa was shut down, and all air travel cancelled, with a no fly zone established over Genoa. since the international intelligence community received info that indicated that Bin Laden was planning to use a suicide jet liner as flying bomb to assassinate Bush at Genoa
We know that after 9-11 Bush quipped 'Lucky me - I hit the trifecta' - note that 'trifecta' connotes gambling on something...
The Patriot act was introduced days later, and seemed to have been written before 9-11
All sorts of weird evidence turned up within hours of 9-11 (copies of the Koran in cars along with flight manuals in Arabic, an unburned passport of 'a muslim terrorist' turned up outside the wreckage of the trade center, the names of the terrorists were released swiftly, showing remarkable intelligence work, some of whom turned up alive in other countries)
The defense of the Bush administration is that they were stupid and incompetent, but given that we also know that the war in Iraq, as well as the occupation of the Caucusus region that took place during the Afghan war was all part of the plan for 'Rebuilding America's Defenses' in the "new American Century' and in the same document it also states that the plan for a global empire formed by the extreme right wing in America would be next to impossible to complete 'absent another Pearl Harbor'
We are given the choice here of choosing between stupidity and incompetence or thumb sitting and waiting (a kind of passive conspiracy, waiting to 'get lucky' and then 'hit the trifecta')
A white wash investigation will focus on roasting the managers and file keepers at the FBI or CIA, but the evidence reached the top, and so this is nonsense. The problem resides at the top, not in procedure or processes at the bottom, nor was this an example of a 'great intelligence failure' since the intelligence existed and was also known at the top, therefore procedures for dealing with intelligence information were not at fault. The fault lies at the very top of the administration (incompetent stupidity or deliberate stone walling and waiting for 9-11, take your pick). The fault lies at the top, and for this reason the 9-11 investigation was delayed as long as it was, and now with Republican Bush appointed hacks supposedly 'in charge of the investigation' which is also conveniently timed to coincide with the Iraq War, during which time Bush is supposedly invincible and untouchable (how patriotic) the possibility exists that a whitewash will be attempted which will only make things worse. The fact that this 'commission' has been delayed until the start of the Iraq war is the best evidence that we are about to be treated to a white wash, for the reasons just alluded to above...
Brent Herbert