Guide For Danferous Times: WARNINGS!!
Tu Mama es una Terrorista | 29.03.2003 01:42
Corporate media continues to influence and control the minds of the mass of people in the US. These media outlets cannot be utilized by the movement as they are owned by the very corporations one should be opposing. Using any means necessary, shut down the national networks of NBC, ABC, CBS, CNN,
Homeland Insecurity Won’t Tell YA’s All of This:
A Citizen’s Guide to Dangerous Times
By Tu Mama es un Terrorista
End-of-the-World Warnings, Advise (?) and… Reasons to impeach the “Reckless, insane, criminal little Bush jr.” (Saddam called the USA Herr Fuhrer these compliments the day the US bombing/attack began.
The end of the modern world is quite near: You can smell the death, the anticipation of evil or its demise … and you know that the JUDGEMENT IS nigh unto…
Because the US has ignored the UN, everything it is doing in Iraq and everywhere else in the world is illegal and criminal. The US is a war criminal now officially, of course it has a long history of genocide and other war crimes, but now it cannot be denied and Iraq is just part of a continuing pattern of immoral and bizarre behavior. All US soldiers, defense contractors and most of its citizens are also considered war criminals and subject to arrest or aggression. So are US resident aliens, US business partners and anyone with investments in the US, investments in dollars or in Europe or elsewhere where US investors are involved.
Any country, group or individual can now legally and morally attack the US anywhere and anyway that it wants. If the US had any remaining sympathy related to the 911 attacks on NYC and the Pentagon they are now vaporized along with many Iraqi citizens. Terror attacks on anything related to the US will now be considered global self defense by most of the world (80 or 90 percent! See the polls). Terrorists, other than the US armed forces, will now be seen as legitimate freedom fighters struggling against the evil empire of the criminal little Bush. Even under international law, Iraq has right to defend itself against illegal aggression with every weapon available to it – including nuclear, chemical and biological weapons, the unfair advantage of the US makes Iraq’s case justified.
There are a host of targets in the US and Europe: power plants, aircraft, toxic waste facilities, water supplies, hospitals, natural gas lines, gasoline stations, port facilities, military bases, politicians and defense contractors (and the friends and families of all of these people). A particularly dangerous situation arises now because people claim that the US government is not democratic or that its citizens actually support the war crimes of its government. Well meaning activists who feel compelled to stop their government may become domestic terrorists. No one seems to be addressing this inevitability which only serves to reinforce the convictions of these Newbie Freedom Fighters.
US President Bush has chosen a path of world war that leaves its citizens in harms way. This guide is meant to educate and alert peaceful citizens of the many dangers present all around them. What they chose to do with this information is a personal and collective decision that we have no control over. A world of changes awaits…
Craig Rosenbaugh who for years worked as the Press Information officer for the sabotage-oriented Earth Liberation Front has published many manifestos for violent revolutionary campaigns. He says:
Craig Rosebraugh on the Anti-War struggle
by The time has come 3:05pm Tue Mar 18 '03 (Modified on 12:30pm Wed Mar 19 '03)
As the U.S. led military campaign gets fully under way in the very near future, the question remains: how far is the anti-war movement in the United States willing to go to stop the U.S. government and its unceasing atrocities? How far are you willing to go, what are you willing to do to stop the massive bloodshed once again caused by the U.S. government?
Each of the anti-war movements that have surfaced in the United States since Vietnam have attempted to mirror the strategies and tactics that failed during the Vietnam anti-war struggle. These same strategies and tactics have been used in nearly all U.S. anti-war movements throughout history and the fact remains, never in U.S. history has any anti-war or peace movement actually prevented or ceased a U.S. military operation or war. And yet continuously, anti-war movements in the US fall into the same mold of ineffective activism that stands no chance of threatening the power structure of the U.S. government.
In his TV interview before the Iraq war, President Bush said that the anti-war movement is a mere focus group and would not effect his ultimate decision. This should provide at least some indication that the large parties - which some might call protestor rallies - are not capable of generating the needed pressure which could actually force the government to stop. If it hasn't ever occurred throughout U.S. history and, arguably, the U.S. government is more powerful now than ever, there is no precedent on which to base this faulty behavior and activity. Yet, the large mainstream peace groups continue to give caring U.S. people false hope that if they get involved in the movement there is actually a chance they can help stop the war.
