About Iraq and the Arab World
IAN | 28.03.2003 08:07
Our first words are for our brothers and sisters in Iraq, subjected, after twenty years of imperialist wars, to the most outrageous demonstration of amerikan terror.
The intensity of the lies and barbarism is so profound: where to start?
The intensity of the lies and barbarism is so profound: where to start?
Public Release 2
March 28, 2003,
After decades of imperialism, colonialism, capitalism, religious barbarism manipulated by Washington and other western powers we thought that we had no more tears.
The monstrous amerikan terrorism devastating Iraq, killing, burning, bombing, polluting for centuries proves us that we can still cry.
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Arabs from the global community,
Our first words are for our brothers and sisters in Iraq, subjected, after twenty years of imperialist wars, to the most outrageous demonstration of amerikan terror.
The intensity of the lies and barbarism is so profound: where to start?
With the pathetic spectacle of the amerikan propaganda, always deeper in stupidity, manipulation and arrogance?
And one could continue with analysing and naming the war crimes committed hours after hours, days after days by the Anglo-Saxon armies?
One could also report one after one the consequences in Iraq of the imperialist invasion, the physical, ecological, human psychological disaster of the aggression?
But others are doing that, and very well, despite their very limited means.
In these dark times we will try to send a message of solidarity and hope despite the massacre.
We know that the popular Iraqi and Arab resistance will go on and on.
We know that after defeating the invaders, the people will get rid of the imposed leaders and will find freedom, peace and justice.
Iraqi people, words are useless, but we are with you, in Al Quds, in Qahira, in Beirut, in Djazair.
Everywhere our leaders, liars, thieves and colonial puppets, will be defeated.
Between each of our heartbeat there’s a place for you. We will find our future and our present all together, free and proud.
We encourage our Kurd brothers and sisters to remember that the yankis have no honour, all they want is power and resources. When the US troops will leave Iraqi Kurdistan, the Turkish colonial army, paid and organized by Washington will try to invade and kill, once again. They, as well as Iran, will not tolerate an independent Kurdistan and don’t expect any support from Washington. If your leaders ally with the amerikans they are making a strategic error or they are already corrupted. Another problem with the US presence is that they will try to break the rich Kurdish culture to integrate the region into the western world of commodity and destruction of communities. The only tactical benefit is to obtain as much weapon as possible from the US military, to let the amerikan troops going to the front, and to keep the weapons to defend Kurdistan from Turkish invasion or Hussein attack but don’t forget that the imperialists will corrupt your leaders and will not give weapons without profits in terms of regional control.
With a region liberated from imperialists and social injustice the Kurd people will be able to live in peace and freedom after all this useless death and oppression.
Let’s not forget who are the enemies of justice and who paid and armed Saddam Hussein despite its record of crimes against humanity.
Even with military success of the amerikan blitzkrieg they have lost and they are too arrogant to understand the extent of their failure. Their empire is winning its last victories, with innocent blood as always.
This is a political disaster for the colonizers, they demonstrated clearly that,
With each missile,
With each cluster bomb,
With each tank invading Iraq,
With each bulldozer fullfilling the suicidal genocidal dreams of the zionist eurocentrists,
With each colonial crime,
When they say “liberation†they always mean “colonizationâ€, “destructionâ€, and «lootingâ€.
The lies behind this rhetoric are well known in the Arab world and among all southern countries because the genocidal white man used it for centuries.
The White Man has even a long tradition of “civilized†hypocrisy, blaming the victims of its crimes for resisting too much.
The White Man has a terribly dirty and insulting tradition of rationalizing the oppression and this is the core of the totalitarian western culture: RATIONALIZING THE MURDER OF HUMANITY AND LOOTING.
But now the whole world, except the amerikan ignorant majority, sees clearly behinf the smoke screen of propaganda. The hegemonic and totalitarian projects of the US and western elites are more exposed each day.
It seems also that the invasion will increase the economic and social crisis of the United States, how long will the american support this nonsense?
The short-term military success will be paid by severe consequences on the mid and long terms. It is quite clear that the reaction to the colonial aggression and the humiliation of the Arab world will be very, very strong. We hope that innocent lives will be saved and that the religious fanatics on all sides will not gain too much political benefit. We , ordinary people, we will have to work very, very hard in that direction.
The global opposition to the imperialist war should help to create and develop a web of global links between people, left and revolutionary from all other the world.
To all the people in the world, even in the US and zionist Israel, demonstrating and fighting against the invasion your radical and strong actions are heard in the Arab world and it is the most beautiful and empowering actions for international solidarity, social revolution and against religious fanatics.
Don’t stop, intensify and extend the resistance of your communities if you can.
And we congratulate any american soldier, especially the African Americans, who will refuse to go to the front. Keep in mind that they are asking you to forget your community and to commit crimes against humanity. Don’t forget that the black amerikan soldier Akbar attacked its criminal officers and not low rank troops. He acted in the tradition of the hundreds of Vietnam War soldiers who killed their officers in order to avoid killing innocent Vietnamese and to avoid participating in the colonial slaughter.
Finally we “congratulate†the imperial un-elected Bush and all its criminal military and corporate gang (Cheney, Rumsfeld, Powell, Sharon, Ben Laden family…).
