Hitler made the Bush family stinking rich!
DW | 28.03.2003 19:35
The present situation in the USA (and in the world) is in a way a continuation of Hitlers politics. That is not just some left rhetorics. G.W. Bush's grandfather Prescott Bush was in fact a racist banker who probably did more for Hitler than anyone else in the US, Henry Ford included.
After having studied these matters, no one should be surprised to find out that the world view of the present leader of the US, is racist, geoplolitical, neo-malthusian and social darwinist.
After having studied these matters, no one should be surprised to find out that the world view of the present leader of the US, is racist, geoplolitical, neo-malthusian and social darwinist.

(I know some of the litterature Tarpley is refering to. This litterature is solid stuff, esteemed among professional scholars. Tarpley is NOT "yet another american theorist of conspiracy")
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