If we are going to become serious about stopping this war, and the U.S. led atrocities of tomorrow, we must be realistic about our strategies and tactics and actually begin to utilize those methodologies which can and will challenge the power structure of the country. An action is direct if it actually gets in the way, prevents, or stops an injustice from occurring. Government sanctioned peace parades do not fit into this description. Even though public education is an inherent necessity of any movement, the time for public education by relying upon corporate media's interpretation of your events has long since passed - if it was ever valuable.
The only possibility of stopping this current military action is to engage in strategies and tactics which severely disrupt the war machine, the U.S. economy, and the overall functioning of U.S. society particularly how it relates to consumerism and the economy. So how is an atmosphere of severe unrest and disruption generated? First, it must begin with our ability to look beyond the business as usual strategies that have failed in the past. It must begin with our allegiance to come to terms with the realization that any and all tactics and strategies must be considered at least available for use.
1) Attack the financial centers of the country. Using covert or black block techniques, depending on the situation, physically shut down financial centers which regulate and assist the functioning of U.S. economy. This can be done in a variety of ways from massive property destruction, to online sabotage, to physical occupation of buildings. However the latter I would shy away from, especially the open civil disobedience type of activities which purposely involve arrests. This movement needs all the assistance it can get and absolutely NO good will come from going to jail. Not getting caught means you are able to continue the struggle the next day.
2) Large scale urban rioting. With massive unrest and even state of emergencies declared in major cities across the country, the U.S. government will be forced to send U.S. troops into the domestic arena thereby taking resources and political focus away from the war. Unstable conditions in much of the country also serve as a political embarrassment for the Administration and could assist in forcing them to stop the war. Rioting should be focused on governmental agencies and corporations - especially those that are profiting from the war or destruction of life.
3) Attack the media centers of the country. Corporate media continues to influence and control the minds of the mass of people in the US. These media outlets cannot be utilized by the movement as they are owned by the very corporations one should be opposing. Using any means necessary, shut down the national networks of NBC, ABC, CBS, CNN, etc. Not just occupations but actually engage in strategies and tactics which knock the networks off the air.
4) Spread the battle to the individuals responsible for the war and destruction of life, the very heads of government and U.S. corporations. No longer should these people be able to hide behind their occupations, living their lives in peace while they simultaneously slaughter countless people. Hit them in their personal lives, visit their homes, and make them feel personally responsible for committing massive atrocities.
5) Make it known publicly that this movement DOES NOT support U.S. troops as long as they are serving an unjust and horrifying political regime. Create an atmosphere lacking of support to assist U.S. troops at home and abroad in losing their morale and will to fight.
6) Actively target U.S. military establishments within the United States. Again, following the above stated goal of NOT getting caught, use any means necessary to slow down the functioning of the murdering body.
7) When engaging in the above activities, strike hard and fast and retreat in anonymity. Select another location, strike again hard and fast and quickly retreat in anonymity. Engage only in actions where you will be victorious. Do not be concerned with alienating the mainstream sectors of the movement, that mainstream has NEVER stopped a U.S. military activity or war. Do not get caught. Stay alert, keep active, and keep fighting.
These suggestions are not radical. They are merely recommendations for those that desire to actually have a chance at stopping this current military siege. As the peace or anti-war corporate organizations vocally oppose this message and its enclosed suggestions, continue to ask what realistic chance do their strategies and tactics have to actually stop this war? What historical precedent do their business as usual politics and policies have? As no peace or anti-war movement has ever stopped U.S. governmental military policies or activities using the state sanctioned and societal approved methods, what right do they have to give the caring public false hope?
Comments like the following do little to dispel revolutionary passions:
TIT 4 TAT by jinks 12:30pm Wed Mar 19 '03
I really hope u understand the consequences of taking the steps outlined in the article i just read. By any means possible? I wonder if the fantasy land you currently live in has any reality as to what would happen to you and your peers? Main stream America would shut you down in a way the goverment never could. If you think that America is the problem. Why do you stay here? I for 1 truely hope that you plan of action does get implemented by the misguided zealots and delusional outcasts of your movement. Would make it easier to key in on the radical left wing that has embarassed this country time and time again. I believe as you you do, Its time to cut off a certain part of society. lets see which side wins in the end.