Even The Hussein family was not as corrupted and cynical as you are.
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Fight until we get rid of the injustice and oppression, fight again and again.
Public Release 2
March 28, 2003,
After decades of imperialism, colonialism, capitalism, religious barbarism manipulated by Washington and other western powers we thought that we had no more tears.
The monstrous amerikan terrorism devastating Iraq, killing, burning, bombing, polluting for centuries proves us that we can still cry.
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Arabs from the global community,
Our first words are for our brothers and sisters in Iraq, subjected, after twenty years of imperialist wars, to the most outrageous demonstration of amerikan terror.
The intensity of the lies and barbarism is so profound: where to start?
With the pathetic spectacle of the amerikan propaganda, always deeper in stupidity, manipulation and arrogance?
And one could continue with analysing and naming the war crimes committed hours after hours, days after days by the Anglo-Saxon armies?
One could also report one after one the consequences in Iraq of the imperialist invasion, the physical, ecological, human psychological disaster of the aggression?
But others are doing that, and very well, despite their very limited means.
In these dark times we will try to send a message of solidarity and hope despite the massacre.
We know that the popular Iraqi and Arab resistance will go on and on.
We know that after defeating the invaders, the people will get rid of the imposed leaders and will find freedom, peace and justice.
Iraqi people, words are useless, but we are with you, in Al Quds, in Qahira, in Beirut, in Djazair.
Everywhere our leaders, liars, thieves and colonial puppets, will be defeated.
Between each of our heartbeat there’s a place for you. We will find our future and our present all together, free and proud.
We encourage our Kurd brothers and sisters to remember that the yankis have no honour, all they want is power and resources. When the US troops will leave Iraqi Kurdistan, the Turkish colonial army, paid and organized by Washington will try to invade and kill, once again. They, as well as Iran, will not tolerate an independent Kurdistan and don’t expect any support from Washington. If your leaders ally with the amerikans they are making a strategic error or they are already corrupted. Another problem with the US presence is that they will try to break the rich Kurdish culture to integrate the region into the western world of commodity and destruction of communities. The only tactical benefit is to obtain as much weapon as possible from the US military, to let the amerikan troops going to the front, and to keep the weapons to defend Kurdistan from Turkish invasion or Hussein attack but don’t forget that the imperialists will corrupt your leaders and will not give weapons without profits in terms of regional control.
With a region liberated from imperialists and social injustice the Kurd people will be able to live in peace and freedom after all this useless death and oppression.
Let’s not forget who are the enemies of justice and who paid and armed Saddam Hussein despite its record of crimes against humanity.
Even with military success of the amerikan blitzkrieg they have lost and they are too arrogant to understand the extent of their failure. Their empire is winning its last victories, with innocent blood as always.
This is a political disaster for the colonizers, they demonstrated clearly that,
With each missile,
With each cluster bomb,
With each tank invading Iraq,
With each bulldozer fullfilling the suicidal genocidal dreams of the zionist eurocentrists,
With each colonial crime,
When they say “liberation†they always mean “colonizationâ€, “destructionâ€, and «lootingâ€.
The lies behind this rhetoric are well known in the Arab world and among all southern countries because the genocidal white man used it for centuries.
The White Man has even a long tradition of “civilized†hypocrisy, blaming the victims of its crimes for resisting too much.
The White Man has a terribly dirty and insulting tradition of rationalizing the oppression and this is the core of the totalitarian western culture: RATIONALIZING THE MURDER OF HUMANITY AND LOOTING.
But now the whole world, except the amerikan ignorant majority, sees clearly behinf the smoke screen of propaganda. The hegemonic and totalitarian projects of the US and western elites are more exposed each day.
It seems also that the invasion will increase the economic and social crisis of the United States, how long will the american support this nonsense?
The short-term military success will be paid by severe consequences on the mid and long terms. It is quite clear that the reaction to the colonial aggression and the humiliation of the Arab world will be very, very strong. We hope that innocent lives will be saved and that the religious fanatics on all sides will not gain too much political benefit. We , ordinary people, we will have to work very, very hard in that direction.
The global opposition to the imperialist war should help to create and develop a web of global links between people, left and revolutionary from all other the world.
To all the people in the world, even in the US and zionist Israel, demonstrating and fighting against the invasion your radical and strong actions are heard in the Arab world and it is the most beautiful and empowering actions for international solidarity, social revolution and against religious fanatics.
Don’t stop, intensify and extend the resistance of your communities if you can.
And we congratulate any american soldier, especially the African Americans, who will refuse to go to the front. Keep in mind that they are asking you to forget your community and to commit crimes against humanity. Don’t forget that the black amerikan soldier Akbar attacked its criminal officers and not low rank troops. He acted in the tradition of the hundreds of Vietnam War soldiers who killed their officers in order to avoid killing innocent Vietnamese and to avoid participating in the colonial slaughter.
Finally we “congratulate†the imperial un-elected Bush and all its criminal military and corporate gang (Cheney, Rumsfeld, Powell, Sharon, Ben Laden family…).
Even The Hussein family was not as corrupted and cynical as you are.
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Fight until we get rid of the injustice and oppression, fight again and again.
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28.03.2003 10:08