More typical of the growing trend of Anti-US Anti-imperialism are the following:
Mantra For Hope by Sound Of Water 1:27pm Thu Mar 20 '03
Each Morning, Noon and Night Repeat this Mantra For Hope 3 Times 3:
The USA is an evil empire of greed and death. The sustainable world that everyone wants cannot be achieved under capitalism. Armed struggle and non-violent support for armed struggle is the way to victory.Then make or let yourself smile, because you have spoken the truth. Go on with life and look for ways to help the armed struggle. Tell your friends how good it feels to say the Mantra of Hope and to be honest about the world and your role in it. THANK YOU for your love and commitment
Another Group calling itself the Anticapitalist Popular Front Proclaims:
In some countries like the US, UK and Australia, the governments and perhaps the people will never change politically or peacefully. You know what that means and what has to be done. Support each other and remember: “The Whole World IS Watching AND WE WANT TO (NEED TO) SEE SOME FIREWORKS IN THOSE ANGLO-AMERICAN PLUTOCRACIES.
The sources for discontent in the US are almost infinite. The anthrax that killed people after 911 seems to have come from a US army base. The right wing militia is always capable of pulling off another Oklahoma City bombing. Disgruntled or mentally unbalanced FBI and ATF officials are prone to independent terrorist acts, framing innocent people and sharing information with other death squads. Even the US military and its personnel may turn to terrorism to relive frustration or to make a point. The fact that the US sends so many military people to their death from friendly fire, exposure to toxic and radioactive poisons and on missions in unsafe aircraft, may one day come back to haunt the whole country. Almost a dozen US Black hawk choppers have crashed in the last year, There is something wrong with them, but the government needs them in the air so US crewmembers are dying every week. In Colombia several have crashed, sometimes because they were overloaded or flying too high in the Andes mountains. Contractors warned the US and CIA that planes were unsafe in Colombia, but their warnings were ignored. See: (From New York Times; 2 Pilots Had Warned About Safety; By JUAN FORERO; BOGOTÁ, Colombia, March 27)
More radical and violence-prone groups pop up in the US every day:
Resistance : beat back 6:54am Fri Mar 28 '03 (Modified on 8:26am Fri Mar 28 '03)
article#305377 red paint beat back
total resistance - beat the system - red paint beat back - worldwide - against branches, buildings and interior decoration of american companies to constrict their business activities and handicap the cash flow for their war - supermarkets, convenience restaurants, embassies, commercial agencies and banks - stand up now for total resistance
The website has the following warnings:
There exist a clear eventuality that terroristic groups will buy foodstuffs (convenience foods, soups, snacks, cereals, beer, lemonades etc.), pharmaceutical products (vitamin mineral and vital nutrients), cosmetics (lipsticks, face creams, flacons with nebulizer) and sanitary products (toothpastes, mouth irrigations, shampoos etc.) made by american affiliated groups and contaminate them with HIV-viruses resp. SARS-viruses (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome) and recirculate in supermarkets.
Therefore please check any packing categorical for pinholes and other generally manipulations.
Additionally we must inform you to forbear from visiting american fast food establishments at home and abroad because we can't guarantee your safeness (assaults with molotov-cocktails have been already committed overseas and will occur presumably)
Please consider also the safety instructions at all petrol stations operated by american affiliated groups because you may rest assured that assaults by incendiary compounds will be enforced.As the case may be we will localize certain nations, hold them responsible and bomb them to debris and ashes as long as we are going bankrupt, maybe faster we think. God bless the President! God bless the USA, God speed you
A comment to this article says: For great justice (bongo)
comment#305405 It failed before please...don't fail again succeed. learn from the crucial errors of the ww2 resistors. it's the same enemy. so be intelligent, not stupid .
More updates to the Citizen’s Guide to Living in Dangerous Times will be out soon, so bee aware, bee prepared and bee brown skinned if you can (safer in most of the world from now on!)\
Late entries see:
Another US military spy plane downed in Colombia
26.03.2003 (By Maria Engqvist, ANNCOL Stockholm) The US military has suffered yet another setback in their Colombian war. According to the local Caracol TV channel a US spy plane went down near El Paujil in Caqueta department on Tuesday evening around 7 p.m., about an hour after sunset. Caracol reported that an Army spokesperson had confirmed that the plane went up in flames after crashing and that there were no survivors.
The crash ocurred in the middle of a traditional stronghold of the left-wing Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, FARC, a rebel army fighting for land reforms and an end to corruption.
A Citizen’s Guide to Dangerous Times
By Tu Mama es un Terrorista

End-of-the-World Warnings, Advise (?) and… Reasons to impeach the “Reckless, insane, criminal little Bush jr.” (Saddam called the USA Herr Fuhrer these compliments the day the US bombing/attack began.
The end of the modern world is quite near: You can smell the death, the anticipation of evil or its demise … and you know that the JUDGEMENT IS nigh unto…
Because the US has ignored the UN, everything it is doing in Iraq and everywhere else in the world is illegal and criminal. The US is a war criminal now officially, of course it has a long history of genocide and other war crimes, but now it cannot be denied and Iraq is just part of a continuing pattern of immoral and bizarre behavior. All US soldiers, defense contractors and most of its citizens are also considered war criminals and subject to arrest or aggression. So are US resident aliens, US business partners and anyone with investments in the US, investments in dollars or in Europe or elsewhere where US investors are involved.
Any country, group or individual can now legally and morally attack the US anywhere and anyway that it wants. If the US had any remaining sympathy related to the 911 attacks on NYC and the Pentagon they are now vaporized along with many Iraqi citizens. Terror attacks on anything related to the US will now be considered global self defense by most of the world (80 or 90 percent! See the polls). Terrorists, other than the US armed forces, will now be seen as legitimate freedom fighters struggling against the evil empire of the criminal little Bush. Even under international law, Iraq has right to defend itself against illegal aggression with every weapon available to it – including nuclear, chemical and biological weapons, the unfair advantage of the US makes Iraq’s case justified.
There are a host of targets in the US and Europe: power plants, aircraft, toxic waste facilities, water supplies, hospitals, natural gas lines, gasoline stations, port facilities, military bases, politicians and defense contractors (and the friends and families of all of these people). A particularly dangerous situation arises now because people claim that the US government is not democratic or that its citizens actually support the war crimes of its government. Well meaning activists who feel compelled to stop their government may become domestic terrorists. No one seems to be addressing this inevitability which only serves to reinforce the convictions of these Newbie Freedom Fighters.
US President Bush has chosen a path of world war that leaves its citizens in harms way. This guide is meant to educate and alert peaceful citizens of the many dangers present all around them. What they chose to do with this information is a personal and collective decision that we have no control over. A world of changes awaits…
Craig Rosenbaugh who for years worked as the Press Information officer for the sabotage-oriented Earth Liberation Front has published many manifestos for violent revolutionary campaigns. He says:

Craig Rosebraugh on the Anti-War struggle
by The time has come 3:05pm Tue Mar 18 '03 (Modified on 12:30pm Wed Mar 19 '03)
As the U.S. led military campaign gets fully under way in the very near future, the question remains: how far is the anti-war movement in the United States willing to go to stop the U.S. government and its unceasing atrocities? How far are you willing to go, what are you willing to do to stop the massive bloodshed once again caused by the U.S. government?
Each of the anti-war movements that have surfaced in the United States since Vietnam have attempted to mirror the strategies and tactics that failed during the Vietnam anti-war struggle. These same strategies and tactics have been used in nearly all U.S. anti-war movements throughout history and the fact remains, never in U.S. history has any anti-war or peace movement actually prevented or ceased a U.S. military operation or war. And yet continuously, anti-war movements in the US fall into the same mold of ineffective activism that stands no chance of threatening the power structure of the U.S. government.
In his TV interview before the Iraq war, President Bush said that the anti-war movement is a mere focus group and would not effect his ultimate decision. This should provide at least some indication that the large parties - which some might call protestor rallies - are not capable of generating the needed pressure which could actually force the government to stop. If it hasn't ever occurred throughout U.S. history and, arguably, the U.S. government is more powerful now than ever, there is no precedent on which to base this faulty behavior and activity. Yet, the large mainstream peace groups continue to give caring U.S. people false hope that if they get involved in the movement there is actually a chance they can help stop the war.
If we are going to become serious about stopping this war, and the U.S. led atrocities of tomorrow, we must be realistic about our strategies and tactics and actually begin to utilize those methodologies which can and will challenge the power structure of the country. An action is direct if it actually gets in the way, prevents, or stops an injustice from occurring. Government sanctioned peace parades do not fit into this description. Even though public education is an inherent necessity of any movement, the time for public education by relying upon corporate media's interpretation of your events has long since passed - if it was ever valuable.
The only possibility of stopping this current military action is to engage in strategies and tactics which severely disrupt the war machine, the U.S. economy, and the overall functioning of U.S. society particularly how it relates to consumerism and the economy. So how is an atmosphere of severe unrest and disruption generated? First, it must begin with our ability to look beyond the business as usual strategies that have failed in the past. It must begin with our allegiance to come to terms with the realization that any and all tactics and strategies must be considered at least available for use.
1) Attack the financial centers of the country. Using covert or black block techniques, depending on the situation, physically shut down financial centers which regulate and assist the functioning of U.S. economy. This can be done in a variety of ways from massive property destruction, to online sabotage, to physical occupation of buildings. However the latter I would shy away from, especially the open civil disobedience type of activities which purposely involve arrests. This movement needs all the assistance it can get and absolutely NO good will come from going to jail. Not getting caught means you are able to continue the struggle the next day.
2) Large scale urban rioting. With massive unrest and even state of emergencies declared in major cities across the country, the U.S. government will be forced to send U.S. troops into the domestic arena thereby taking resources and political focus away from the war. Unstable conditions in much of the country also serve as a political embarrassment for the Administration and could assist in forcing them to stop the war. Rioting should be focused on governmental agencies and corporations - especially those that are profiting from the war or destruction of life.
3) Attack the media centers of the country. Corporate media continues to influence and control the minds of the mass of people in the US. These media outlets cannot be utilized by the movement as they are owned by the very corporations one should be opposing. Using any means necessary, shut down the national networks of NBC, ABC, CBS, CNN, etc. Not just occupations but actually engage in strategies and tactics which knock the networks off the air.
4) Spread the battle to the individuals responsible for the war and destruction of life, the very heads of government and U.S. corporations. No longer should these people be able to hide behind their occupations, living their lives in peace while they simultaneously slaughter countless people. Hit them in their personal lives, visit their homes, and make them feel personally responsible for committing massive atrocities.
5) Make it known publicly that this movement DOES NOT support U.S. troops as long as they are serving an unjust and horrifying political regime. Create an atmosphere lacking of support to assist U.S. troops at home and abroad in losing their morale and will to fight.
6) Actively target U.S. military establishments within the United States. Again, following the above stated goal of NOT getting caught, use any means necessary to slow down the functioning of the murdering body.
7) When engaging in the above activities, strike hard and fast and retreat in anonymity. Select another location, strike again hard and fast and quickly retreat in anonymity. Engage only in actions where you will be victorious. Do not be concerned with alienating the mainstream sectors of the movement, that mainstream has NEVER stopped a U.S. military activity or war. Do not get caught. Stay alert, keep active, and keep fighting.
These suggestions are not radical. They are merely recommendations for those that desire to actually have a chance at stopping this current military siege. As the peace or anti-war corporate organizations vocally oppose this message and its enclosed suggestions, continue to ask what realistic chance do their strategies and tactics have to actually stop this war? What historical precedent do their business as usual politics and policies have? As no peace or anti-war movement has ever stopped U.S. governmental military policies or activities using the state sanctioned and societal approved methods, what right do they have to give the caring public false hope?
Comments like the following do little to dispel revolutionary passions:
TIT 4 TAT by jinks 12:30pm Wed Mar 19 '03
I really hope u understand the consequences of taking the steps outlined in the article i just read. By any means possible? I wonder if the fantasy land you currently live in has any reality as to what would happen to you and your peers? Main stream America would shut you down in a way the goverment never could. If you think that America is the problem. Why do you stay here? I for 1 truely hope that you plan of action does get implemented by the misguided zealots and delusional outcasts of your movement. Would make it easier to key in on the radical left wing that has embarassed this country time and time again. I believe as you you do, Its time to cut off a certain part of society. lets see which side wins in the end.
More typical of the growing trend of Anti-US Anti-imperialism are the following:
Mantra For Hope by Sound Of Water 1:27pm Thu Mar 20 '03
Each Morning, Noon and Night Repeat this Mantra For Hope 3 Times 3:
The USA is an evil empire of greed and death. The sustainable world that everyone wants cannot be achieved under capitalism. Armed struggle and non-violent support for armed struggle is the way to victory.Then make or let yourself smile, because you have spoken the truth. Go on with life and look for ways to help the armed struggle. Tell your friends how good it feels to say the Mantra of Hope and to be honest about the world and your role in it. THANK YOU for your love and commitment
Another Group calling itself the Anticapitalist Popular Front Proclaims:
In some countries like the US, UK and Australia, the governments and perhaps the people will never change politically or peacefully. You know what that means and what has to be done. Support each other and remember: “The Whole World IS Watching AND WE WANT TO (NEED TO) SEE SOME FIREWORKS IN THOSE ANGLO-AMERICAN PLUTOCRACIES.
The sources for discontent in the US are almost infinite. The anthrax that killed people after 911 seems to have come from a US army base. The right wing militia is always capable of pulling off another Oklahoma City bombing. Disgruntled or mentally unbalanced FBI and ATF officials are prone to independent terrorist acts, framing innocent people and sharing information with other death squads. Even the US military and its personnel may turn to terrorism to relive frustration or to make a point. The fact that the US sends so many military people to their death from friendly fire, exposure to toxic and radioactive poisons and on missions in unsafe aircraft, may one day come back to haunt the whole country. Almost a dozen US Black hawk choppers have crashed in the last year, There is something wrong with them, but the government needs them in the air so US crewmembers are dying every week. In Colombia several have crashed, sometimes because they were overloaded or flying too high in the Andes mountains. Contractors warned the US and CIA that planes were unsafe in Colombia, but their warnings were ignored. See: (From

More radical and violence-prone groups pop up in the US every day:
Resistance : beat back 6:54am Fri Mar 28 '03 (Modified on 8:26am Fri Mar 28 '03)
article#305377 red paint beat back

total resistance - beat the system - red paint beat back - worldwide - against branches, buildings and interior decoration of american companies to constrict their business activities and handicap the cash flow for their war - supermarkets, convenience restaurants, embassies, commercial agencies and banks - stand up now for total resistance
The website has the following warnings:
There exist a clear eventuality that terroristic groups will buy foodstuffs (convenience foods, soups, snacks, cereals, beer, lemonades etc.), pharmaceutical products (vitamin mineral and vital nutrients), cosmetics (lipsticks, face creams, flacons with nebulizer) and sanitary products (toothpastes, mouth irrigations, shampoos etc.) made by american affiliated groups and contaminate them with HIV-viruses resp. SARS-viruses (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome) and recirculate in supermarkets.
Therefore please check any packing categorical for pinholes and other generally manipulations.
Additionally we must inform you to forbear from visiting american fast food establishments at home and abroad because we can't guarantee your safeness (assaults with molotov-cocktails have been already committed overseas and will occur presumably)
Please consider also the safety instructions at all petrol stations operated by american affiliated groups because you may rest assured that assaults by incendiary compounds will be enforced.As the case may be we will localize certain nations, hold them responsible and bomb them to debris and ashes as long as we are going bankrupt, maybe faster we think. God bless the President! God bless the USA, God speed you
A comment to this article says: For great justice (bongo)
comment#305405 It failed before please...don't fail again succeed. learn from the crucial errors of the ww2 resistors. it's the same enemy. so be intelligent, not stupid .
More updates to the Citizen’s Guide to Living in Dangerous Times will be out soon, so bee aware, bee prepared and bee brown skinned if you can (safer in most of the world from now on!)\
Late entries see:


Another US military spy plane downed in Colombia
26.03.2003 (By Maria Engqvist, ANNCOL Stockholm) The US military has suffered yet another setback in their Colombian war. According to the local Caracol TV channel a US spy plane went down near El Paujil in Caqueta department on Tuesday evening around 7 p.m., about an hour after sunset. Caracol reported that an Army spokesperson had confirmed that the plane went up in flames after crashing and that there were no survivors.
The crash ocurred in the middle of a traditional stronghold of the left-wing Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, FARC, a rebel army fighting for land reforms and an end to corruption.
Tu Mama es una Terrorista
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